
Revision 7 as of 2010-08-03 12:06:31

Clear message

LoCo Council Reporting Page

Welcome to the LoCo Council reporting page. Every month this page should be filled with bullet points indicating the summary of some of the work you have been working on. As you work on something, try to summarise it here. A few guidelines for how to write good points here:

  • Keep it simple and short - single sentences are best. Smile :)

  • Try to summarize your work and not be over-detailed - we don't need to know specifics, just a summary of the kind of work involved
  • Where possible, include relevant links.

The Report

  • We had a LoCo Council meeting on November 16th. Topics discussed:

    • LoCo Team {re}approvals

      • Ubuntu-SE - not approved
      • Ubuntu-VN - not approved

Previous Reports

