This is the 3rd meeting of the Mozilla Team, starting at 21:30 GMT and finishing at 23:50 GMT
Please type PRESENT at the start of the meeting to ensure we are all clear who is online and paying attention. Active Atendees:
AlexLatchford - May be a little late.
AlexanderSack - may leave early
When adding an agenda item please "sign" it by leaving your name next to it. If you won't be attending the meeting please also spell out your item in detail, otherwise we can't fruitfully discuss it.
Items we will be discussing:
Mozilla Council start-up. - DavidFarning
What has been done and what needs to be done from last meeting. - JohnVivirito
- The necessity of packaging extensions.
Discuss Bug #70937 - JohnVivirito
- If we should include thunderbird 2.0 rc in Feisty, if final is not out at time (as we did with Firefox in Edgy).
Adding Thunderbird-Human-Theme to the repositories. - AlexLatchford
Taking over the Thunderbird package from Mark Shuttleworth. - AlexLatchford
bug tags and workflow - AlexanderSack
- status quo
- when/how to move to confirmed from needs info
- tags needed for confirm
- upstream bug triage + tags
- checking bug DB consistency.
Topic: include thunderbird 2.0 rc in Feisty
- Asac will ask release team.
Topic: Weekly builds for browser and mail
Topic: The necessity of packaging extensions
Topic: Mozilla Council start-up
Topic: What has been done and what needs to be done from last meeting
Topic: Taking over the Thunderbird package from Mark Shuttleworth
Topic: Faster response time for security update
Topic: Any other matters that we missed or needs to be discussed?
Any Other Business
[22:33:08] <asac> want to wait a few more minutes to see if others show up? [22:33:14] <poningru> sure [22:33:15] <gnomefreak> thats fine [22:33:23] <gnomefreak> damn thing pms me too :( [22:33:53] <poningru> lol [22:34:19] <gnomefreak> who is here for the meeting? [22:34:31] * poningru is [22:34:34] <poningru> brb [22:34:42] * crimsun is [22:34:45] <gnomefreak> brb == you rnot here for meeting ;) [22:34:53] <asac> Freddy, David are missing [22:35:19] <gnomefreak> asac: how long do you have here? [22:36:05] <gnomefreak> freedy wont be here [22:36:24] <gnomefreak> he said something about it yesterday/over weekend the more i think of it [22:36:47] * ajmitch lurks [22:37:10] <asac> will be here ... but maybe not that responsive for some minutes :) [22:37:47] <gnomefreak> i have 2 ageda points im sure are the same as eachother [22:37:47] <asac> 60 min. at least :) [22:37:54] <pochu> hello! [22:38:00] <gnomefreak> ther eyou are [22:38:04] <gnomefreak> :) [22:38:10] <poningru> back [22:38:21] <gnomefreak> pochu: we will be starting soon. [22:38:29] <pochu> gnomefreak: when you want :) [22:38:40] <gnomefreak> not me when david shows up [22:38:57] <gnomefreak> who is eldo? [22:39:08] * poningru is eldo [22:39:16] <gnomefreak> ah [22:39:59] <gnomefreak> poningru: and pochu i think your ageda points are the same but we will go over it [22:40:11] <pochu> gnomefreak: looking [22:40:37] <pochu> gnomefreak: don't know :) [22:40:52] <poningru> it is? [22:41:03] <poningru> which one? the tbird and...? [22:41:41] <gnomefreak> nvm miss read it [22:42:04] <pochu> poningru: I'm emilio [22:42:43] <poningru> hehe [22:42:45] * poningru gathered [22:47:40] <poningru> ok guess we can start? [22:48:47] <gnomefreak> asac: if it ok with you we can start with the ones that david nor alex need to be here for like poningru and pochu's points? [22:49:38] <asac> ok
[22:49:50] <gnomefreak> [topic] include thunderbird 2.0 rc in Feisty [22:50:15] <asac> can someone please summarize what was done with firefox in edgy? [22:50:35] <gnomefreak> asac: we added non released ff in edgy [22:50:51] <gnomefreak> securty fixes got us to where we are with it iirc [22:50:55] <poningru> pochu: ping your up [22:50:56] <asac> hmm [22:50:59] <pochu> hi! [22:51:06] <asac> what is released fro tbird 2.0 already? [22:51:07] <asac> rc1 ? [22:51:10] <gnomefreak> asac pochu the issue i see is tb 2.0 is far off iirc [22:51:22] <gnomefreak> rc1 i think [22:51:25] <poningru> gnomefreak: not that far off [22:51:29] <pochu> rc1 is later febraury [22:51:33] <pochu> I think it's still beta2 [22:51:37] <pochu> looking [22:51:38] <gnomefreak> poningru: oh yes it is [22:51:42] <poningru> yes beta2 [22:51:48] <poningru> gnomefreak: couple of months [22:51:52] <asac> i think its just not stable enough to push a beta2 [22:51:52] <gnomefreak> asac: you still have that link you gave me about it? [22:52:11] <asac> we can try to prepare thunderbird package though, in case mozilla releases 2.0 in time for feisty [22:52:14] <pochu> beta2 [22:52:15] <gnomefreak> poningru: there is no date set last i heard [22:52:22] <poningru> gnomefreak: nope no date set [22:52:31] <pochu> asac: rc1 should be out in february [22:52:38] <gnomefreak> poningru: its still a ways off there are alot of things holding it back [22:52:50] <pochu> http://www.mozilla.org/projects/thunderbird/roadmap.html [22:52:51] <poningru> gnomefreak: but iirc goal is 2nd quarter 07 [22:53:08] <pochu> First Quarter 2007 Final Release [22:53:08] <asac> that would be too late [22:53:18] <pochu> first quarter [22:53:23] <poningru> ah nm [22:53:35] <asac> all we can do is be as good prepared as possible to push thunderbird 2 fast in case it gets released in time [22:53:45] <gnomefreak> asac: have you decided to open a repo for our packages? [22:53:52] <pochu> I've added this item because, in case final isn't at time, we could get rc, as we did with firefox [22:54:24] <poningru> asac, gnomefreak I still think we should include the rc [22:54:24] <asac> we'll have to see ... take a look at still open blocker bugs et al. [22:54:28] <gnomefreak> pochu: but edgy was a throw anything you can in it before run out of time [22:54:35] <poningru> it is stable enough to be used [22:54:38] <pochu> and as soon as final in out, include it [22:54:45] <gnomefreak> asac: i was gonna show them that link but i dont hav eit [22:55:02] <poningru> oh hold on [22:55:06] <poningru> re: blocker bugs [22:56:14] <asac> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?keywords_type=nowords&keywords=fixed1.8.1+verified1.8.1+fixed1.8.1.1+verified1.8.1.1+fixed1.8.1.2+verified1.8.1.2&field0-0-0=flagtypes.name&type0-0-0=equals&value0-0-0=blocking-thunderbird2%2B&order=map_assigned_to.login_name,bugs.bug_id [22:56:15] <gnomefreak> asac: feature freeze is over with anyway. and since its in main its not gonna be fun to try and push through [22:56:35] <asac> gnomefreak: agree ...its not standard procedure to ship rc releases in main [22:56:44] <gnomefreak> correct [22:56:51] <poningru> hmm [22:57:07] <gnomefreak> if you set up a repo they can get the buids we will have for them that thats a differnet story [22:57:09] <asac> i will ask release team about what they think? [22:57:30] <pochu> I said it because edgy... :D [22:57:44] * gnomefreak will end up with builds of them anyway :) [22:57:56] <gnomefreak> pochu: edgy was a different story it wasnt gonna be stable [22:58:13] <gnomefreak> it was but that fell though due to time restraints [22:58:27] <pochu> gnomefreak: ok, then it's clarify :) [22:58:42] <asac> ACTION: I will ask release team [22:58:44] <pochu> and would be possible to include it if it's late? [22:58:49] <poningru> ok I guess I see that [22:59:06] <asac> will ask about requirements [22:59:19] <gnomefreak> ok lets move on we will hold this for asac to dicuss it with release team [22:59:44] <pochu> ok :) [22:59:50] <poningru> true [22:59:52] <asac> yeah ... but don't be too optimistic ... I would say no will be the answer :/
[23:00:00] <gnomefreak> [topic] Weekly builds for browser and mail [23:00:16] * gnomefreak could have told you that before you go infront of them main is strict [23:00:22] <poningru> hehe [23:00:32] <poningru> ok so in the mozillazine forums every day [23:00:34] <gnomefreak> poningru: we can have them but not in feisty repos [23:00:47] <poningru> gnomefreak: ofcourse [23:00:54] <gnomefreak> poningru: im working on tb 2.0 and firefox 3.0 [23:00:55] <pochu> weekly builds from the trunk code? [23:01:00] <poningru> pochu: yes [23:01:28] <asac> i work on a solution to setup a previe archive. we could release from there, but we would need to coordinate builds for different architectures [23:01:53] <poningru> gnomefreak: I was thinking about for our own repo and on a testing team for the forum [23:01:55] <asac> however, we cannot release with official branding [23:02:00] <gnomefreak> asac: ok i only have dgy and feisty arch 386 :( [23:02:05] <poningru> asac: ofcourse [23:02:14] <gnomefreak> edgy* [23:02:14] <crimsun> right, I was just going to inquire about upstream's blessing those weeklies [23:02:35] <poningru> asac: even upstreams daily trunk stuff does not include their branding [23:02:43] <asac> but lets try to push this to the time after release of feisty for now. [23:02:50] <asac> poningru: yes ... just wanted to note that [23:03:15] <gnomefreak> asac: agreed i will still work on them if i get time but i wont focus on them [23:03:39] <asac> if anyone wants to do it, feel free ... However, i think its not the best task to start with on packaging. [23:03:56] <gnomefreak> oh bleh its fun :( [23:03:57] <poningru> so we need to have it on all the archs and supported versions? [23:04:09] <gnomefreak> poningru: best idea [23:04:17] <asac> no ... only those that we receive requests for [23:04:30] <poningru> asac: I was thinking this primarily for getting more people involved for testing [23:04:37] <gnomefreak> 64 and 386 for now i would think [23:04:42] <poningru> as in we post on the forums 'this weeks build is up' [23:05:02] <asac> poningru: yeah ... if there is someone who has other archs we can organise it once preview archive is setup [23:05:59] <poningru> yeah [23:06:03] <asac> ok, move on? [23:06:08] <gnomefreak> to what? [23:06:15] <asac> Adding [WWW] Thunderbird-Human-Theme to the repositories. ? [23:06:22] <poningru> so... if someone wants to do this just do it? [23:06:37] <asac> yes ... otherwise, I will do it in time after feisty [23:06:38] <gnomefreak> [topic] Adding [WWW] Thunderbird-Human-Theme to the repositories. [23:06:45] <poningru> or wait for the repos to come up? [23:06:47] <poningru> oh ok [23:06:52] <gnomefreak> poningru: work on ff [23:06:55] <asac> anyone can say something about the quality of that theme? [23:07:09] <poningru> link to the theme? [23:07:13] * gnomefreak doesnt use ubuntu themes i hate thte orange [23:07:17] <asac> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/HumanThunderbird [23:07:19] * poningru too [23:07:24] <gnomefreak> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/HumanThunderbird [23:07:38] <asac> i think its a good idea to do that. [23:08:01] <gnomefreak> was it wanting to be built into tb? [23:08:04] <asac> however we have to figure out if this is of good quality and if there is an active upstream for it [23:08:19] <asac> so in case we need new icons, there is actually someone we can bug [23:08:48] <poningru> its not that hard to maintain a theme for tbird/firefox [23:08:59] <asac> can you paint icons? [23:09:00] <gnomefreak> i see that as something to look into but again wont happen for feisty (atleast i wouldnt think so) [23:09:09] <poningru> asac: yes [23:09:17] <asac> ok ... gtk [23:09:25] <poningru> blargh? [23:09:36] <asac> ok ... lets include theme in feisty+1 and if we receive good feedback, maybe make it default theme [23:09:49] <gnomefreak> i like [23:09:49] <poningru> yeah sounds good [23:10:24] <gnomefreak> can we take a breif break maybe 3-5 minutes [23:10:33] <asac> hmmm ... but then lets hurry [23:10:38] <asac> getting really late here ;) [23:10:39] <poningru> ... dont you dare say its for a smoke [23:10:42] <gnomefreak> and if you have davids number get to calling him [23:10:49] <gnomefreak> ok than lets go
[23:11:09] <gnomefreak> [topic] The necessity of packaging extensions. [23:11:13] <gnomefreak> dfarning: just in time [23:11:21] <dfarning> hey all [23:11:25] <asac> hi [23:11:25] <gnomefreak> :) [23:11:46] <dfarning> my topic is there really need to repackage extensions? [23:11:59] <asac> general rule imo: [23:12:16] <asac> extensions with native components (e.g. included shared libs) are always worth consideration inclusion [23:12:20] <gnomefreak> i would like to get a few in if at all possible but upstream for extentions sucks [23:12:25] <asac> other extensions not as they are available for all [23:12:39] <pochu> hi dfarning :) [23:12:44] <asac> exception: in case its highly ubuntu specific, consider to include (e.g. launchpad extension) [23:12:53] <dfarning> which ones have shared libs [23:12:59] <asac> enigmail ... colorzilla [23:13:07] <asac> actually thats why we see the crash in colorzilla [23:13:08] <gnomefreak> asac: only one i found like that is the ubuntu forums menu but its eh [23:13:18] <dfarning> ah ok [23:13:26] <asac> there should be not that many extensions ... but there are some [23:13:33] * gnomefreak cant live without enigmail [23:13:39] <poningru> gnomefreak++ [23:13:42] * poningru either [23:13:57] <dfarning> should we look at them on a case by case basis reject unnecessary packages [23:14:06] <asac> yes. [23:14:10] <poningru> but why? [23:14:13] <gnomefreak> dfarning: asac how about we work together to come up with a list and see what happens (if we can include them at all) [23:14:27] <dfarning> that is my thought also [23:14:30] <asac> lets deal with them as soon as there is a request for inclusion. [23:14:48] <poningru> hmm true that [23:14:56] <gnomefreak> there are 2 that im aware of with request one formal one informal [23:15:01] <poningru> dfarning: are you talking about removing certain packaged extensions? [23:15:35] <dfarning> we should look into only packaging the package that we need and grab the others from upstream [23:15:45] <pochu> gnomefreak: enigmail+1 [23:16:06] <AlexLatchford> Howdy [23:16:06] <dfarning> ill set up a wiki and we can work through them [23:16:13] <pochu> hi AlexLatchford! [23:16:14] <gnomefreak> ok cool [23:16:16] <gnomefreak> hi AlexLatchford [23:16:21] <gnomefreak> can we move on? [23:16:27] <dfarning> yes [23:16:31] <AlexLatchford> what we up to?
[23:16:34] <gnomefreak> [topic] Mozilla Council start-up. [23:16:38] <AlexLatchford> aha good [23:16:40] <gnomefreak> AlexLatchford: all over the place [23:16:45] <AlexLatchford> cool cool [23:16:51] <gnomefreak> we already got one of yorus [23:16:58] <AlexLatchford> thats cool [23:17:29] <dfarning> I have been interacting quite a bit with both up and down stream organization [23:17:54] <asac> dfarning: is that on-topic " Mozilla Council start-up" ? [23:17:57] <sladen> hello people, re: the ColorZilla binary issue, there's a thread on the ubuntu-uk and I contacted the upstream author [23:17:58] <gnomefreak> dfarning: you thoughts on the council? [23:18:12] <dfarning> would like a formal method of helping make some of the decisions [23:18:13] <asac> sladen: i am already in contact with auther [23:18:19] <asac> please lets do not duplicate work [23:18:37] <asac> he will probably release as free-software so we can package it up [23:18:44] <asac> but lets see what his final decision is [23:18:45] <AlexLatchford> can we please stay on topic :) [23:18:49] <asac> k [23:19:29] <dfarning> i would like to be able to present ideas that other organization have to the conuncial for vote [23:19:33] <gnomefreak> dfarning: we can set that up fairly easy. can you outline what the councils positions will be (as in what we do) final member process so on [23:19:46] <sladen> asac: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2007-February/003185.html [23:19:52] <dfarning> yes will base it on cc [23:20:16] <poningru> wont we have to run this by them first? [23:20:24] <poningru> cc/tech board [23:20:33] <dfarning> I'll bring it up [23:20:33] <AlexLatchford> I don't think so [23:20:39] <asac> i think we have to [23:21:00] <gnomefreak> dfarning: if you or someone else or both can outline this on a wiki as in what council would do what process for memebers should be so on? [23:21:16] <dfarning> yes, by next meeting;) [23:21:28] <gnomefreak> k :) sorry me sucks at wikis [23:21:45] <AlexLatchford> dfarning: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Council [23:21:47] <AlexLatchford> :) [23:21:59] <dfarning> I will do it will seek jonos advice [23:22:16] <gnomefreak> ok sounds good to me [23:22:21] <gnomefreak> move on? [23:22:26] <dfarning> next
[23:22:30] <gnomefreak> [topic] What has been done and what needs to be done from last meeting. [23:22:48] <gnomefreak> basicly what hasnt been done from last meeting anything that really needs to be? [23:23:17] <dfarning> for me me the biggest blocker apport so you guys can have good crash reports [23:23:35] <dfarning> good progress this weekend [23:23:36] <asac> dfarning: state on that? you talked to martin? [23:23:52] <dfarning> yes a got a mail back from him [23:23:56] <gnomefreak> yay [23:24:33] <AlexLatchford> I have been working on the wiki more, defining a structure and annoying guidelines to follow, also worked on a few pages. [23:24:38] <dfarning> I'll email you all the detail. cause i can't type fast enough [23:24:41] <gnomefreak> dfarning: is it in progress atleast?" [23:24:49] <dfarning> very good progress [23:24:54] <gnomefreak> good [23:24:55] <asac> ok, so dfarning will email details on apport [23:24:57] <asac> next? [23:25:31] <gnomefreak> that and bughelper [23:25:33] <dfarning> does alex need help on the wiki it is starting to take shape [23:25:49] <AlexLatchford> Well as I have written the guidelines now, people can jump in [23:25:49] <gnomefreak> are the only 2 things that are biggest concern outside of wikis IMHO [23:25:50] <asac> i add content when i have to time to :) [23:25:59] <asac> feel free to reorganize like you wish [23:26:00] <dfarning> I am considering bh block by apport for now [23:26:12] <gnomefreak> ok thats fine [23:26:17] <dfarning> gnomefreak, what are they? [23:26:22] <AlexLatchford> I think the biggest problem we have is TB-dbg package for Edgy and below [23:26:43] <dfarning> i'll hit on that in the apport email;) [23:26:57] <asac> ok ... we'll know more later [23:27:03] <asac> lets move ;) [23:27:04] <gnomefreak> ok that is fine for now [23:27:09] <gnomefreak> asac: your up [23:27:12] <AlexLatchford> I mean we have 100 reports for edgy and below in TB we can do nothing about
[23:27:15] <gnomefreak> [topic] bug tags and workflow [23:27:19] <gnomefreak> so you can go :) [23:27:35] <asac> actually i updated the wiki page for bug states ... it should be rather complete for needs info and confirm now. [23:28:06] <asac> maybe we should try how it works ... and then discuss at next meeting? [23:28:12] <asac> feel free to ask if you have questions [23:28:14] <poningru> hmm [23:28:15] <gnomefreak> ok we can push it [23:28:22] <asac> anyway, I would like some action on improving the blueprints [23:28:28] <asac> (last point in the list) [23:28:30] <AlexLatchford> I personally haven't had the time to read the page yet [23:28:43] <asac> AlexLatchford: yes ... so lets wait a week to get feedback [23:28:51] <gnomefreak> i read through it but it was differnet than what was on the tags page [23:29:15] <gnomefreak> but i havent looked at since since you updated it [23:29:47] <dfarning> bug state look like they are comin along nicely [23:30:01] <dfarning> are they stable to add the state names to bh [23:30:05] <asac> i updated tag page [23:30:07] <asac> a bit already [23:30:08] <gnomefreak> asac: what do you mean improving blueprint (when to use where to use each tag?) [23:30:20] <asac> no ... bulk responses [23:30:21] <asac> like [23:30:30] <asac> please list what extensions installed, which plugins, etc. [23:30:53] <dfarning> soon apport will take care of those question for us;) [23:30:59] <AlexLatchford> in /bugs/Triage/Responses [23:31:00] <gnomefreak> ok i agree we need to do some work with that including getting rid of the 3 that are exact same reponce [23:31:00] <asac> those text can be improved. e.g. by run -safe-mode and if the problem goes away, try to figure out what extension is missing [23:31:07] <gnomefreak> AlexLatchford: yes [23:31:22] <asac> eah ... what extension breaks :) [23:31:26] <AlexLatchford> asac: this is on my todo list [23:31:33] <gnomefreak> cool [23:31:41] <asac> if you need input on them just ask :) [23:31:49] <asac> AlexLatchford: ^^ [23:31:52] <AlexLatchford> I will try to get to it by the next meeting, please feel free to submit some on the mailing list [23:32:00] <dfarning> I is would be helpful if you could like the most impost questions [23:32:32] <dfarning> s/like/list [23:32:34] <AlexLatchford> I would actually appreciate it if a topic in the mailing list was started with responses, ill start one up later [23:32:34] <asac> ok ... agree i think i will update wiki bits as good as i can :) [23:32:47] <gnomefreak> AlexLatchford: sounds good to me [23:32:53] <gnomefreak> moving on? [23:32:55] <asac> ok [23:32:57] <dfarning> yes
[23:33:14] <gnomefreak> [topic] Taking over the [WWW] Thunderbird package from Mark Shuttleworth. [23:33:30] <gnomefreak> i think that is not nessicerary the more i look at the page [23:33:42] <asac> agree [23:33:51] <AlexLatchford> well I saw the page for firefox, which we have control over [23:33:52] <gnomefreak> its not really saying anything that concerns us directly [23:34:21] <gnomefreak> AlexLatchford: if i see mark online ill ping him about it if i remember? [23:34:23] <AlexLatchford> I am not sure exactly what owning the package does, but it would be useful maybe for asac and/or gnomefreak for releases maybe [23:34:48] <AlexLatchford> Well I am unsure of exactly what owning the package gives you the benefit of [23:34:53] <gnomefreak> AlexLatchford: that isnt at our level i dont think [23:35:01] <gnomefreak> AlexLatchford: nothing [23:35:04] <AlexLatchford> I would like to see Mozilla Bugs as the Bug Contact at least [23:35:14] <gnomefreak> AlexLatchford: mark own ubuntu so he kind of own all packages [23:35:22] <AlexLatchford> cool [23:35:35] <dfarning> I'll work on getting the bugs assigned [23:35:46] <AlexLatchford> yeah, this needs to be done [23:35:51] <gnomefreak> cool [23:35:54] <AlexLatchford> I got another 200 emails again [23:35:59] <gnomefreak> 338 [23:36:01] <gnomefreak> :( [23:36:02] <asac> dfarning: what do you mean by getting bugs assigned? [23:36:12] <asac> ah sorry :) [23:36:16] <asac> missed the topic switch [23:36:19] <dfarning> IT is a pita becuase all of the lp folks are working on the lp beta'( [23:36:20] <AlexLatchford> changing them from being assigned to Mozilla Team to the Mozilla Bugs [23:36:27] <dfarning> yes [23:36:38] <dfarning> and assign tb bugs to -bugs [23:36:51] <AlexLatchford> so it doesnt email bug changes out to all the Mozilla Team members [23:36:52] <asac> AlexLatchford: can't you setup a mail filter? [23:37:03] <asac> and as soon as lp members have some time [23:37:07] <asac> they can run an update? [23:37:08] <AlexLatchford> mail filter? [23:37:12] <asac> yes [23:37:13] <dfarning> AlexLatchford, right [23:37:28] <asac> you can filter X-Launchpad-Bug: header [23:37:34] <asac> should be easy to setup [23:37:35] <asac> e.g. [23:37:39] <dfarning> lp team is overall being very help. I don't want to push them [23:37:40] <AlexLatchford> oh right okay, that would be a temporary fix [23:37:46] <asac> X-Launchpad-Bug: distribution=ubuntu; sourcepackage=firefox; component=main; [23:37:49] <asac> status=Needs Info; importance=Wishlist; assignee=mozillateam; [23:38:00] <asac> you can filter what you want out of this [23:38:10] <asac> e.g. sort by package, by status, by importance, by assignee [23:38:12] <AlexLatchford> well it doesn;t bother me too much [23:38:22] <AlexLatchford> but I would prefer it to be fixed, I will try the filter for now though [23:38:41] <gnomefreak> ok move on. we have 2 more topics to go than asac can get moving ;) [23:38:52] <dfarning> next
[23:38:54] <gnomefreak> [topic] Faster response time for security update [23:39:25] <poningru> ok so [23:39:28] <asac> i try my best and work with martin get things up in time. i am member of mozilla security group so i usually get notification in time [23:39:30] <gnomefreak> this im sure will be worked out but we are a new team and trying to do alot of things [23:39:56] <poningru> it seems that ubuntu packages are only updated once the firefox security point release actually comes out [23:40:09] <dfarning> I think kees was just overworked [23:40:09] <asac> poningru: yes ... thats common procedure [23:40:16] <dfarning> should improve now:) [23:40:18] <poningru> what we can probably do is package the rc spins and test that ourselves [23:40:42] <asac> running rc preview packages is good to detect any QA problems up-front [23:40:48] * gnomefreak will brb shouldnt be long [23:40:49] <asac> so this is a good thing to have. [23:41:07] <asac> at best some member of our team can do this on a regular basis? [23:41:17] <poningru> yeah I would love to do this [23:41:28] <poningru> as soon as I can figure out packaging well enough [23:41:45] <poningru> still figuring out all the ins and outs [23:41:55] <asac> i explained a bit to gnomefreak already ... should be in irc logs already ;) [23:42:21] <poningru> hehe [23:42:23] <dfarning> I log were very good I package fx last week bases on them [23:42:25] <asac> i can assist you ... if you promise to carry know how to other members as well ... at best setting up some introduction pages in wiki too. [23:42:49] <asac> :) [23:42:54] <dfarning> I would like to set up some semi formal session on packaging so we are not always bugging asac [23:43:03] <asac> yes ... thats good [23:43:07] <asac> we can arrange some time :) [23:43:14] <dfarning> he need tim to work on the technical stuff [23:43:23] <poningru> tim? [23:43:26] <dfarning> time [23:43:30] <gnomefreak> time [23:43:37] <poningru> oh [23:43:44] <poningru> lol [23:43:54] <poningru> I was thinking s/he/we [23:44:00] * gnomefreak working on what i see as hard packaging with tb a ff betas [23:44:25] <gnomefreak> i wasnt here is that done? [23:44:34] <gnomefreak> we have one more i wouold like asac output on [23:44:37] <dfarning> we will set up semi formal learning time slots to better ulitize our expert resources [23:44:41] <dfarning> next [23:44:49] <asac> :) well phrased :)
[23:45:03] <gnomefreak> [topic] renaming packages [23:45:18] <gnomefreak> ok renaming mozilla-thunderbird to thunderbird [23:45:26] <asac> ah ... ok renaming packages is always a pita ... and hardly worth the efford. [23:45:35] <asac> i see that its inconsitent atm [23:45:37] <gnomefreak> and mozilla-firefox to just firefox [23:45:42] <asac> but would like to defer that to post feisty [23:45:46] <poningru> whats the reason? [23:45:54] <gnomefreak> although i think we dropped mozilla-firefox transitinal package [23:46:15] <asac> the reason firefox was renamed is that debian renamed both, but nobody was here to do the proper thunderbird transition [23:46:15] <AlexLatchford> So if you are going to follow with Thunderbird it will be in Feisty+1 [23:46:20] <AlexLatchford> ? [23:46:28] <AlexLatchford> s/you/we/ [23:46:30] <asac> thats why we are at the current state [23:46:30] <gnomefreak> most liekly [23:46:31] <AlexLatchford> ish [23:46:36] <dfarning> there is not consistant name because of renaming that occured before the branking agreement [23:46:38] <poningru> ah ic [23:46:39] <gnomefreak> likely [23:46:59] <asac> we currently work with mozilla to clarify if they want mozilla- prefix or not [23:47:00] <AlexLatchford> hmm okay, just seems like at the moment there are a load of naming inconsistencies, flash also being a major problem [23:47:07] <gnomefreak> asac: dfarning is this something to look forward to for feisty+1? [23:47:17] <dfarning> defer to feisty+1 [23:47:29] <AlexLatchford> sounds good to me [23:47:34] <dfarning> bug catchup more important for now [23:47:39] <AlexLatchford> agreed [23:47:49] <asac> probably when upgrading to 2.0 we can change name [23:47:59] <AlexLatchford> seems sensible [23:48:16] <asac> for now it matters that we build tbird with official branding. [23:48:20] <gnomefreak> Faster response time for security update is the bug that i brought that up about [23:48:31] <gnomefreak> hmmmmmmm [23:48:33] <poningru> quick offtopic: is anyone building ff r4? [23:48:38] <gnomefreak> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mozilla-thunderbird/+bug/70937 [23:48:40] <Ubugtu> Malone bug 70937 in mozilla-thunderbird "Package "mozilla-thunderbird" should be renamed to "thunderbird"" [Wishlist,Confirmed] [23:48:45] <gnomefreak> poningru: i have it on to do list [23:48:52] <poningru> gnomefreak: I wanna help [23:49:31] <asac> ok ... is that it?
[23:49:34] <gnomefreak> [topic] Any other matters that we missed or needs to be discussed? [23:49:51] <AlexLatchford> none from me [23:50:06] <dfarning> i am satisified [23:50:08] <gnomefreak> asac: go go go :) [23:50:12] <gnomefreak> #endmeeting
MeetingLogs/Mozilla/20070219 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:24:52 by localhost)