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Ubuntu-AU Projects


The Australian LoCo has a range of community driven projects we collaborate on to give back to the wider community and to promote growth and activity within the Loco. Projects range from collecting up locally relevant information like the wireless broadband page, ongoing events to contribute to Ubuntu specifically such as bug jams and other events like local meetings to engage the group on a more personal level.

The projects page is a great place to start for anyone wanting to help out with the LoCo but just don't know where to start. Each project should have a contact point (even if it is just the mailing list) so it is easy to get in contact with the relevant people if others are interested.

If you have a project that you would like to document here by all means add it to the list and link it to a sub page off this one (but please also advertise this on the mailing list otherwise people will not know when the page is updated). This will enable us to keep the page neat and tidy. If you have any questions or are wanting to add information but are unsure how to just either email the mailing list or come in and chat to us in the IRC channels.

If you are looking for older projects that have not been updated or looked at in some time check the archives and if you feel your project has been moved in error feel free to bring it back and link it back to this page.



Hardware Documentation

Local Ubuntu-AU face-to-face meetings

Wireless Broadband Information

Gaming on Ubuntu

LoCo Classroom



AustralianTeam/Projects (last edited 2011-03-17 08:25:44 by CPE-121-208-64-131)