Intel has commissioned Canonical to produce a derivative of Ubuntu for the Intel ClassmatePC. The Edubuntu variant is the closest starting point, for a customised version which will install and run effectively on the platform with a sub-set of education applications.
Statement of Expectation
Initial Enablement Work for Reference Platform
This work will produce a custom image of Edubuntu based on Edubuntu 7.10 that will address the issues identified by the Intel and Canonical teams at the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Seville, Spain. This will be an unsupported release without maintenance updates that can be used for demos and securing design wins.
- An initial Edubuntu 7.10 Proof of Concept version will be produced in 2007 for the ClassmatePC Generation 1.5 hardware for the purpose of demonstration and design wins.
Fully Supported Release
- A fully supported release will be delivered for Edubuntu 8.04 and Edubuntu 8.10
Overview of Processes
Prioritisation of issues will be managed centrally by Intel & Canonical where these relate to:
- The current Scope of Work
- Any changes to the Scope of Work
- Resolution of bugs / issues
- Any other / additional requests
New Bug / Issue / Request Process
- Individuals or regions testing or evaluating any image are please to record requests on this wiki page in the appropriate section at the bottom of this wiki page:
New Bug
New Issue
New Request
- These items will be picked up and processed into one of these sections for an action or response:
Known Bug
Known Issue
Known Request
- Please ensure that you provide all the necessary details requested.
Accepted Bug / Issue / Request Process
- Items that have been accepted for resolution and tracking will be moved into Launchpad
Status of the Development
- Details around the latest image
Edubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn Test Image
Status: Superceded by 7.10
- Details to be updated here shortly
Edubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon Image
Status: Available
- Known issues related to the images
Edubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn Test Image
Superceded by 7.10
Edubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon Image
- This image runs off a the internal flash drive
- This is a Proof of Concept image for demonstration only
- Known issues:
- Suspend / Resume not functional
- suspend / resume currently removed from shut-down menu
- power off button brings up shut-down menu
- kernel patch found, submitted to kernel team for approval
- Suspend / Resume not functional
Read here for status & outstanding items:
- Known issues:
Availability of Images
- Images for the ClassmatePC will be provided to a single contact source at Intel
- Intel will load images into their internal repository
- Intel regions / departments will obtain copies of images from this repository
- For each image supplied, Canonical will provide:
- Installation instructions
- A list of known issues
- A list of known limitations
- Intel will manage the distribution of the image to regions / departments and will do their best to ensure that each recipient is made aware of the issues and limitations as described on this wiki page
- For the moment, if you would like a copy of the image, please add your name to the section at the bottom of this page ensuring that you provide all the necessary details requested.
New Items
Provide a short title
Provide a short Description
Submission Date
Provide the submission date
Submitted by who
Provide a your name
From Where
Provide your organisation
Email Address
Provide a your email address
Additional Detail
Provide any additional details
New Bug
Gnome failed in LTSP with Classmate PC as Client
New Issue
New Request
Image, Driver & Application Request for Classmate PC
Need Edubuntu image for Classmate PC, Driver for Note Taker and Application for collaboration between Students, Teachers and Parents, Any detail technical documentation related to it
Submission Date
Submitted by who
From Where
Ubuntu LoCo Indonesia
Cidepoks Community
Email Address
Additional Detail
We are frequently delivers some Linux advocacies, esspecially for Education Environment. Conducts Edubuntu/Ubuntu InstalFest and Seminars for some Schools and Universities. Recently We have been contacted by Intel Indonesia Region (Irene & Arya) and have been borrowed a classmate PC to explore. We have tried Classmate PC as Edubuntu LTSP Client and so far it operate nicely using Icewm, but not working with Gnome. We have succeed also for installing Fluxbuntu on Classmate PC
Awaiting response
Known Items
Known Bug
Known Issue
Known Request #1
Image Request from Venezuela
This Images is to be used for testing purposes and research
Submission Date
Submitted by who
From Where
CSI: Cooperativa de Soluciones Integrales
Email Address
Additional Detail
We are a local provider of software integration and installation and we have been deploying Edubuntu locally for some time now. We'd be interested in testing Edubuntu on the classmate for possible further deployments
- Request discussed with Richard Weideman
- Request supported by Richard Weideman
- Passed on to Intel
- Awaiting response
Known Request #2
Device Request from Venezuela
This Device is to be used for testing purposes and research
Submission Date
Submitted by who
From Where
CSI: Cooperativa de Soluciones Integrales
Email Address
Additional Detail
We are currently developing a Free and opensource application for the Classmate PC called Taskid, we are requesting the device for further testing of this application (load time, File Open and Save time, general look and feel with actual resolution in the device, etc. for Info on the application and for information regarding The venezuela School System and Edubuntu check We are currently interviewing schools for feedback studies, we are considering 3 different kinds schools Public, Private and Orphanages
- Request discussed with Richard Weideman
- Request supported by Richard Weideman
- Passed on to Intel
- Awaiting response
Known Request #3
Documentation Request from Venezuela
This Device is to be used for testing purposes and develop new tools
Submission Date
Submitted by who
From Where
MSC. Consultores Gerenciales, C.A.
Email Address
Additional Detail
We are all ready working with intel venezuela, we have some ClassmatePC and the Edubuntu image to install it in the machine, but need a howto to install it without problems, Please can you help us.
- Request sended to Richard Weideman
- Awaiting response
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EdubuntuClassmatePC (last edited 2008-08-06 16:38:55 by localhost)