

My name is Himanshu Chhetri. I am a 22 year old Computer Science major in college(Undergraduate) and originally from Nepal but currently in the United States.

I am interested in fully utilizing the potential of free and open source software for my daily and professional needs. I have experimented with various flavors of Linux but find Ubuntu suitable as my one and only Operating System on my laptop. I use it for everything from programming to word processing.

I go by the nickname 'r11t' on freenode.


I am currently a member of two Ubuntu LoCo teams :


  • Become actively involved in the LoCo teams that I am currently a member of.

  • Understand packaging for Ubuntu.
  • Contribute towards an existing open source project or start one.


HimanshuChhetri (last edited 2008-08-06 16:37:59 by localhost)