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Arizona Team Information


Ubuntu-Arizona LoCo Team - The Hottest LoCo on Earth

About Kenny McHenry (kennymc0)

I'm a 21 year old DeVry graduate. I graduated at the end of October with a Bachelors of Science in Electronics Engineering Technology. I'm looking forward to putting degree to good use in the technology field. I haven't been able to find a job in my field yet, but am looking and hope to find something soon.

I have been heavily involved in the Boy Scouts since I was 12. I worked hard and by February 2003 I earned the rank of Eagle Scout. Then I started spending most of my time in scouts with the Order of the Arrow. The order of the Arrow or O/A for short is the national honor society of scouts. During my time with the O/A I have achieve the Vigil honor, which is the highest honor you can receive in the O/A. I have also been a Chapter Chief and now am an advisor for one of the Vice Chiefs in the chapter. For the O/A you are considered a youth till you are 21, but after I turned 18 I became an Assistant Scoutmaster. I still participate in both my troop and the O/A as much as i possibly can.

I was born in Dallas, Texas, but my parents had to move when I was 2 and a half years old so I don't remember it. We moved to a small town in northern Alabama where we lived for about 6 years, and then for another year we lived in Wisconson for about a year. We then moved from Wisconson to Arizona, where we have lived for 12 years.


I have been using Ubuntu since version 6.06 Dapper Drake almost 3 years ago if I got my dates right which was a couple of months before I started at DeVry, and I have been using it ever since. I have been switching back and forth between Ubuntu and Kubuntu and have liked both. Both my laptop and my desktop are running dual boot with Ubuntu and that Windows XP. I still don't trust Vista in any form other than in a virtual machine.

Current Level of Involvement

Member - Arizona LoCo Team

Team Scribe - Arizona Team Meetings - Post logs from meetings for the Newsletter Team to use. Wasn't done on a consistent basis till I took over.

Contact Information

  • Name:

    Kenny McHenry


    Launchpad Link


    Wiki Link




    kennymc0 on

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