
Revision 64 as of 2011-09-03 20:53:55

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Welcome to the Ubuntu HardwareSupport wiki page. We are transitioning our legacy community hardware support information from the wiki to the UbuntuFriendly programme. Here are your current choices for Hardware Support information:

Current Programmes

ubuntu-certified.png Ubuntu Certified is a programme where OEMs submit systems to Canonical's testing facility where certification testing and validation is performed by Canonical engineers.

https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFriendly?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=horizontal.png UbuntuFriendly is an open hardware validation programme for desktops, netbooks and laptops. This will allow us to validate systems that are known to work well with a particular release of Ubuntu as "Ubuntu Friendly". This programme is currently being developed during the Oneiric 11.10 cycle.


The Ubuntu Community used to contribute to a table of hardware that has been tested. This is being phased out in preference for the UbuntuFriendly programme. However if you are still looking for this information, you can find it here:

The Ubuntu Ready programme has been discontinued. You can view the archive of hardware currently certified as Ubuntu Ready.

Other Resources

Ubuntu works on a range of hardware which has not been certified by the manufacturer. The Ubuntu community works together to test and report the range of systems and components that work with Ubuntu. You can see the latest reports from community members and contribute to the list in the Forums.