This is a personal page of notes and links. Feel free to use the links but don't edit or publicize this page without permission.
Ubuntu (definition) in many forms Jan 2009 - creeping toward $30 Million in revenue, 200+ full time employees, 1/2 of Google's 20k seats are Goobuntu, 180,000 seats in Macedonian education, 195,000 seats in Spanish school systems, 80,000 seats for French military police. Look, I have a very privileged life, right? Mr. Shuttleworth said. I am a billionaire, bachelor, ex-cosmonaut. Life couldn’t easily be that much better. Being a Linux geek sort of brings balance to the force.
Officially supported: desktop, Netbook Remix (UNR), server, edubuntu, kubuntu
Recognized, Canonical sponsored or localized derivatives by DerivativeTeam: xubuntu, Ubuntu studio, mythbuntu, Gobuntu merged back to Ubuntu, JeOS (just enough OS, pronounced "juice") for virtual appliances seems to be co-sponsored with vmware
Other derivatives: Easy Peasy for asus eeepc, Crunch Bang, gNewSense for more purely Free Software advocates
Independent sites:,, Distrowatch Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Mark Shuttleworth color
Shuttleworth gained worldwide fame on 25 April 2002 as the second self-funded spaceflight participant.
Fedora Marketing's TalkingPoints, CentOS is fedora based
Mandriva & PCLinuxOS
Novell's OpenSUSE Spread_it
- Debian
Debian 2009 Press Coverage
Ubuntu for Debian Developers
- Other Debian based distros:
mint - was Ubuntu based, still compatible
- Knoppix
- Linspire
- Xandros
- Linux ROI/TCO story
CIO Magazine, October 2002 TCO is 40% of Windows
LinuxPlanet May, 2005 Only Valid TCO is your own TCO yet also cited are other studies with 30-60% savings
IBM pdf final study - July, 2002 Linux server deployments have "notable cost savings"
Desktop Deployment Survey May 2009 & Linux foundation, April 2009
- Linux in the marketplace
The difference a few years makes to open source from by Matt Asay, Nov 2009
OS News New Moblin Netbooks in the Pipe, September 2009
Michael Tiemann on Open Standards, September 2009
Glynn Moody on A Jesuit's Guide to Open Standards, August 2009
"In the new economy, Linux is expected to be a long-term winner in the OS market, rebounding more aggressively than other platforms. Read the white paper by IDC." from PDF for business cases for business cases for business cases for business cases
Soft Dev Times "Open-source uptake on the rise" with statistics April, 2009
Linux and FOSS: Living a Conscious Life, May 2009
The Economist looks at the growth of free software during the recession. "For years, this software commons was no more than an obscure sideshow. But then the internet provided volunteer programmers with a way to co-operate cheaply. IBM and Oracle, two industry giants, threw their weight behind the Linux operating system, in part to weaken their rival Microsoft. After the dotcom bubble burst in 2001, many firms turned to Linux and other open-source software to save money."
QuickBooks Enterprise Solution server runs on Linux but no desktop software, June 2007
GnuCash runs on both Linux and Windows.
- Linux advocacy
Why OSS? by David Wheeler
Linuxmanship by Don Marti
ESR on the active harm of using the FLOSS term
SVLUG Press Kit
- Women in open source
Debian Admin website
Michael Tiemann (Cygnus founder) on bugs
Linus 2008 on GNU/Linux distributions
ESR's Smart Questions
- important for those needing support from the community
- setting expectations
- teaches skills to answer their own questions
- not licensed, copyright reserved
- very technical perspective
recommended netiquette from the HOWTO of the Linux Kernel community
How to Land a Spot in the Spotlight - Linux Journal Aug 2009
rww's cd burning script
Thomas Jefferson quote - "He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. That ideas should freely spread from one to another over the globe, for the moral and mutual instruction of man, and improvement of his condition, seems to have been peculiarly and benevolently designed by nature, when she made them, like fire, expansible over all space, without lessening their density in any point, and like the air in which we breathe, move, and have our physical being, incapable of confinement or exclusive appropriation."
TED Video re: bacteria & quorum sensinc
- Eye Candy
Firefox Jetpack
Ashoka audioroom re: Social Entrepreneurs & Changemakers, interview video, MIT Press article
TeamMember old wiki page