
Miquel Adroer


I work as a printer technician in Canon España in Barcelona, Spain. I solve hardware problems, repair printers and copiers in client offices. I also troubleshoot software issues, make remote connections to clients' Windows, Linux and Mac computers.

I began using GNU/Linux with Ubuntu Dapper Drake in 2006 and I enjoyed using a variety of Ubuntu flavors, actually I love Kubuntu. I’m member of Caliu  since 2008 (Catalan GNU/Linux Users), as its President (2014-2019) and now vocal.

Ubuntu Involvement

  • Contributing member at Ubuntu Catalan Team on Install Parties.
  • Founder and maintainer of Ubuntu Catalan Guide at Guia Ubuntu Català. The guide also announced on the Ubuntu.cat website in the assistance and help section.
  • Every six months, with new versions of Ubuntu, I provide free printed copies of the Ubuntu Catalan Guide in the usual Install Parties.

To Do

  • Continue maintaining the Ubuntu guide in Catalan.
  • Start demonstrations of use and installation of games with Linux in the Ubuntu Install Parties.

List of completed activities

2020, October. Groovy Gorilla Install Party Talk on Alternatives to Google's Gmail: ProtonMail, GMX Email, Tutanota.

2019, May. High School of professional formation, Jesuïtes El Clot. Barcelona. Talk about Free Software and Ubuntu.

2017, April. Zesty Zapus Install Party. Raspberry Pi installation and demonstration on Ubuntu.

2014, May. Disco Dingo Install Party. Presentation of the Ubuntu Catalan Guide.

2014, May. High School Escola de Treball, Barcelona. Reception of the DIPLOMA awarded to Ubuntu and, on its behalf, to the Catalan Ubuntu group, from the Honorable Minister of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya (catalan government). In recognition of their contribution to the practical training of students, academic events and technical conferences.

2012, May. Precise Pangolin Install Party. Configuration and use of the WII controller with Ubuntu.


  • RafaelCarreras I know Miquel for a long time (about 15 years now). We have been involved in many Free Software promoting activities through a local LUG (Caliu) and also through Ubuntu's Catalan LoCo Team. So I can undoubtedly say that Miquel is someone in whom you can trust, a serious worker, and his work has contributed decisively to the success of our LoCo team. I enthusiastically support Miquel's application to be an Ubuntu Member. He's been involves in the LoCo Team since the beginning, works hard on its Ubuntu Guide in Catalan for every new version, and comes almost to every event on the LoCo. He's also interested in Ubuntu as a whole and wants to be more involved.

  • WalterGarciaFontes I think I know Miquel almost from when I started using Ubuntu, back in 2007 or so. He has been a member of our Loco team since then, and gave talks in several of our activities, especially in our install parties. He is also known because of producing incredibly useful guides in Catalan for Ubuntu and all its flavors (here you can find the whole collection: Ubuntu Guides in Catalan). He has also been bringing these guides printed as elegant booklets to give away freely in our install parties (he is a printer technician so he has had the chance to print the guides), and so helped in the difussion of free software and Ubuntu, as new users always had the chance to grasp his guides from the install parties. He has been also a promoter of using games in Ubuntu, and showing how it is also a good platform for gamers, who sometimes find it hard to adopt Ubuntu thinking that there are no good games for it. I think Miquel will be an incredible asset for the Loco Council, because he is not only a tireless contributor, but he is also a very nice and caring person, especially suited to deal with diverse cultural backgrounds and views.

MiquelAdroer (last edited 2023-11-04 09:11:51 by walter-garcia)