
Revision 12 as of 2006-12-21 20:50:48

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BugSquad 'Adopt a Package'

Adopt-a-Package for bugs is an experimental approach to bug triaging and fixing. Currently, there are different approaches to finding bugs and fixing them. Some people read bug reports as they come in and deal with them in almost real-time. Some people prefer to find the oldest unresolved bugs, or search for untriaged bugs. This approach is a bit different, bugsquad members can choose to focus on a package, and deal with as many bugs in that package as possible. The rationale for this approach is that there are many packages with old bugs that can be rejected or has been solved long ago, where the last comment was filed more than a year ago. It may be a good exercise to go through important packages in Ubuntu that have bugs that has been gathering dust, and to shake them up a bit.

Initially, it might be best for a person to adopt only one package at a time, when they're done with a package, they move on to a new one. Please discuss on the [ Bugsquad mailing list]

Adopted Packages

Packages that need particular care

List packages here that are up for adoption.

Packages that have been 'sweeped'


last worked



[ cohoba]

