Revision 7 as of 2012-10-16 05:19:36
Clear message
Add you name here to nominate yourself. We will run the nomination till Sunday the 21st, and from then, we will vote. Again, add names here and add a link to your wiki and lp page as well if you can.
Name (and IRC nick) |
County |
Wiki Page |
Launchpad |
Elizabeth Krumbach (pleia2) |
San Francisco |
Name (and IRC nick) |
County |
Wiki Page |
Launchpad |
David Andrews (iheartubuntu) |
Los Angeles |
Name (and IRC nick) |
County |
Wiki Page |
Launchpad |
Philip Ballew (philipballew) |
San Diego & Placer |
Name (and IRC nick) |
County |
Wiki Page |
Launchpad |
Grant Bowman (grantbow) |
Contra Costa |