Responsibility is the price of greatness. - Winston Churchill
MOTU Leaders
MOTU Leaders coordinate various efforts within MOTU, and update the Monthly Report indicating activity in that area.
MOTU School Dean
Responsibilities: Coordinates MOTU/School topics and presenters. Sends announcements and maintains wiki pages.
Currently: James Westby (james_w)
MOTU SWAT Director
Responsibilities: Lead MOTU efforts to bring prompt and high-quality security fixes to users and consult with MOTUs on security concerns.
Currently: William Grant (wgrant)
Mentoring Facilitator
Responsibilities: Ensure that contributors and mentors are well matched and keep track of the mentoring process.
Current Members: Christophe Sauthier (huats)
Launchpad Liaison
Responsibilities: Provides Launchpad developers with prioritized bugs/specs relevant to MOTU and MOTU with information on Launchpad changes and progress.
Currently: William Grant (wgrant) and Morten Kjeldgaard (mok0)
Canonical Liaison
Responsibilities: Point contact for MOTU-Canonical relations.
Currently: Daniel Holbach (dholbach)
MOTU Leadership Teams
MOTU Leadership teams provide guidance and direction for MOTU activities.
Council Members
The MOTU Council is not operative at the moment. All its responsibilities have been assumed by:
Responsibilities: The MOTU Council is the central place for approving new MOTU members and helping to find consensus and has a final say in conflicts. It reports to the CommunityCouncil and the TechnicalBoard. (See MOTU/Council for more info)
Current Members: Daniel Holbach (dholbach), Emmet Hikory (persia), Michael Bienia (geser), Richard Johnson (nixternal), Soren Hansen (soren), Jonathan Davies (jpds), Nathan Handler (nhandler)
Contact: motu-council mailing list
Launchpad Team: motu-council
Release Managers
Responsibilities: Approval of Feature Freeze exceptions.
Current Members: Scott Kitterman (ScottK), Stefan Potyra (sistpoty), Iulian Udrea (iulian), Nathan Handler (nhandler)
Contact: Individual members, or use FreezeExceptionProcess for filing exceptions.
Launchpad Team: motu-release
Stable Release Update Supervisors
Responsibilities: Approval of Stable Release Updates (SRU)
Current Members: John Dong (jdong), Cody Somerville (cody-somerville), Devid Antonio Filoni (devfil)
Contact: Individual members, or use StableReleaseUpdates to file SRU requests
Launchpad Team: motu-sru
Sponsor Queue Admins
Responsibilities: Ensure that the ubuntu-universe-sponsors queue is being processed in a timely manner and approve new members.
Current Members: Luke Yelavich (TheMuso), Emmet Hikory (persia)
Adding a new position or team
- Requests for the identification of a new MOTU Leader Role or Team should be discussed at a MOTU Meeting
Send a summary of the role including responsibilities and requirements to the ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com mailing list
Add an item to the meeting agenda linking to the mail
- Role applicants are encouraged to add their names to the agenda for consideration
- Approval of the role/team and the holder/members will be determined separately.
MOTU/Leaders (last edited 2011-12-10 00:40:14 by static-50-53-26-176)