
Discussed multiple meetings for release party with one in the north and one in the south. Suggested and for scheduling meetings. Discussed the statewide face to face meeting in N.O. but no date was decided on or suggested.

Suggested making key signing a part of any event we do.

r2d2rogers is looking into us doing a booth at the HAM festival in Monroe April 25 and 26.

There was general discussion on goals and marketing and it was suggested that the discussion be moved to the forums. was mentioned. A question was raised about registering a domain name for our website. This discussion was also slated for the forums.

The idea was brought up of syndicating forum updates and including on the website.

Challenge to members to spend at least 1 hour weekly contributing to the LoCo and/or marketing Ubuntu.

  1. [Action Item] Forum post regarding domain name suggestions -- DONE -- WesleyHarp 2008-02-08 23:41:05

  2. [Action Item] r2d2rogers: change calendar to not have Informal Discussion Night on meeting nights -- DONE -- RobRogers 2008-02-08 05:16:35

  3. [Action Item] wharp ML message about new forum posts -- DONE -- WesleyHarp 2008-02-09 00:33:24

  4. [Action Item] wharp: Check on who is able to update the website. r2d2rogers and axxium are able to update the website. -- DONE --
  5. [Action Item] kenneth Forum post re users and their areas of interests -- DONE --

LouisianaTeam/Meetings/IRCSummary-20080207 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:23:48 by localhost)