
Revision 836 as of 2020-03-23 19:38:01

Clear message

This page records the agenda for the next meeting of the Ubuntu Developer Membership Board.

The Developer Membership Board will consider a maximum of two applicants per meeting. If there are already two applicants for the next meeting, please add yourself to the agenda and specify the date of the next meeting with fewer than two candidates that you will attend. Meetings are held fortnightly on IRC in #ubuntu-meeting on Freenode.

Next DMB meetings:

Monday 2020-04-06 15:00 UTC
Monday 2020-04-20 19:00 UTC
Monday 2020-05-04 15:00 UTC
Monday 2020-05-18 19:00 UTC


  • Review of previous action items
    • tsimonq2 to better document what we expect applicants to know (carried over)
    • ddstreet to define an initial list of 'flavor teams'
    • teward to handle request "Adding lubuntu-update-notifier to the Lubuntu package set"
    • teward to handle request "Requesting upload rights for ltsp"
    • rafaeldtinoco to handle request "Expired MOTU membership"
    • slashd to handle request "Please add new printing-related packages to my upload rights into main"
    • ddstreet to write up a proposal for upload access expiry following some period of disuse
  • Package Set/Per Package Uploader Applications

  • MOTU Applications

  • SRU Developer Applications

  • Ubuntu Core Developer Applications

  • Outstanding mailing list requests to assign
  • Select a chair for the next meeting (following alphabetical order of first names)

    • Upcoming: Simon, Eric, Ɓukasz, Dan, Teward, Rafael, Robie wrap
  • Any other business

After the meeting

Logs from previous meetings may be found at DMB meeting logs, or via MootBot.

If adding agenda items, please place them as subitems of the appropriate major item above. Please also prefix your entry with a number indicating the order of application.

Bot instructions:
