What is the DIY Website?

Well, it isn't this page: DIYMarketing (...although they'll become interdependent in the near future.)

Bazaar branches

bzr branch lp:spreadubuntu


  1. Get the diy.devubuntu.com site to a stage of completeness where it can be used as a scalable platform for the project. By implementing marketing concepts to the website, we can reach something similar to what MarketingTeam/SpreadUbuntu was originally meant to be, while omitting the parts redundant to the main site.

  2. Document current DIY Material projects on the site, once in the Get section for buyers, once [MarketingTeam/Shipping elsewhere] for those who would like to participate in the production. It would be great if people who bought the material could review it here in a moderated comments system (you're only allowed to comment directly on the spot if you actually bought them - or maybe comment in some thread in the forums that we link to, and we paste the comments to the product beneath it or something like that). Status - shippable material collected in /Get

  3. Collect DIY resources from around the web, sort, describe, attribute, host, link. These should be uploaded to the bzr branch. I subjectively would like to avoid using DIYMarketing, except as a submission queue for the final site. (Will be done once a framework in the site is ready)

  4. Write recommendations and guidelines for people who would like to contribute digital or ready-made material. /DIYGuidelines

  5. Conceive a way of how to lay this on the community: we want you to make DIY material for the community. It will involve a lot of work and some financial risk, but is fun and can generate a profit you can decide what to do with. The last part is even more fun - you can sponsor quizzes, donate to the project, donate to your LoCoTeam... Having money you want to spend on Ubuntu is fun, really! I'd like this to be a page linked from the /FrontPage.

  6. The Wishlist: People can request artwork, and the artworkers can see what people are looking for. It should be possible for artworkers to submit artwork (using the forums/wiki/mailing list). We need to conceive a system of how to decide which material shall and which shan't be included. I propose a simple DIY team chosen by the project leader (me) along with the current team, and humm-approved by the Marketing Team (that is, acquiesced if no complaints are raised). The Wishlist could also include people's shipping suggestions, to make decisions easier for those who would like to create'n'ship something.
  7. A database of Marketing HOWTOs - a list of things you can do to spread Ubuntu. This I consider most important, yet a bit distant yet. Will be a set of wikipages at Marketing/HOWTOs linked to through a database on the site.
  8. Growth. Probably some elements from MarketingTeam/SpreadUbuntu as well. Certainly avoid being redundant.

  9. Please submit your ideas to the mailing list ツ

Task List - Who's Doing What and What Can You Do



Site Content

in theory

''Get'' section

Source: /Get

Data required for objects:

''Print'' section

Data required for objects:

''Design'' section

Only several objects:

''Get out there and spread it, yo!'' section

Data required for objects, if available:



Your Idea

Feel free to paste here, but consider using mailing list. Be aware that anything might be removed from here if deemed off-topic.



MarketingTeam/Projects/SpreadUbuntu/Old/DIYWebsite (last edited 2009-03-12 18:06:29 by 173-29-231-58)