Sunday, November 2nd, 2008, 7:00pm (1900) PST
Ubuntu Open Week - Next week
Ubuntu Open Week will be taking place on Mon, Nov. 3 to Fri, Nov 7 from 7am-1pm PST. These are highly informative IRC meetings in #ubuntu meetings, and the schedule is available on the Ubuntu Open Week wiki.
- There will be a release party for Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) at Zito's Pizza at 5 PM PST followed by a mini-bugjam and mini-installfest at Chapman University.
Cactaur needs a ride.
- Ubuntu-US Meeting
Introduced during the IRC meeting, there will be a meeting on November 13 in #ubuntu-us at 3 PM PST for anyone interested in taking part in interactions between the US LoCo teams.
Original Agenda
Ubuntu Open Week - Next week
- Ubuntu-US Meeting
19:10 < Flannel> Alright, so, welcome to the Nov 2 meeting. 19:10 < Flannel> Our current agenda is available: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/08November02 19:11 < Flannel> So far, it consists of two things: Ubuntu Open Week, and then our Southern California release party thing. 19:11 < Flannel> If you've got something to add, go ahead and mention it at some point. 19:12 < Flannel> As a reminder (which you all are aware, obviously), today was the end of DST. So its now 715ish, and not 815ish. 19:13 < Flannel> Also, Intrepid was released last Thursday. There have been two release parties since then, San Francisco, and then Felton. did anyone get a chance to attend either? 19:14 < Yasumoto> nope :( 19:14 < sn9> i missed them both 19:14 < Flannel> I imagine not. sn9, did you go to jono's on friday? 19:14 < cactaur> Nay, good sir. 19:14 < Flannel> Alright. Then we have no idea how they went ;) 19:14 < sn9> dunno if The-Kernel went to Felton 19:15 < Flannel> So, moving on to Ubuntu Open Week. 19:15 < Flannel> The week following each release is Ubuntu Open Week. A week full of talks, workshops, and Q&A doohickey things. 19:15 < Flannel> Theres a whole lot going on (even if it is a bit early in the day for us): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek 19:15 < sn9> this week? 19:15 < Flannel> You can see the schedule. They're a lot of fun. Yeah 19:16 < Flannel> Monday through Friday 19:16 < sn9> rats 19:16 < Flannel> The logs of them are all posted as well, so you can always read them later. 19:16 < cactaur> Whew! 19:16 < Flannel> Very informative, etc. 19:17 < Flannel> Bug stuff, packing stuff, other flavors, etc. 19:17 < Yasumoto> yeah, it's good to attend if possible so you can ask questions 19:17 < Flannel> Definately skim over the topics, even if you can't attend. 19:17 < cactaur> But unfortunately, the topics are smackdab in afternoon for our time zone. 19:17 < cactaur> Stupid round Earth... 19:18 < Flannel> cactaur: Afternoon? 19:18 < cactaur> Right, even before then. 19:18 < Flannel> 7am to 1pm, for those who don't want to do the math 19:19 < cactaur> yeah... 19:19 < a1len> They should kick everything off at midnight. 19:20 < Flannel> So, that's something to look forward to every release. I believe they're always at the same time though. 19:20 < Flannel> As long as I can remember that is. 19:20 < Flannel> Next topic is our party coming up this Saturday. 19:20 < Flannel> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/IntrepidRelease is the link. 19:20 < Flannel> Starts at 5pm, it'll go... until we're done, I guess. 19:21 < Flannel> I'm looking forward to it. Yasumoto, anything you'd like to add? 19:22 < Flannel> Anyone else have anything to mention/ask/whatever about it? 19:22 < cactaur> Anybody going from the LA area? 19:22 < Flannel> cactaur: You looking for a ride? 19:22 < cactaur> yeah 19:22 < Yasumoto> Nope, should be a good time 19:23 < Flannel> Yasumoto: we have the opportunity to use a room at Chapman, correct? 19:23 < Yasumoto> yep, same one as before 19:23 < Flannel> So, bring your laptop if you want to do something with it, or whatever. Sound about right Yasumoto? 19:24 < Yasumoto> for sure 19:24 < Yasumoto> most of the machines have ubuntu on them as well now 19:24 < Flannel> Really? 19:24 < Yasumoto> yeah, I put it on there earlier in the semester 19:24 < Yasumoto> good night 19:25 < Flannel> Alright then. 19:25 < Yasumoto> er 19:25 < Yasumoto> it was a good night 19:25 < cactaur> hahaha 19:26 < Flannel> Alright, anyone else have anything? 19:26 < cactaur> Nothing else from here. 19:27 < Yasumoto> ubuntu open week: do it 19:27 < cactaur> I would if I had a time-turner. 19:27 < Flannel> Oh, actually. I do have one more thing. 19:27 < Yasumoto> http://twitter.com/Yasumoto/status/986981621 19:27 < Flannel> On the 13th of November is a Ubuntu US meeting, at .... 3 in the afternoon I believe. 19:27 < Flannel> 2300 UTC 19:28 < Flannel> You're all welcome to attend, I'm not sure we have any agenda at the moment. 19:28 < Flannel> Ubuntu US is the collection of LoCo teams in the US, of course. 19:28 < Flannel> A forum for sharing ideas, etc. 19:28 < sn9> posting that to the mailing list would be a good idea 19:28 < Flannel> If anyone's interested, feel free to talk to me later about it. 19:28 < a1len> Ohhh, I can't wait to meet Ubuntu New York. 19:29 < Flannel> This meeting will probably be more business than social, although we have had social meetings in the past 19:29 < Flannel> but, I'll keep everyone updated. 19:30 < Flannel> Anyone else have anything else? 19:31 < Flannel> Alright. Thank you all for coming. Next meeting will be in two weeks, November 16th, 7pm
CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/08November02 (last edited 2009-04-16 08:40:55 by c-69-181-88-124)