Meeting Archive May 9th 2009




Mission Statement: IMHO we need to reword the Mission Statement as it is too narrow and does not meet the goals I had for the project


Goals: We need to evaluate the goals of the whole project and draw up immediate goals, short term goals and long term goals.


Structure: Since this team is combining the efforts of several different teams I think a board should be setup for the leadership structure. There has been no discussion on this, but I think it is critical for continued teamwork and project cohesion


Meetings: Determine a 'best' time schedule for meetings.


Rationale: We need to document what the rationale is for forming a new 'team' or creating a 'project' for review by the Community Council


Review of announcement to Planet, and a call for input on program content.

details on agenda topics

  • Mission Statement:
    • "Our mission with this project is to create an interactive learning environment based on Moodle to support new users becoming more engaged in the Ubuntu community. Our goal is to take new motivated users and turn them into contributing members of the community."

      I would like to reword this so it is not too narrow in focus. A simple mission statement would be:

      The project is focused on building and maintaining an interactive learning environment(s) to support all aspects of the Ubuntu Ecosystem. - combined effort of doctormo / pleia2 / cprofitt

  • Goals:
    • Goal generation methodology:
      • The Learning project represents a variety of different approaches to learning within the community. A representative from each of the key portions of the community (IRC-based learning, Real Life Classroom-based learning, Moodle-based learning, Project-centric -motu, -docs, -bugs, etc learning, etc) should come up with their own list of goals.
    • On Current Page:
      • Our goal is to take new motivated users and turn them into contributing members of the community.
      • Our initial goal is to provide four programs for the new user, the sysadmin, marketing, and a stream for someone who wants to contribute to Ubuntu.
    • Suggested:
      • to produce courses that make it easier for organizations and users to adopt Ubuntu as their OS
      • to provide courses for users who wish to advocate for Ubuntu adoption (examples below)
        • GIMP
        • IRC moderation / channel management
        • Live Streaming Video w/ Ubuntu
      • etc.
  • Structure:
    • The structure of this team has not been discussed. I think one of the steps that need to be addressed is the structure of the team. In oder for cohesion to be maintained I think that some form of board should be formed involving the various teams that will be participating in the project. With or without a board some roles and responsibilities should be determined (assigned) as well.
    • Possibly set up similar to BT with one fixed lead and a board of 4 as leads would be needed for each of the 4 programs to coordinate the program and arrange moderators for new content.
  • Meetings:
    • We need to determine when the majority of people can meet. Weekends are not a good time for most people. I would like to suggest 23:00 GMT every other Friday while we are building steam, but I am open to other suggestions.
  • Announcement:

    The following is the text for the announcement as planned, please read and have input/feedback ready for the meeting.

Over the past few weeks alot of planning has been done regarding the community learning project. The intention of this project is to enable new and existing training to have a focal point that is easy to access, and can be a mix of instructor lead and self paced training. There have been positive responses from the community with current teams looking to migrate training programs and teams that were not training, or training infrequently, looking to expand what their team is capable.

Our intention with this project is to create an interactive learning environment to support users becoming more engaged in the Ubuntu community. We want to take users and turn them into contributing members of the community. We intend to develop an integrated training solution in conjunction with the teams already conducting training that will allow the community to undertake self paced and instructor lead training. At this stage this project has committed to support the training of the classroom team, as well as the work and ongoing training already being done by the MOTU Team, Bug Squad, Doc Team, Desktop Training, and several LoCos. The content will be based on existing content contributed by teams with contributions from other teams where required. We encourage any other teams conducting training that would like to be involved to contact us and advise us what we can do to help them.

The intention of this program is to avoid competition with the existing official training program, and supplement existing community training programs. This training will cover some similar topics but will not have any accreditation or certification associated with it, and may eventually act as a feeder into the official components. We are already working with the Canonical training team in order to make sure no conflicts exist and have seen widespread support from the community.

Our initial goal is to provide four programs for the new user, the sysadmin, marketing and advocacy, and a program for someone who wants to contribute to Ubuntu. These ideas have been based on new user feedback, requests to the Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team, and to the Classroom Team. At this stage we are interested in community input on topics that should be covered under the different programs. If you have any ideas please visit the wiki page here.

People to talk to for more information:
Matthew Lye: Lead Contact for the Ubuntu Community Learning Project
BodhiZazen: Leader of the Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team
Charles Profitt: Leader of the Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team Education Focus Group
Elizabeth Krumbach: Leader of the Ubuntu Classroom Team

Learning/Agenda/05092009 (last edited 2009-05-10 00:34:23 by cpe-66-67-139-158)