Ubuntu MOTU Meeting Minutes for Friday, 23 November, 12:00 UTC.
Updates to the universe SRU Policy
Emmet Hikory opened discussion referencing the Technical Board decision that a refreshed policy was required from MOTU with the following proposal:
~motu-sru shall be restored as an approval body, with all Universe SRUs to require the approval of one member of this group.
- MOTU Council shall appoint the members of ~motu-sru, and that any issues with the membership of the team be raised to MC for dispute resolution.
- The Universe SRU Policy shall be reviewed by the members of ~motu-sru, and the rationale for variations from the policy for Main will be documented.
During discussion Soren Hansen mentioned there had been previous discussion of merging ~motu-sru with ~motu-uvf. Daniel Holbach suggested this topic be discussed separately.
Daniel committed to requesting self-nominations for ~motu-sru for the MOTU Council to consider prior to appointing candidates, with a target membership of 5 MOTUs. Stefan Potyra suggested that the team begin operations prior to reaching 5 members if there were delays in the appointments process.
The proposed plan to update the Universe SRU policy was agreed by consensus.
Merging ~motu-sru and ~motu-uvf
During short discussion, all vocal parties felt either the teams should be separate or had no strong opinion. By general consensus, there was agreement to keep the teams separate.
Security Fixes for Universe
Stephan Hermann reported that there was a need for a greater number of people working on the universe security fixes for previous releases. Discussion indicated that most attendees were unaware of the resources available and workflow processes involved in helping with this task.
Stephan committed to documenting the resources and workflow, and updating the MOTU TODO page with the details. Stephan and Daniel further agreed to organise an introductory meeting for interested parties.
Other Business
Daniel proposed that the sceduling for future REVU days and Q&A sessions be set statically, rather than discussed in each meeting, to ease planning. These changes we adopted without discussion.
Next Meeting Time
The Next MOTU Meeting will be 7th December, 20:00 UTC.
Next REVU Day
REVU Days shall be held every Monday until Feature Freeze.
Next Q&A Sessions
Q&A Sessions shall be held each Friday at 13:00 UTC in #ubuntu-classroom
MOTU/Meetings/2007-11-23 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:16:07 by localhost)