for testing script creating fromfolder with example problem files and tofolder
mkdir 000test && cd 000test && mkdir 1 2 && cd 1/ && touch "01 23" a.jpg b.jpg C.jpg d.jPg e.ogg f f.jpg g G.jPg && cd ..
best method from
find . -exec touch {} \;
This method is relatively slow. The faster method will be:
find . | xargs touch
If the file names or subdirectory names contain spaces, the following should be used:
find . -print0 | xargs -0 touch
therefore last way is best only how then to make uperlower case include/exclude
also examples from shows the same info
To copy
- If many empty subdirectories and some has files then copy all files exept folders to other folder
cd /problemfolder/ find . -type f -print0 | xargs -I{} -0 cp {} ~/ForexampleDesktop/solutionfolder
or simplerfind ProbleMFoldeRNamE -type f -exec cp {} solutionfolder/ \;
- To find all specific type files and copy them without folders to one folder use (this has problem with uperLOWER filetypenames)
find ~/FromPicturesFolderName -name "*.jpg" -exec cp \{\} ~/ToAll_Pictures/ \;
or using commands in variables (this has problem with space names and uperLOWER filetypenamesfor file in $(find ProbleMFoldeRNamE -name *.jPg);do cp ${file} solutionfolder/; done
- P.S. insted of copy to move use instead of cp use mv
- P.S.2. and i hope this made some more idea of posibilities and that theese examples made u more understanding theese commands.
Kangarooo sidepages:
/AfterCleanInstallation /Copying /SpeedUpTesting /UbuntuVersionProCon |
Kangarooo/Copying (last edited 2012-10-13 20:29:36 by kangarooo)