Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
The purpose of the Membership Team of the Ubuntu-Arizona Local Community Team is to:
Promote our LoCo Team and increase its membership
- Promote and increase the use of Ubuntu within the state of Arizona
How to join the AZ LoCo
- Join us on our Team IRC channel: #ubuntu-us-az on
How to Contribute
Send an email to the team mailing list:
Start a thread on our team forums page: AZ Team Forums
- Join the team IRC channel and talk to any member.
If you are not familiar with the IRC Channels or chat clients, please refer to the page linked below for more information.
Roadmap(Future Projects)
- Make contact with the Head of State Libraries to promote adding Ubuntu DVDs to their catalogue.
- Highlight the fact that Ubuntu and Open Source are actively gaining market shares as an alternative to proprietary software.
- Distribute free DVDs and test machines to local computer stores, libraries, and coffee houses
- Establish contact with the State Board of Education to promote the use of Ubuntu in schools
- Highlight the facts that using Ubuntu would result in a two fold savings
- Lower licensing costs for operating systems and software
- Lower hardware costs due to Ubuntu being able to run on older machines.
- Highlight the facts that using Ubuntu would result in a two fold savings
- Help with the planning for team events to insure that the proper information is present on flyers, DVDs, etc. showing contact and support information.
Contact (Team Leader)
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam