This meeting was the first IRC meeting for the Chicago Loco in quite some time. There were a lot of topics to discuss, and quite a few members who showed up. We covered a couple of current projects within the team - website design, Chi-Loco Wallpapers, Meeting Locations, New Team Roles. We also had some discussion on our next event - Ubuntu Global Jam. We also started discussions on how we can improve our events to appeal to a wider audience.
Name |
Topic |
Date Added |
Which Meeting |
Meeting Locations |
29 Jan 2010 |
1 Feb 2010 |
Ways to Improve Events |
29 Jan 2010 |
1 Feb 2010 |
Website |
29 Jan 2010 |
1 Feb 2010 |
chiloco-wallpapers |
29 Jan 2010 |
1 Feb 2010 |
New Team Roles/Jobs |
31 Jan 2010 |
1 Feb 2010 |
Ubuntu Global Jam |
1 Feb 2010 |
1 Feb 2010 |
Topic Details
Meeting Locations - Nathan Handler
- The team needs to find more locations (notably in the suburbs) to hold events
- This lack of locations has forced rescheduling events in the past
- Some more popular locations may book up far in advance
- It would be ideal to have a list of possible locations across the city and suburbs
- Brainstorm
- Libraries
- Book Stores
- Park District facilities (if free of charge)
- Location Requirements
- Easy access from trains/public transportation
Free WiFi
- A room we can use
- Free to use for a few hours
- A projector is always nice (but not required)
- We as a team should explore resources that we may have available to us. We should all take the time to look around, and see what we can each find for possible meeting locations. This will not be up to a single person, but will need to be a team effort to be successful
Ideas for locations should be posted on the Meeting Locations wiki page - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam/Meetings/MeetingLocations
Ways to Improve Events - Nathan Handler
- The team can improve on the way it holds / orchestrates events
- We want to make our events more fun and appealing to more members
- Want to attract more members
- Social vs. Task focused
- Separate into 'Focus Groups' so people can work on what interests them
- This topic will be moved to the Mailing List for further discussion and input from the entire team
Website - Nathan Handler
- The team is in the process of creating a new website
- It is now being hosted by nixternal, and we have ubuntu-chicago.org and chi.ubuntu-us.org that will point to it
- We are looking for more input and contributions to the website to help improve it for everyone
- Wordpress blog for Loco events
- Google Apps Calendar
- Identi.ca clone for team members
- Links or Sync to team wiki pages
- This topic will be moved to the Mailing List for further discussion and ideas from the entire team
Please feel free to post any ideas for our new website on our WebsiteIdeas wiki page - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam/WebsiteIdeas
Chi-Loco Wallpapers - Nathan Handler
J1mc had the idea of creating a bzr branch to hold all of our wallpapers - https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-chicago/+junk/chiloco-wallpapers
- nhandler has created a daily ppa for this branch - ppa:nhandler/chiloco-wallpapers
- These are meant to be a collection of wallpapers that Chicago Loco members use and/or find interesting
- Please feel free to contribute to this package as long as the licensing for your wallpaper allows it
New Team Roles - Steve Woodruff
- With the new growth of our team, the new wiki pages, the new team website, and the new IRC meetings there will be more 'tasks' to do to maintain the team
- With this, new team roles have been proposed
- Do we even need these positions?
- Good chance to get new members active and participating in the Loco
- How to fill these positions
- Members can volunteer for these positions in a 'longer-term' sense or,
- No long-term volunteering - members only volunteer on an as-needed basis (usually after meetings/events/etc.)
- This topic should be moved to the mailing list for the team to contribute ideas for both positions they see a need for, as well as input on how we should handle these tasks
- Before deciding on how to fill these positions, we will create a wiki page to outline the possible positions that would need to be filled - this will show whether there is even a need or not
A wiki page has been created to outline some of the positions that may be useful to the team. Please feel free to add your suggestions and ideas to it - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam/TeamPositions
Global Jam - Nathan Handler
- The scheduled weekend falls around spring break for many schools in the area
- By changing our schedule to the weekend before the Global Jam, we may be able to have many more members attend
- The jam is targeting Bugs, Testing, Translations, Docs, and Other (from the wiki). We will probably cover Bugs, Testing, Docs, and Packaging (plus anything else people want to do)
- The Global Jam will be covered in much more detail in the near future on the Mailing List
- A Doodle will probably also be created to help schedule this event
1 21:00 < nhandler> Alright, meeting time.
2 21:00 < ddecator> kk
3 21:00 < nhandler> nixternal: You around?
4 21:00 < ddecator> prob-not-ably...
5 21:00 < nhandler> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam/Meetings
6 21:01 < j1mc> hi all
7 21:01 < nhandler> Does someone want to chair? If not, I can.
8 21:01 < nhandler> Hey j1mc
9 21:01 < ddecator> go for it nhandler
10 21:01 < zz> i vote j1mc
11 21:01 < ddecator> you picked most of the subjects ;)
12 21:01 < j1mc> i'm not so hot with the meetbot commands
13 21:01 < nhandler> j1mc: Want to chair?
14 21:01 < swoody> +1 nhandler or j1mc
15 21:01 < zz> my vote swoody or j1mc
16 21:01 < nhandler> j1mc: MootBot isn't here, I was just doing that syntax to make it easier to parse the logs. You don't need to
17 21:02 < j1mc> nhandler: feel free to lead us then
18 21:02 < nhandler> lol, fine
19 21:02 < nhandler> [TOPIC] Meeting Locations
20 21:03 < ddecator> DePaul
21 21:03 < nhandler> We really need to come up with some more possible meeting locations. Our lack of a list has caused us to have to reschedule several events in the past
22 21:03 < nhandler> ddecator: Did you confirm that we could use DePaul ?
23 21:04 < ddecator> nhandler, i schedule meeting rooms for circle k, i can easily reserve rooms online. it will be marked as a circle k event, but the school won't know if you guys come. i'm more comfortable reserving lincoln park rooms, but i can figure out loop rooms if that's a lot easier for people
24 21:05 < nhandler> ddecator: Awesome. Can you add the relevant information to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam/Meetings/MeetingLocations ?
25 21:05 < ddecator> sure, i'll do it after the meeting
26 21:05 < nhandler> We used the Schaumburg Public Library for an event. We had a nice room, and having a location not in the city was nice.
27 21:06 < nhandler> It would be great if we could come up with some more non-city locations
28 21:06 < nhandler> Anyone have any ideas?
29 21:06 < zz> agreed about the location not in the city was nice, parking was easier
30 21:06 < ddecator> (preferably accessible by CTA though)
31 21:06 < swoody> +1 on suburb location, but the Schaumburg Public library seems to get booked up well in advance :/...
32 21:06 < swoody> we'd have to schedule our events well ahead of time to reserve a spot
33 21:07 < nhandler> Which we are not the best at doing
34 21:07 < swoody> As for other locations, I think we could do well by looking at other Libraries near train stations...
35 21:07 * ddecator doesn't have a car, just a upass
36 21:07 < nhandler> I know that other LoCos have had success at book stores
37 21:08 < swoody> that would be a good idea as well :) Or we could even look into Park District facilities (if they would be free of charge)
38 21:09 < nhandler> Pretty much, what we need from a location are: Easy access from trains, free wifi, a room we can use, free to use for a few hours, and a projector is always nice (but not required)
39 21:10 < ddecator> we would have trouble with wifi at depaul...i can access the internet, but nobody else would be able to
40 21:10 < nhandler> ddecator: Make a note of that on the wiki. Depending on the type of event, we could get by with that
41 21:10 < ddecator> nhandler, will do
42 21:11 < nhandler> I've looked at a few places in the past, but they did not meet our needs. I'll try contacting a few book stores over the next few days. It would be great if everyone could try and do the same
43 21:11 < nhandler> If you find anything, please add it to our Meeting Locations wiki page.
44 21:11 < j1mc> keep pumping station one in mind
45 21:11 < j1mc> i'll add that to the wiki
46 21:11 < ddecator> does borders have free wifi?
47 21:11 < nhandler> j1mc: It is already there (but needs more info)
48 21:11 < nhandler> ddecator: I think, but I'm not sure
49 21:12 < ddecator> nhandler, alright, i'll check about the one near me
50 21:12 < zz> j1mc, please explain PS1? for people like me who have no idea what it is
51 21:12 < swoody> however, if we were just to walk into some retail store and start doing presentations, I don't think we'd be looked too kindly on ;)
52 21:12 < ddecator> i think we should get approval first, haha
53 21:12 < swoody> we'd need to have a place with a place that we can meet without disturbing/being disturbed for the most part
54 21:12 < nhandler> swoody: At a book store in NY (can't remember if it was B&N or Borders), they actually had a nice room the LoCo used
55 21:13 < swoody> nhandler: very nice. That would definitely be something to look into... (B&N, not NY) ;)
56 21:14 < nhandler> Any other comments for this item?
57 21:14 < ddecator> none here
58 21:14 < swoody> one last one...
59 21:15 < swoody> are there any outdoor venues we could possibly use? I was thinking a get-together @ Millenium Park, or another similar location might be fun when the weather is nice :)
60 21:15 < swoody> as long as everyone has decent battery life ;)
61 21:15 < nhandler> If we were to do an outdoor event, I think it should be purely social. Leave the computers at home ;)
62 21:16 < nhandler> It also might be easier if we hold it in the suburbs
63 21:16 < ddecator> i agree with nhandler , that's a great idea though swoody
64 21:16 < nhandler> We could go to Buffalo Wild Wings like they did a few years ago ;)
65 21:16 < ddecator> +1 for b-dubs
66 21:16 < swoody> very retro ;)
67 21:17 < swoody> would be almost nostalgic
68 21:17 < nhandler> We should bring this topic up again once we get closer to the summer
69 21:17 < nhandler> Any more comments?
70 21:18 < ddecator> sadly, i won't be in chi-town from mid-june through september -_-
71 21:18 < ddecator> none here
72 21:18 < nhandler> [TOPIC] Ways to Improve Events
73 21:18 < ddecator> any specific aspect in mind?
74 21:18 < nhandler> We have held several events over the past few years, and we have had a decent turnout. However, I think the way we hold these events could definitely be improved
75 21:19 < nhandler> For instance...
76 21:19 < nhandler> Do you think it would be beneficial to have more presentation? Break up into pairs and work together on different things? Have the events be more work and less social?
77 21:20 < nhandler> Pretty much, we want to make these events as enjoyable for as many people as possible
78 21:20 < j1mc> nhandler: i agree that things oculd be better
79 21:20 < nhandler> It would also be great to be able to attract more people
80 21:20 < j1mc> we've had a lot of people join the ML and the team lately
81 21:20 < zz> i personally like the social aspect of it
82 21:20 < swoody> This is a very good point, however you can't please 100% of the people 100% of the time...
83 21:21 < ddecator> what about half social, half work? start out with a social hour where people can come early to socialize, then have a work hour?
84 21:21 < swoody> I would propose holding different meetings/events for different things...
85 21:21 < zz> exactly swoody
86 21:21 < zz> on both counts
87 21:21 < swoody> have some purely social get-togethers to build team comrodery(sp?) and just have a good time...
88 21:21 < swoody> have other meetings be a mix of fun and work...
89 21:22 < swoody> and have other 'jams' or days where we just get toghther and work
90 21:22 < ddecator> +1 for swoody
91 21:22 -!- linux1959 [~linuxwiza@c-98-213-218-31.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-chicago []
92 21:22 < nhandler> Right now, as anyone who attended our last doc jam can confirm, we have a lot of social talk at our events (probably more than the amount of work we do in some cases)
93 21:23 < nhandler> This is not necessarily a bad thing. It really depends on what the team expects to get out of these events
94 21:23 < ddecator> if we split up into "teams" then the teams might want to have their own work meetings, so maybe meetings as a whole group could be more social?
95 21:24 < swoody> ddecator: do you mean having special 'focus groups' within the Loco? Like people who want to learn/work on doc work, others for dev work, etc?
96 21:24 < nhandler> Do we really have enough members to split into teams that hold their own meetings? I would think that there would be too much overlap amongst the teams to make it worth doing that
97 21:25 -!- Crewsr3 [~Crewsr3@c-75-71-71-199.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-chicago
98 21:25 < swoody> +1 nhandler I think it may be a good idea as a 'casual' kind of thing, but not to create seperate meetings for them
99 21:25 < ddecator> swoody, yes. i'm just thinking of the topic you proposed: New Team Roles/Jobs...maybe not "teams," but groups of people working on the same things
100 21:26 < swoody> ddecator: ah ok, well I do like the idea, but with how small our team is, I don't know how well it would work to split up and divide ourselves :/
101 21:27 < ddecator> swoody, it wouldn't have to be too much...like just dev and doc. i feel like getting the whole group together to work would result in people naturally splitting into the two groups anyway
102 21:27 < nhandler> ddecator: Not necessarily. There is a lot more to the community than just dev and doc ;)
103 21:28 < swoody> yeah, there's the Forums! :D
104 21:28 < swoody> you should all join the Ubuntu-IL subforum, it's getting quiet in there ;)
105 21:28 < ddecator> nhandler, very true, i'm just thinking in general as a possibility haha. i'm just throwing out ideas
106 21:29 < nhandler> Do you think it would be beneficial to bring this topic to the mailing list to try and get more feedback bout how we can improve our events?
107 21:29 < nhandler> Maybe find out why certain people are not attending the events that we hold
108 21:29 < swoody> ddecator: I do think that is a good idea, but since we have a small team, we do have the luxury of flexibility...
109 21:29 < ddecator> more people seem to respond to emails than are here now discussing the issue...
110 21:29 < swoody> I think this can change from event to event based on what everyone feels like doing :)
111 21:30 < ddecator> very true swoody
112 21:30 < swoody> +1 nhandler I think this would be a good topic for ML discussion :)
113 21:30 < nhandler> Does someone want to take the action of bringing this topic to the mailing list?
114 21:30 < ddecator> swoody, ?
115 21:31 * swoody will spam it >:)
116 21:31 < ddecator> like a pro
117 21:31 < swoody> err... start discusion :)
118 21:31 < nhandler> Thanks a lot swoody
119 21:31 < swoody> np :)
120 21:31 < nhandler> Any other comments about this item?
121 21:31 < ddecator> none here
122 21:32 < nhandler> [TOPIC] Website
123 21:32 < nhandler> For anyone who might not be aware, we are currently in the process of re-doing our website
124 21:32 < nhandler> It is now being hosted by nixternal, and we have ubuntu-chicago.org and chi.ubuntu-us.org that will point to it.
125 21:33 < zz> is it his house server or a professional?
126 21:33 < ddecator> any progress on them?
127 21:33 < zz> *service
128 21:33 < nhandler> zz: I can't remember where it is being hosted. I don't think it is on his own at-home server, but I could be wrong. I can grep my logs later
129 21:34 < nhandler> ddecator: nixternal has been working on it, but it still needs a fair amount of work
130 21:34 < nhandler> One thing that this site will have is a wordpress blog that we will be able to use to blog about our different events
131 21:34 < ddecator> very nice
132 21:35 < nhandler> If anyone is creative and wants to create a design for the site, I know nixternal was looking for submitions a few weeks ago
133 21:35 < zz> and calendar for your events yes?
134 21:35 < swoody> I think this is going to be a great site when it's done :)
135 21:35 < ddecator> i agree with swoody
136 21:36 < zz> swoody, if not it will be made into an awesome site
137 21:36 < nhandler> zz: We have a calendar through Google Apps that we will be able to embed like fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar
138 21:36 < swoody> :)
139 21:36 < zz> nhandler, i know:-P just bringing up a point
140 21:36 < nhandler> Any other ideas for stuff that we should use the site for? Remember, we still have the wiki and all of our other resources available to us
141 21:37 < swoody> Well as nhandler mentioned, nixternal was really hoping to get some more input/ideas for the site appearance/layout so it would be great if anyone else who's familiar with site design could lend some more ideas... there's already a topic about it on the ML
142 21:38 < ddecator> i don't have any ideas right now...it might be easier to tell once an early version of the site is up
143 21:38 < swoody> I think it may be a good idea to copy the wiki to our site, so there's always an updated version of all going-ons on our site
144 21:38 < swoody> (not create a wiki, but have some sort of sync to our wiki pages)
145 21:39 < nhandler> swoody: Why not just link to wiki.ubuntu.com ?
146 21:39 < zz> /chicagoteam
147 21:39 < swoody> nhandler: for those who may stumble on our site, and for those people who may not like looking at wikis for whatever reason :)
148 21:40 < zz> ddecator, there is a site idea: http://ubuntu-chicago.org/site_ideas/1/
149 21:40 < swoody> if it is automatically updated, it wouldn't be much work once it's setup
150 21:40 -!- micahg [~micah@ubuntu/member/micahg] has joined #ubuntu-chicago
151 21:41 < ddecator> zz, right, which gives me an idea of the setup, but it will be easier for me to think of "wow, i wish this was on here" once it is navigable
152 21:42 < nhandler> swoody: I'm still in favor of simply linking to the wiki. Not liking looking at wikis is not a valid excuse imo ;) But we look into this once the site is a little farther along
153 21:42 < nhandler> Any other ideas?
154 21:43 < ddecator> possibly a "member lounge"?
155 21:43 < swoody> nhandler: lol, maybe they're allergic to wikis, who knows ;) But I do agree that it's not something that would be implemented immediately if at all
156 21:43 < nhandler> ddecator: What do you mean?
157 21:44 < ddecator> nhandler, a forum type of setup where members can post discussions. it can save people from getting a lot of spam emails if there is a hot topic, and it allows anyone to participate without having to be on IRC at the same time
158 21:44 < zz> isnt that what the ML is for?
159 21:44 < nhandler> ddecator: We can use the IL forum on ubuntuforums.org for that if we want a forum
160 21:44 < zz> or the illinois-ubuntu forums?
161 21:44 < ddecator> never been on the IL forum, so i'll have to take a look at that...
162 21:45 < swoody> I was thinking something along those lines, but less 'formal' and 'strutured' than a forum...
163 21:45 < swoody> like implementing the software behind Identi.ca to create our own little 'micro-blogs' for Loco members...
164 21:45 < nhandler> Well, we already have several communication tools available to us. I think it might be best to try and use those instead of creating something new
165 21:45 < micahg> what's the topic this evening?
166 21:45 < swoody> lots of corporations use this internally, as well as a lot of social groups
167 21:45 < nhandler> swoody: We could simply include !ubuntuchicago in our message so the messages go to the team on identi.ca ;)
168 21:46 < nhandler> micahg: Right now we are discussing the website
169 21:46 < swoody> nhandler: true, but I feel this would just be something fun for our little group :)
170 21:46 < nhandler> Maybe we should create a wiki page to hold our suggestions for the website?
171 21:47 < swoody> I think that would be a pretty good idea :)
172 21:47 < nhandler> Any volunteers?
173 21:47 < ddecator> to create the page?
174 21:47 < zz> I can edit wikis, not create them :-P
175 21:47 < nhandler> ddecator: Yes
176 21:48 < ddecator> like zz, i'm good at editing but not creating and linking the pages
177 21:48 -!- brianherman [~brianherm@dhcp-vlan3242-22-247.wireless.uic.edu] has quit [Quit: brianherman]
178 21:49 < swoody> ddecator zz: it's rather easy :) If you guys would like me to show you how I would :)
179 21:49 < nhandler> If someone creates a page under the ChicagoTeam namespace, I'm sure other members would be more than glad to format it properly and link to it
180 21:49 < ddecator> swoody, is it the same as creating hyperlinks using html?
181 21:49 < zz> websuggestions?
182 21:49 < zz> WebSiteIdeas?
183 21:50 < swoody> ddecator: basic layout: [[https://www.link.com|Click Here]]
184 21:50 < swoody> ddecator: once you open a page to edit it, you should see how the other links are configured :)
185 21:50 < ddecator> swoody, very true...i can set one up if nobody else wants to i guess
186 21:50 < swoody> zz: stick with CamelCase :) So WebsiteIdeas would be good :)
187 21:51 < zz> what i meant after i typed it :-P
188 21:51 < swoody> :)
189 21:51 < nhandler> Alright, so zz and ddecator, do you two want to work on setting up that wiki page?
190 21:52 < ddecator> i'm up for it
191 21:52 < swoody> woot! Team Work :D
192 21:52 < zz> i don't want to but i will do it w/ high protest :-P
193 21:52 < nhandler> :)
194 21:52 < nhandler> Thanks a lot
195 21:52 < ddecator> way to take one for the team zz, haha
196 21:52 < swoody> thanks guys :)
197 21:52 < zz> sound sincere :-P
198 21:52 < nhandler> [TOPIC] chiloco-wallpapers
199 21:52 < nhandler> I'll keep this topic brief
200 21:52 < nhandler> j1mc had the idea of creating a bzr branch to hold all of our wallpapers https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-chicago/+junk/chiloco-wallpapers
201 21:53 < j1mc> : )
202 21:53 < nhandler> I then created a daily ppa for this branch (ppa:nhandler/chiloco-wallpapers)
203 21:53 < j1mc> i had thought of hosting wallpapers that we used and found interesting
204 21:53 < nhandler> If you have any wallpapers that you regularly use, please feel free to add them to the branch (assuming the license permits it)
205 21:53 < nhandler> So far, the branch only has 2 wallpapers
206 21:53 < nhandler> Any comments?
207 21:54 < ddecator> i like the idea
208 21:55 < nhandler> If there are no more comments, lets keep moving
209 21:55 < nhandler> [TOPIC] New Team Roles/Jobs
210 21:55 < nhandler> swoody: You are up
211 21:55 < j1mc> maybe this could be something that is included in meetings
212 21:55 < j1mc> posting / sharing wallpapers
213 21:55 < swoody> Thanks nhandler. With the new growth of the team, as well as the wiki pages, website, and meetings, I wanted to bring up the idea of Team 'Roles' or 'Jobs', and see how people feel about it...
214 21:55 < ddecator> swoody, like a "board"?
215 21:55 < j1mc> swoody: i wanted to wait until now, but i think i need to take a break from the loco.
216 21:55 < swoody> With the new aspects of the team, there will be more things to get done - updating IRC meeting minutes after meetings, updating event wikis, meeting chair peope, etc.
217 21:56 < swoody> people*
218 21:56 < j1mc> it is work related fo rme
219 21:56 < swoody> j1mc: lol
220 21:56 < j1mc> swoody: i'm not joking. :/
221 21:56 < swoody> j1mc: oh really? :o
222 21:56 < nhandler> j1mc: We will definitely miss having you around. Take as much time as you need. You know you will always be welcome back here.
223 21:56 < j1mc> swoody: i need to take a break from ubuntu for a bit. i can talk about it more in a PM or something
224 21:57 < swoody> j1mc: well I'm sorry to hear that, but we do understand that things come up in life sometimes :/
225 21:57 < j1mc> thanks, swoody and nhandler
226 21:57 < nhandler> swoody: In response to your topic, I think it would be better to simply ask for volunteers for those jobs as we need them
227 21:57 < swoody> j1mc: yes, as nhandler said, you're always more than welcome around these parts :D
228 21:57 < nhandler> For instance, we chose a meeting chair right before the meeting
229 21:57 < j1mc> i just want to make sure i can devote the appropriate amount of time and mental energy to my job
230 21:58 < ddecator> i think eventually we'll need pseudo-jobs
231 21:58 < swoody> j1mc: that's very understandable, and we all know that some jobs in particular can take a real strain
232 21:58 < swoody> ddecator: that's my thinking as well...
233 21:59 < swoody> It doesn't have to be immediate, but I would be +1 for having people volunteer for these types of positions, so we can always know who's doing what, and that everything is kept up to date
234 21:59 < ddecator> swoody, i think it would save time in figuring out who will do what, and then it will make the tasks for standardized...but idk what jobs we would need
235 21:59 < nhandler> I just don't like the idea of saying that person foo is tasked with preparing the meeting minutes for every meeting. I would rather ask for a volunteer to do it at each meeting
236 21:59 < nhandler> This also gives new users an easy way to start taking on tasks and doesn't burden certain people too much by giving them another job
237 22:00 < swoody> well that was my idea exactly, nhandler - to bring in new members, who may not have contributed much before, but who want to become more active in the team...
238 22:00 < swoody> I wasn't planning on assigning these types of things to you or Rich ;)
239 22:00 < swoody> you people are too busy as it is, lol
240 22:00 < ddecator> and it could be flexible and strictly voluntary
241 22:01 < nhandler> swoody: Which is why I think asking for volunteers might be nice. New users tend to come and go a bit to often
242 22:01 < zz> if important ping me, working on the wiki
243 22:01 < ddecator> let me know if you need help zz
244 22:01 < zz> eventually
245 22:01 < swoody> ok, but that's my $.02 :)
246 22:01 < nhandler> swoody: Maybe if we were to have a list of the jobs we actually have a need to fill, it might make it easier to see a need (if one exists) for having set jobs
247 22:02 < swoody> that sounds like wiki work ;)
248 22:02 < ddecator> o rly?
249 22:02 < swoody> maybe 'Current Openings' on our team page?
250 22:02 < swoody> Volunteer Postions?
251 22:02 < swoody> :)
252 22:02 < ddecator> what kinds of positions are we thinking?
253 22:02 < nhandler> swoody: I was suggesting it more for just helping us reach a decision on this issue ;)
254 22:03 < swoody> nhandler: and like you said, maybe it'll work out if we have people who just volunteer for these every month or so
255 22:03 < swoody> nhandler: ah, gotcha :)
256 22:03 < ddecator> so wait, we can come up with "jobs" that new users can volunteer to do? but have the page so they know what they are welcome to get involved with?
257 22:04 < swoody> ddecator: well just the couple I had off the top of my head... someone to update meeting minutes after IRC meetings, someone for IRL events, someone to chair meetings, a team reporter (for our Team Reports)...
258 22:04 < swoody> ddecator: I think that may be a great idea...
259 22:04 < ddecator> would this be better under "New Members"?
260 22:05 < swoody> have a page of info on how people can get more involved w/ the Loco & Ubuntu...
261 22:05 < ddecator> swoody, exactly
262 22:05 < nhandler> I would suggest we create a wiki page over the next few days/weeks and then decide at the next meeting if we want to assign jobs for the positions on the list or simply continue to ask for volunteers as we need them
263 22:05 < swoody> maybe positons like those ^ and then key contacts if you want to learn about a certain topic (docs, wikis, IRC, etc.)
264 22:05 < ddecator> swoody, i agree on the contacts features...should we create a page and people can add jobs as they think of them?
265 22:06 < swoody> nhandler: sounds good to me :)
266 22:06 < swoody> ddecator: that would be a good step :)
267 22:07 < swoody> ddecator: why don't you let zz do the other wiki, and you can create one for these positions? :)
268 22:07 < ddecator> swoody, alright, i can try to do that tonight or tomorrow (i have to study for a midterm haha)
269 22:07 < ddecator> zz, you alright with taking care of the other wiki?
270 22:07 < swoody> ddecator: that would be excellent, thanks :D
271 22:07 < nhandler> ddecator: Great, no rush
272 22:08 < nhandler> Alright, final topic of the evening
273 22:08 < nhandler> [TOPIC] Ubuntu Global Jam
274 22:08 < swoody> ddecator zz - if you guys do have any questions when you're creating them, feel free to ask on the channel :)
275 22:08 < ddecator> thanks swoody =)
276 22:08 < zz> wait what's going on?
277 22:08 < swoody> Woot! It's Global!!
278 22:08 < nhandler> I don't want to discuss this in too much detail right now. We will have plenty of discussion on the ML soon
279 22:08 < zz> gimme a sec to read/catch up
280 22:08 < nhandler> One topic that has come up (besides location) is the date
281 22:09 < nhandler> The scheduled weekend falls around spring break for many schools in the area
282 22:09 < swoody> zz: we were hoping that you could take care of the wiki you started on, and ddecator was going to create a wiki for 'team positions'
283 22:09 < nhandler> I know there is a very good chance I will be out of town. nixternal also said that he might not be around.
284 22:09 < swoody> zz: is that ok with you?
285 22:09 < swoody> nhandler a big +1 here if it makes it easier for everyone to schedule the event...
286 22:10 < nhandler> One idea I had was to possibly hold the jam a week earlier
287 22:10 < ddecator> anytime in march should work for me...even if i have spring break, i can be in chi-town for it
288 22:11 < zz> swoody, that's fine
289 22:11 < swoody> yeah, both weekends are fine by me as well :)
290 22:11 < ddecator> thanks zz
291 22:11 < swoody> zz: great, thanks again :)
292 22:11 < micahg> sunday either weekends is fine for me
293 22:11 < nhandler> Awesome. We will probably bring this topic to the ML (and create a Doodle poll) to get some more feedback. I just thought I would mention the topic here
294 22:11 < swoody> zz: and like I mentioned, if you do have any questions, feel free to ask on the channel :)
295 22:11 < nhandler> We already talked about the meeting location issue earlier, so no need to talk about it again
296 22:11 < ddecator> what exactly will be the focus of the global jam?
297 22:11 < zz> i mostly copy pate
298 22:11 < zz> *paste :-P
299 22:12 < swoody> zz: that's the way to do it :)
300 22:12 < zz> emails to check, irc meeting, wiki to edit
301 22:12 < nhandler> zz: The jam is targeting Bugs, Testing, Translations, Docs, and Other (from the wiki). We will probably cover Bugs, Testing, Docs, and Packaging (plus anything else people want to do)
302 22:12 < zz> now i am using my laptop for the proper things it used for: multi tasking
303 22:12 < zz> ok? i think you meant ddecator
304 22:12 < swoody> zz: haha
305 22:12 < nhandler> Yes, sorry ;)
306 22:14 < ddecator> haha, thanks nhandler
307 22:14 < nhandler> I know nixternal was looking into possibly holding the jam at Pumping Station 1
308 22:14 < swoody> I think that would be a great location :)
309 22:14 < ddecator> what is Pumping Station 1 exactly?
310 22:14 < swoody> ddecator: one of the only buildings/structures to survive the Great Fire ;)
311 22:15 < nhandler> ddecator: I've never been there, but it is a general hacking station that from what I have heard, would be perfect for us
312 22:15 < swoody> nhandler: that too ;)
313 22:15 < zz> the reason i don't go to events is location, if rich or steve can drive me i would have no problem going as i do not stand driving downtown
314 22:15 < ddecator> nhandler swoody, ok, very cool =)
315 22:15 < nhandler> j1mc and nixternal have both been there and could probably give you more info
316 22:15 < swoody> [LINK] http://pumpingstationone.org/
317 22:16 < nhandler> zz: This is one reason we need more locations in the suburbs we can use ;)
318 22:16 < ddecator> sounds perfect
319 22:16 < nhandler> Alright, any more comments about this? Remember, it will be going to the ML soon for further discussion
320 22:16 < ddecator> not right now
321 22:16 < swoody> zz: are you not near a train station? That's what a lot of people use to get into/from the city for events
322 22:17 < ddecator> +1 for CTA
323 22:17 < zz> swoody, i take metra downtown
324 22:17 < ddecator> (even if they are getting worse and worse...)
325 22:17 < nhandler> Any comments about anything else?
326 22:18 < ddecator> nope
327 22:19 < nhandler> Alright, then I think we can officially end this meeting
328 22:19 < swoody> [#ubuntu-chicago] Woot! Thank you very much to everyone for coming tonight! :)
329 22:19 < nhandler> Thanks everyone for participating
330 22:19 < nhandler> [END MEETING]
ChicagoTeam/Meetings/Minutes/2010-02-01 (last edited 2010-02-06 01:44:02 by c-98-223-219-240)