
Meeting Begins.

  • Regular IRC Meeting times were set. The twice-monthly meeting will be the first Thursday at 9:00pm and the third Thursday at 10:30 PM. This was done to allow members who work later shifts to attend at least one meeting a month.
  • There was another call for Team members to sign up for the mailing list at FIXME

  • Single points of failure within the Team was addressed:
    • In IRC with two new IRC ops, Palintheus and r2d2rogers being given level 10 Ops. Also hfwilke and team mentor Vorian are level 10 ops in #ubuntu-us-la, with Axxium having ops level 30.
    • On Launchpad there was some question about how to add additional admins to the team. It was resolved that more admins should be added, but not who they would be. This make be another week in completion
    • On the mailing list we are still waiting for admin access to be granted to Axxium, as it is still listed as being someone not currently a part of our team, and there seems to be a problem with the current process to get that resolved. Wharp was commended for staying on top of this issue.
    • On forum there was much discussion on tangents, with Axxium planning to request at least one more moderator be added within the group.
  • Goals
    • Member retention was discussed next. It was resolved to attempt more outreach with a New Member Team and volunteers were called for with the suggestion that interested persons should sign up on the wiki page for that sub team. The New Member Team should also make efforts to help members moving out of our areas find new groups to plug into, if they choose not to remain active in the LouisianaTeam remotely (e.g. Forum and IRC support).

    • Returning to LoCo Team Approval: Several suggestions (creating a plan of action, creating an Approval Checklist, etc.) were made without actions being claimed, see SuggestionList for ideas that need someone to volunteer for.

  • Sub teams were discussed in relation to pursuing goals and requirements, several are now listed on the front page at LouisianaTeam for volunteers and planning.

  • Several suggestions where made as to where to collect ideas from, Actions were suggested as mailing list email, forum posting and a wiki page. The wiki page will be SuggestionList, the other two have not been sent/posted.

  • Tangent on Code of Conduct Signings and GPG keys, Team Members are encouraged to sign the Code of Conduct if they have not already done so. See FIXME for instructions. (This also needs to be links on our front page, remove this note when complete) (also a forum sticky with these instructions step by step was suggested)

  • Next Face to face/Meetup event was disucssed, It will likely be the release party for Hardy Heron as the time frame between organizing another meetup before then put the events too close together. The Team resolved to rotate the location of the meetup events, but no FIXME method was then suggested for that rotation. Baton Rouge was suggested for the location of the release party but nothing was settle with regard to exact date and location of the release party.

  • Projects
    • Project and task management application: It was resolved to raise this topic in the forum for further discussion .
    • IRCBot ATDT/Achmed: Several of members have been throwing around the idea of an IRCBot under the control of our team so that we may customize him as we see fit. The installation and testing of ATDT in our Team IRC channel is the result of that. Please add comments or suggestion to the project page for ATDT at FIXME

Meeting Ended.


LouisianaTeam/Meetings/IRCSummary-20080117 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:19:14 by localhost)