Ubuntu Website Community Translations
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Details coming soon.
I am not sure that localising the website is a good idea. At the moment many languages have localised websites already, at a different url (http://www.ubuntu-cc.org), which provide a focal point for the cc-speaking community. Introducing a localised website would confuse the situation, it would be like introducing a competing website. Rather, what I'd like to see happening is the existing websites becoming more discoverable for those users who don't use google and just go straight to http://www.ubuntu.com. We tried localising the website at https://help.ubuntu.com with documentation, but it hasn't worked well for a number of reasons - local teams have their own documentation websites (generally something like http://doc.ubuntu-cc.org), a lot of stuff gets only partially translated, the community-driven wiki documentation section is only in English, and users are confused to have the language of the site change according to browser setting.
In summary, I'd really like to see local teams encouraged to develop complete Ubuntu resources in their own namespace, including website, documentation and more, and this to become discoverable from the English language main sites. My 2 cents. --mdke
Brought up on 2007-02-11's LoCo Meeting.
I agree with mdke's comments above however some folks noted the benefit to keeping translations in a central location. No decision was made at the meeting and the topic was tabled.
LoCoTeamsUDSMVSpecs/UbuntuWebsiteCommunityTranslations (last edited 2008-08-06 16:30:42 by localhost)