Sunday, March 22nd, 2009, 7:00pm (1900) PDT
- Jaunty stuff
- Party close to release, educational/promotional/installfest thing later
- Release is on Thursday, so the party would be on the Friday or Saturday
- Going to try to do something in both the north and south of the state (LA and Bay Area)
- July 22-23 (Wednesday / Thursday) in San Jose
- It's a little early for many people to commit, but there's interest in having a booth there
- Yasumoto will get in touch with them and do some more research before we commit to it.
LoCo approval
- Need to get the wiki in order: get the meetings and events properly summarized.
List of stuff that needs doing is at CaliforniaTeam/Projects/ToDoList.
Original Agenda
- Jaunty Release Stuff - Further Discussion
- OSCON? - Do we want to attend?
- Approval Process - Update, Discussion
19:01:58-!- troyready has joined #ubuntu-california 19:02:20< Flannel> Alright, troyready's here, so we can start! 19:02:28< Yasumoto> sounds good to me 19:02:35< jsj0nes> Yeah...though I'm sure that early is a relative term among the folks around here :) 19:02:46< troyready> that's what I'm talking about! 19:02:58< Yasumoto> jsj0nes: yeah, about 10am, right? :) 19:03:17< jsj0nes> exactly 19:03:52< Flannel> Welcome everyone, to this edition of California team meetings. 19:04:03< Flannel> Our current agenda is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/09March22 19:04:20< Flannel> Currently consisting of Jaunty Stuff, OSCON, and then LoCo Approval stuff. 19:04:31< Flannel> Like always, if you have something to add to the agenda, feel free to do so. 19:05:44< Flannel> so, the first topi is Jaunty stuff. 19:06:04< Flannel> This would be whatever we're doing for the Jaunty release. Which is April 23. 19:06:22< Flannel> (the release, not necessarily the activities) 19:07:02< Flannel> If I rememebr correctly from last time, we were entertaining the idea of doing two things. A more festive type thing close to the release, and then a more... educational/promotional type thing later. 19:07:47< Yasumoto> sounds good to me 19:07:55< Flannel> What's everyone think about that? 19:08:13< nhaines> I think that's a good pattern. 19:08:35< rww> sounds like a plan 19:08:46< Torikun> Good. 19:08:56< troyready> sounds good 19:09:11< Flannel> Alright, so... That's a month away. Start thinking of ideas for the party type thing (which I imagine will just be dinner somewhere). 19:10:10< Flannel> Locations, etc. Release is a Thursday, we should probably shoot for Friday or Saturday. 19:10:29< Torikun> Part in LA? 19:10:37< Torikun> *party 19:11:18< Flannel> Torikun: More like dinner for 10 somewhere. 19:11:18< Yasumoto> I vote for avoiding LA traffic 19:11:32< Torikun> I vote for the bay area =) 19:12:01< Flannel> Torikun: There could be some Bay area stuff as well, actually. We've got an increasing number of people up there. 19:12:04< rww> If we can find enough people, having one in the bay area and one in LA might be nice. 19:12:12< nhaines> That would definitely be awesome. 19:13:16< troyready> (I might be out of town, so I won't push for OC just inn case) 19:14:31< Yasumoto> we should get in touch with jono about getting something up north 19:14:33< Flannel> Alright. So, start coming up with locations, etc. Lets discuss it on the ML, since some people can't make meetings/etc. (And we'll see if there's enough interest for something in the bay area as well) 19:14:43< Flannel> Yasumoto: He'll be in Europe at that time 19:15:17< Yasumoto> Flannel: brutal, kk 19:15:49< Yasumoto> let's get in touch with Torikun and jsj0nes about getting something together up north *cough cough* :) 19:16:06< Torikun> Sounds good =) 19:16:12< nhaines> I'm always up for PF Changs again. :) (actually they have a smaller place with similar food as well--quieter and better for this kinda thing.) 19:16:15< Flannel> Yasumoto: We've got more than that. But yeah, ML re: up north as well. Since that'd be awesome. 19:16:16< Torikun> If there is not a lot of people, party at my place lol 19:17:24< Flannel> So, moving on to our next thing. OSCON. 19:17:53< Yasumoto> http://en.oreilly.com/oscon2009 19:18:31< Yasumoto> So OSCON is more "corporate-minded" than SCaLE 19:18:46< Yasumoto> but the organizers are very in-touch with the community, and always put on a great show 19:18:55< Flannel> It's July 20-24 (That's right around the next point release, for those of you who go on that timeline) 19:19:16< Yasumoto> It's always been held in Portland, Oregon before 19:19:36< Yasumoto> but they've moved it down to San Jose this year, meaning that we can be an exhibitor if we'd like 19:19:39< Yasumoto> http://en.oreilly.com/oscon2009/public/content/exhibitors 19:19:49< Flannel> This is the one that was cancelled last year, right? 19:20:07< Yasumoto> Ubuntu Live was cancelled last year (which was co-located with OSCON) 19:20:56< Yasumoto> I've been speaking with the coordinators of the dotOrg booths, and we can head up one if we have enough people interested 19:21:19< Flannel> Is it all four days? or just a fraction thereof or what? 19:22:11< Yasumoto> the expo hall is open the 22nd-23rd 19:22:21< Yasumoto> so it would only be two days 19:22:50< nhaines> That's a Thursday and Friday. 19:22:55< Flannel> Anyone have an opinion? 19:23:16< troyready> It's a little far for me to commit to now, unfortunately 19:23:23< troyready> Though it sounds cool 19:23:40< Yasumoto> troyready: yeah, I feel ya 19:23:42< Flannel> Really? The expos on Thursday/Friday? 19:24:01< Yasumoto> http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/event/27/oscon2009_prospectus.pdf 19:24:03< Yasumoto> second page 19:24:22< Yasumoto> It's pretty epic, it's one of the huge conferences for the OSS community 19:24:32< troyready> (I should have clarified: far, distance-wise -- I think I'm cutting my travel budget for the rest of the year 19:24:52< Yasumoto> I think it'd be really exciting for us to be at 19:24:59< rww> If I'm not busy with school on those days, I'll be able to go. Dunno what days my classes will be on next semester yet. 19:25:10< Flannel> rww: Won't that be over Summer? 19:25:17< rww> Flannel: I'm taking summer classes. 19:25:28< Flannel> Yasumoto: Is it really those dates? Thursday/Friday? 19:26:16< Yasumoto> Flannel: hm.. wed/thurs? 19:26:41< Grantbow> Sorry I'm late to the meeting this evening. As I'm fairly local I can commit to both days and help coordinate. 19:26:43< Flannel> Yasumoto: That's an odd few days of the week. 19:27:06< Yasumoto> Flannel: the first two days are "tutorial" sessions 19:27:09< Yasumoto> and friday is a half-day 19:27:18< Flannel> Yeah, it is Wednesday / Thursday. 19:27:30< Yasumoto> Grantbow: really? epic 19:27:39< Grantbow> oh yeah, about time, huh? lol 19:28:08< Flannel> Yasumoto: So lets say tentatively maybe. Do we know when we have to decide by? 19:30:14< Yasumoto> Flannel: hm, not sure actually, I'll get in contact with them about it 19:31:56< Flannel> Alright, before we say 100% yes, lets do some more research and such. 19:32:31< Grantbow> sounds good 19:32:50< Flannel> Alright, so... next, and last topic. Approval. 19:33:29< Flannel> Has anyone not read last time's logs? (Or do we need to introduce what approval/etc is?) 19:33:34< nhaines> I did read them. 19:34:17< Grantbow> I'll read the log but I understand the process. 19:35:18< Flannel> Basically what we have to do right now is get our Wiki in order. With all of our meetings and events properly summarized and such. 19:36:26< rww> I've been making progress on the meeting summaries. The todo list is an accurate reflection of which ones still need doing. 19:36:43< Grantbow> good work 19:36:50< rww> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/ToDoList, that is 19:36:53< troyready> very nice! 19:36:58< nhaines> I think the most we need to do here now is just get everything documented nicely. 19:37:12< Flannel> Yeah, especially when it comes to past events. 19:37:26< nhaines> We've done more than enough, regularly enough, to qualify for approved status. 19:37:30< nhaines> So we just have to keep up the energy. 19:38:43< Flannel> That's more or less everything I had for this agenda topic. We'll all keep hammering away at the wiki, and it'll get done before we know it. 19:38:57< Flannel> Anyone else have additional topics? 19:39:11< troyready> Not I 19:39:45< nhaines> Nor I. 19:39:59< rww> Flannel: I haven't seen kirev to discuss getting those old Ubuntu CDs from him, unfortunately. I'll let you know when we hash that out. 19:40:16< Flannel> rww: Right. Sounds good. No big hurry either. 19:40:59< Flannel> We've found someone who has a box of Warty CDs, so we can use them in our Shipit display. 19:41:15< Flannel> For those of you who have absolutely no idea what rww and I are talking about ;) 19:42:11< Flannel> Alright, well, that about does it. Thank you all for coming. Our next meeting will be on the 5th of April. See you there.
CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/09March22 (last edited 2009-04-18 01:40:05 by c-69-181-88-124)