Meeting information
#ubuntu-meeting: Regular LoCo Council Meeting for November 2014, 18 Nov at 20:00 — 20:09 UTC
Full logs at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-11-18-20.00.log.html
Meeting summary
Opening Business
The discussion about "Opening Business" started at 20:01.
Listing of Sitting Members of LoCo Council (20:01)
- For the avoidance of uncertainty and doubt, it is necessary to list the members of the council who are presently serving active terms.
- Marcos Costales, term expiring 2015-04-16
- Jose Antonio Rey, term expiring 2015-10-04
- Pablo Rubianes, term expiring 2015-04-16
- Sergio Meneses, term expiring 2015-10-04
- Stephen Michael Kellat, term expiring 2015-10-04
There is currently one vacant seat on LoCo Council
Roll Call (20:01)
Vote: LoCo Council Roll Call (All Members Present To Vote In Favor To Register Attendance) (Denied)
Referral of matters to Council for disposition outside this meeting due to a lack of quorum
The discussion about "Referral of matters to Council for disposition outside this meeting due to a lack of quorum" started at 20:04.
ACTION: ubuntu-lococouncil To handle the Re-Verification application of Ubuntu Oregon via bugmail
ACTION: skellat To impose the case management bug for Ubuntu Oregon and notify Point of Contact for Ubuntu Oregon
ACTION: ubuntu-lococouncil To receive further After-Action Reports on Ubuntu Online Summit 1411 via e-mail at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com
Ubuntu Online Summit was fairly busy for the LoCo Council even though, again, we had difficulty attending.
- Multiple workitems were picked up by the Council during the event.
LINK: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/development-1411-iso-l10n-uefi
LINK: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22380/development-1411-iso-l10n-uefi/
ISO Localization -- Survey LoCo teams as to tools being used for localization. How many times has the wheel been re-invented? What changes are being made?
ISO Localization -- Contact ubuntu-devel for the three issues (1. use of ubuntu-defaults-builder to make 64-bit signed ISOs; 2. how to simplify use for LoCos; 3. how do we integrate the various hacks)
LINK: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-1411-planning-v-cycle-events
LINK: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22366/community-1411-planning-v-cycle-events/
- Community Events During the Vivid Cycle -- Develop in concert with Canonical Community Team appropriate feedback mechanism and measurements tools for assessment of UGJ
Community Events During the Vivid Cycle -- Assess the state of social media usage by LoCo Teams and look at developing best practices.
- Community Events During the Vivid Cycle -- Develop review of question: How do we "follow the zeitgeist" in terms of maximizing use of social networks in approaching users
Community Events During the Vivid Cycle -- Develop plan for AskUbuntu Patrol game/project/exercise including challenge coins for UGJ 1 to 2 during 15.04 cycle
Community Events During the Vivid Cycle -- Cooperate with Canonical Community Team in developing developing AskUbuntu documentation for Patrol game/project/exercise
Relevant sessions where we should have had attendance but did include: LoCo Team Activity Review, Promoting the Ubuntu phone in LoCos, Ubuntu Oregon LoCo meet and greet and planning, Transparency and Participation
ACTION: ubuntu-lococouncil To review the state of community teams being verified
- As per their request made by blog post, Ubuntu Vancouver has been removed from the ~locoteams set on Launchpad
- The next regular meeting is scheduled for December 15, 2014. The meeting will be convened at 2000 UTC.
All persons with questions, concerns, or business to come before LoCo Council before the next regularly scheduled meeting should write to the Council at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com so that we may be made aware of concerns and potentially proceed to action.
ACTION: skellat to post report of meeting to blog and loco-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com
Any Other Business
The discussion about "Any Other Business" started at 20:07.
Vote results
- Motion carried (For/Against/Abstained 2/0/0)
- Voters jose, skellat
- Motion carried (For/Against/Abstained 2/0/0)
Action items, by person
- skellat
- skellat To impose the case management bug for Ubuntu Oregon and notify Point of Contact for Ubuntu Oregon
skellat to post report of meeting to blog and loco-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com
- ubuntu-lococouncil To handle the Re-Verification application of Ubuntu Oregon via bugmail
ubuntu-lococouncil To receive further After-Action Reports on Ubuntu Online Summit 1411 via e-mail at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com
- ubuntu-lococouncil To review the state of community teams being verified
Done items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- skellat (55)
- meetingology (18)
- wxl (12)
- jose (9)
- belkinsa (4)
SergioMeneses (0)
PabloRubianes (0)
- costales (0)
Full Log
20:00 <skellat> #startmeeting Regular LoCo Council Meeting for November 2014
20:00 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Nov 18 20:00:57 2014 UTC. The chair is skellat. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
20:00 <meetingology>
20:00 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
20:01 <jose> Pablo is out
20:01 <skellat> #topic Opening Business
20:01 <skellat> #subtopic Listing of Sitting Members of LoCo Council
20:01 <skellat> #info For the avoidance of uncertainty and doubt, it is necessary to list the members of the council who are presently serving active terms.
20:01 <skellat> #info Marcos Costales, term expiring 2015-04-16
20:01 <skellat> #info Jose Antonio Rey, term expiring 2015-10-04
20:01 <skellat> #info Pablo Rubianes, term expiring 2015-04-16
20:01 <skellat> #info Sergio Meneses, term expiring 2015-10-04
20:01 <skellat> #info Stephen Michael Kellat, term expiring 2015-10-04
20:01 <skellat> #info There is currently one vacant seat on LoCo Council
20:01 <belkinsa> Can we have the link to the agenda?
20:01 <skellat> #subtopic Roll Call
20:01 <skellat> At this point we need to proceed with a roll call of LoCo Council members.
20:01 <skellat> A quorum to transact business during today's meeting is 3.
20:01 <skellat> During the following vote members of the council should vote "+1" to indicate their presence.
20:01 <skellat> #voters PabloRubianes SergioMeneses skellat jose costales
20:01 <meetingology> Warning: Nick not in channel: SergioMeneses
20:01 <meetingology> Current voters: PabloRubianes SergioMeneses costales jose skellat
20:01 <skellat> #votesrequired 3
20:01 <meetingology> votes now need 3 to be passed
20:01 <skellat> #vote LoCo Council Roll Call (All Members Present To Vote In Favor To Register Attendance)
20:01 <meetingology> Please vote on: LoCo Council Roll Call (All Members Present To Vote In Favor To Register Attendance)
20:01 <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)
20:01 <jose> _1
20:01 <jose> +1
20:01 <meetingology> +1 received from jose
20:02 <skellat> +1
20:02 <meetingology> +1 received from skellat 20:02 * wxl cues Final Jeopardy music
20:02 <jose> :P
20:02 <skellat> We'll wait a couple moments to see if any other Council members arrive 20:02 * belkinsa nods
20:03 <wxl> not having quorum is kind of sad :/
20:03 <belkinsa> +1
20:03 <wxl> hahahha ncie try
20:03 <jose> :P
20:03 <wxl> maybe if one of us takes up the vacant seat
20:04 <skellat> Does any other member of the Council wish to indicate their attendance at this regularly scheduled meeting?
20:04 <skellat> #endvote
20:04 <meetingology> Voting ended on: LoCo Council Roll Call (All Members Present To Vote In Favor To Register Attendance)
20:04 <meetingology> Votes for:2 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0
20:04 <meetingology> Motion denied 20:04 * wxl sighs
20:04 <skellat> #topic Referral of matters to Council for disposition outside this meeting due to a lack of quorum
20:05 <skellat> #action ubuntu-lococouncil To handle the Re-Verification application of Ubuntu Oregon via bugmail 20:05 * meetingology ubuntu-lococouncil To handle the Re-Verification application of Ubuntu Oregon via bugmail
20:05 <skellat> #action skellat To impose the case management bug for Ubuntu Oregon and notify Point of Contact for Ubuntu Oregon
20:05 <skellat> The Re-Verification Application for Ubuntu Oregon: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OregonTeam/ReVerificationApplications/2014 20:05 * meetingology skellat To impose the case management bug for Ubuntu Oregon and notify Point of Contact for Ubuntu Oregon
20:05 <wxl> thank you skellat
20:05 <wxl> we as the Ubuntu Oregon Team appreciate your effort
20:05 <wxl> right guys/
20:05 <skellat> #action ubuntu-lococouncil To receive further After-Action Reports on Ubuntu Online Summit 1411 via e-mail at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com
20:05 * meetingology ubuntu-lococouncil To receive further After-Action Reports on Ubuntu Online Summit 1411 via e-mail at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com
20:05 <skellat> #info Ubuntu Online Summit was fairly busy for the LoCo Council even though, again, we had difficulty attending.
20:05 <skellat> #info Multiple workitems were picked up by the Council during the event.
20:05 <skellat> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/development-1411-iso-l10n-uefi
20:05 <skellat> http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22380/development-1411-iso-l10n-uefi/
20:05 <skellat> #info ISO Localization -- Survey LoCo teams as to tools being used for localization. How many times has the wheel been re-invented? What changes are being made?
20:06 <skellat> #info ISO Localization -- Contact ubuntu-devel for the three issues (1. use of ubuntu-defaults-builder to make 64-bit signed ISOs; 2. how to simplify use for LoCos; 3. how do we integrate the various hacks)
20:06 <skellat> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-1411-planning-v-cycle-events
20:06 <skellat> http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22366/community-1411-planning-v-cycle-events/
20:06 <skellat> #info Community Events During the Vivid Cycle -- Develop in concert with Canonical Community Team appropriate feedback mechanism and measurements tools for assessment of UGJ
20:06 <skellat> #info Community Events During the Vivid Cycle -- Assess the state of social media usage by LoCo Teams and look at developing best practices.
20:06 <skellat> #info Community Events During the Vivid Cycle -- Develop review of question: How do we "follow the zeitgeist" in terms of maximizing use of social networks in approaching users
20:06 <skellat> #info Community Events During the Vivid Cycle -- Develop plan for AskUbuntu Patrol game/project/exercise including challenge coins for UGJ 1 to 2 during 15.04 cycle
20:06 <skellat> #info Community Events During the Vivid Cycle -- Cooperate with Canonical Community Team in developing developing AskUbuntu documentation for Patrol game/project/exercise
20:06 <skellat> #info Relevant sessions where we should have had attendance but did include: LoCo Team Activity Review, Promoting the Ubuntu phone in LoCos, Ubuntu Oregon LoCo meet and greet and planning, Transparency and Participation
20:06 <skellat> #action ubuntu-lococouncil To review the state of community teams being verified 20:06 * meetingology ubuntu-lococouncil To review the state of community teams being verified
20:06 <skellat> #info As per their request made by blog post, Ubuntu Vancouver has been removed from the ~locoteams set on Launchpad
20:06 <skellat> http://randall.executiv.es/we-are-NOT-loco
20:06 <skellat> #info The next regular meeting is scheduled for December 15, 2014. The meeting will be convened at 2000 UTC.
20:06 <skellat> Time conversion for the next scheduled meeting: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=LoCo+Council+December+2014+Meeting&iso=20141215T20&p1=1440&ah=1
20:06 <skellat> #info All persons with questions, concerns, or business to come before LoCo Council before the next regularly scheduled meeting should write to the Council at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com so that we may be made aware of concerns and potentially proceed to action.
20:06 <skellat> #action skellat to post report of meeting to blog and loco-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com
20:06 * meetingology skellat to post report of meeting to blog and loco-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com
20:07 <skellat> #topic Any Other Business
20:07 <skellat> Are there any comments or discussions to come before us briefly? 20:07 * jose gives meetingology a cookie
20:07 <wxl> tl;dr Oregon folks, that means our Re-Verification Application will be voted on via the loco-council mailing list. right, skellat?
20:07 <jose> wxl: that's correct
20:07 <belkinsa> I have one thing but I think I might just e-mail the LC.
20:08 <skellat> wxl: Technically it will be a Launchpad bug. Check your inbox later today once I get the bug setup.
20:08 <jose> if you have any comments you would like to add for the re-verification, just email us with them
20:08 <wxl> skellat: oh better yet. thanks!
20:08 <wxl> to be clear then, should we add comments to the bug report or email?
20:08 <skellat> wxl: The bug report once it is opened
20:08 <wxl> k thanks skellat 20:08 * skellat gives jose a cookie 20:08 * skellat gives meetingology a cookie 20:08 * jose snags cookie
20:09 <skellat> The lack of quorum will be discussed on the mailing list.
20:09 <skellat> #endmeeting
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.5 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology)
LoCoCouncil/Minutes/20141118 (last edited 2014-11-18 20:25:27 by skellat)