Diego Turcios |
Diego_Tc on irc.freenode.net |
#27518 |
About Me
I am from San Pedro Sula Honduras. I am in my 2nd year at UNITEC studying Computer Systems Engineering.
I'm an Ubuntu user since March 19 2008 with Gutsy Gibbon and now I know I won't change that for a good while :). I joined the Grupo de Usuari@s de Gnu/Linux de Tegucigalpa (GULTGU) in January 2009.Two weeks later I met Fabian Rodríguez (MagicFab) and Elvira Martinez a Colombian woman who lives in Honduras, and began to revive the Ubuntu Honduras Local Team.
My involvement in Ubuntu
Ubuntu Honduras Loco Team
Right now I am working as team contact leader in the Ubuntu Honduras Local Team with the help of our last team contact Elvira Martinez and the rest of the members of the team. I have been part of IRC meetings, informal presentations suchs Pizza Bash that Ubuntu Honduras Local Team has organized.
Events I have been part of the Organization Team
Events I have been Speaker
Still I am not part of the UbuntuSpanishTranslators
Some of my contributions in Translations
UWN Spanish Translators
I am not part of this team yet.
Some of my contributions in Translations
Ubuntu Beginners Team
I am part of the UBFT. This has been a great experience in being part of a Team that doesn't comunicate in my native language(Spanish). As part of UBFT I am also working on the following focus group:
Education Team: This focus group is beginning. I am working on helping spread the world of Ubuntu and help the Loco Teams and other community teams to spread the word and organise events by supporting them in these tasks. I volunteer myself in working in this area specially with Loco Teams who's native language is spanish.
Launchpad : Contribute on translating certain projects related indirectly to the Ubuntu project. Also help new users who want to help contributing. Some of my contributions:
Developmet Focus Group I am a drone right now on the Development Focus Group. digitalvectorzis my Tertiary Adjunct. This is one of my primary objectives. Become part of the dev team, and help writing code.
Other Ubuntu Activities
I am organizing the first Ubuntu User Day on spanish with Pablo Rubianes. This is the first time the Ubuntu User Day is made on english and spanish
My Plans for the Future
- Help Ubuntu Honduras Local Team to organize more events on the region.
- Spread Ubuntu Linux throughout Honduras :D.
Be part of the Ubuntu Beginners Development Focus Group
Become a member of the UWN Spanish Translators.
- Become an Ubuntu Member
- Work mutually with the rest of the Honduras LUGS to organize one Honduras GNU/Linux Community.
Diego has been instrumental in relaunching the Honduras team. He is very visible in the IRC channel, has helped organize many local events, yet manages to remain active as a member on the mailing list, wiki pages and Launchpad. He also keeps track of all activity, documenting and sharing problems or success in his blog. As a team lead he is a big asset to Ubuntu in Honduras. -- MagicFab
I'm a member of Colombian LoCo but not the Honduras one, I hang out at Honduras team IRC channel and Diego is one of the most active persons there, some people of our LoCo (including myself) have been at IRC events lead among others by Diego who kindly reach us with invitations, personally I see Diego as a strategic member not just for Honduras team but Centro America region. -- Andphe
I've been working with Diego since the team of Ubuntu Honduras reborned. Personally I have only positive comments about him because, besides being one of those most involved and generator of new ideas for the team, he is an excellent human being. Diego took on the role of team leader because he deserves it for being a person with initiative and tenacity on behalf of team thinking. -- Tatica1
I first met Diego in the organization for the Ubuntu Tour Honduras at San Pedro Sula, he is a great entrepreneur for Ubuntu related events and, since, has become the central piece on the organization of the Honduras Team. He is developing his skill to become a leader on the local community and would be great to see him develop on international level, I will not be surprised if the later happens. -- alfaDaemon
I think Diego will be a great Ubuntu member as he always helps in the integration of Spanish speaking people into the community, He's also open to help you have a problem or if you need an opinion on a project you are developing for the community. I really have high hopes for him and his work in the future. -- Pablo Rubianes
Pienso que Diego es un excelente lider una persona confiable y responsable extrovertido y muy trabajador ademas de estar siempre dispuesto a ayudar, es el alma del equipo de ubuntu Honduras Gracias a asu ayuda me hice un ubuntero asi que adelante Diego .. atte arkangel
Diego es un miembro fundamental de la comunidad Ubuntu! personas como el son las que hacen que este movimiento se desarrolle y prospere, su trabajo y entusiasmo son verdaderamente necesarios, tengo la oportunidad de trabajar de la mano con Diego desde hace un tiempo y siempre me ha quedado claro su compromiso y amor por este gran proyecto, sin lugar a duda es un gran Ubuntero,DKcross Ubuntu Member,Ubuntu El Salvador y Ubuntu Centroamerica.
Que puedo decir cuando ya los compañeros han dicho practicamente todo, Diego sos una fuente de inspiracion para todo el equipo, tenemos poco de conocernos y te admiro por lo que has logrado hacer dentro de la comunidad no ha sido facil mas has sabido mantenerte al pie de la bandera con mucha fuerza y lo mejor de todo confianza en que las cosas saldran siempre bien, es un gusto trabajar a tu lado. atte alxhndz
Diego works hard for the local team in Honduras, Diego: in america is recognized for bringing forward the Ubuntu project in central america ingforigua
Diego is truly committed to Ubuntu and its philosophy. He is active not only within the UBT but also with the Honduras loco group too, which he played a large part in recently getting approved. It gives me a great sense of pride to see someone who I mentored apply for membership. The community needs more people like Diego always willing and trying to push Ubuntu and help others. I wish him all the best in his application and urge it to be viewed favourably. --Silver Fox
Conozco a Diego desde el 2008, es un joven dinámico y entusiasta, su apoyo y liderazgo en la comunidad ha sido determinante para que el Ubuntu Team Honduras sea realidad, ha sabido enfocar los esfuerzos e interés de los miembros y miembras para mantener un grupo activo. --kantra
In an effort to avoid redundancy, I whole-heartedly agree with everything that has been said. I've been graced with the honor of mentoring Diego for the UBT Development Group. His yearning passion for learning and growing is evident in his interactions and his follow-through. He's always looking for whatever guidance one may give him so that he can further expand his abilities and maximize his potential. I fully support Diego's quest for Ubuntu Membership and I feel that he has truly earned it. --dVz-