Why i use Ubuntu 10.04.04 and not 12.04
12.04 Cons Slow gui slows all Doesnt have notification bar for background programms Sidebar too big Cant see sidebar when maximized Shortcut place not top Shortcut place together with active programms Shortcut place too big
10.04.04 Fast gui and fast work Notification bar Shortcut bar Netbook version Netbook version even more faster Usable
Lubuntu 13.04
Xubuntu 13.04 Ram 106 Mb Installed 2,0 GiB
Ubuntu 12.04.2
Ubuntu 10.04.04
Kangarooo sidepages:
/AfterCleanInstallation /Copying /SpeedUpTesting /UbuntuVersionProCon |
Kangarooo/UbuntuVersionProCon (last edited 2013-05-30 19:58:04 by kangarooo)