
We had a very good turnout for this meeting with lots of new faces.

First item discussed is making membership dependent on signing the Code of Conduct (CoC). The general consensus is that this is a good idea. We are not going to be refusing help to those who do not sign the CoC, but those people wanting official team membership will be required to sign. Only team members will be allowed to vote on issues.

The creation of an ops channel for dealing with issues was also discussed and approved. This channel is #ubuntu-us-la-ops.

Additional admins for the launchpad were proposed and approved. David Portwood and Wesley Harp


David Portwood and droops(name?) will be handling the presentation at the HAMFEST.

Things that were discussed but postponed for future meetings:

  • Joining the Louisiana LoCo team to the BugSquad team

  • How we will handle donations/money collection

LouisianaTeam/Meetings/IRCSummary-20080403 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:41:34 by localhost)