You want to organise a group order for some mugs, sticker, ... ? add your order here, and everyone interested can add his name.
Posters is selling posters at 24 cent a poster, but you have to buy 250 of them for 60 €. If you want a smaller amount you can add your name and arrange a group order
Jens Timmerman: 10 € posters, will be at fosdem => received, thank you!
- Jan Claeys: 20 € posters (I will be at FOSDEM too)
- Lieven Baes: 10 € posters (via Jan Claeys)
- Bart Broeckx: 10 € I'll also be at Fosdem
ChristopheVandeplas: 10 € please give posters to FrançoisCauwe
DirkTas: 30€ Give posters to JanClaeys who will give them to me.
- Lisje: 10 €
- SWAT: 50 posters/ 12 €. (via Jan Claeys/Fosdem?)
Mugs have been picked up in Hannover and can now be picked up in Diest [Rob Van Dyck (contact: robD.O.TvanD.O.TdyckA@TgmailD.O.Tcom or 0479460564)]. I will also be at the Hardy Release party in Herk. If you want your mugs delivered in Leuven please contact me, we might be able to arrange something.
Price: 5 euro p/m [ubuntu-de set the price on 5 euro]
Original requests:
- mongolito404: 4
- Philippe Piquer: 4
- Stephan Van Ingen: 6
- Rob Van Dyck: 10
- Jan Claeys: 4 (2 Ubuntu, 2 Edubuntu)
- Samuel Vanderplancke: 1
- Tom Van Braeckel: 5 - money transfered
- Kevin Elaerts: 1
- Gregory Dizier: 2 [How to Pay?: solved ;-]
- Verledens Pieter: 1
- Kenneth Westelinck: 7 (payed, 7 Ubuntu, please)
- Herwig Vroman: 2
- Liese De Vos: 1
CedricJanssens : 2
- zuzuzzzip: 1
- Nicolas Barbier: 6
- Jo Gielis: 2
- Boris Doesborg: 5 (plain ubuntu (not edubuntu, kubuntu or xubuntu) mugs)
BartBroeckx : 6
- Kris Lowet: 2
Payed: Bart Broeckx, Kenneth Westelinck, Jan Claeys, Tom Van Braeckel, Boris Doesborg, Pierre Buyle (mongolito404), Philippe Piquer, Kevin Elaerts, Geert Van Damme, Andy Airey (Zuzuzzzip), Geert Deboutte, Liese De Vos, Rob Van Dyck, Nicolas Barbier, Robby Koreman, Bart Cornelissen, Johan Huysmans, Kris Peeters, Jo Gielis, CedricJanssens, Kris Lowet, Gregory Dizier
Not payed (and not ordered :-): Stephan Van Ingen, Samuel Vanderplancke, Verledens Pieter, Herwig Vroman
Other order
ExamplePerson: 3 gadgets for me
If there is info about purchasing a hoodie, can someone put it on this page?
BelgianTeam/promotional-materials/Grouporder (last edited 2008-08-06 16:23:07 by localhost)