
Revision 31 as of 2010-09-09 22:43:00

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Name: Mathieu Trudel
GPG: 32090D4A
Launchpad: mathieu-tl
Identica: cyphermox
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

I am a system/networks administrator and hardware certification engineer.

I love Ubuntu, my dream is that one day, we will be able to close Launchpad bug #1

I am especially active in contributing to NetworkManager and its relevant packages in Ubuntu, Gnome applications and libraries such as Emerillon and Ethos, and helping with bugs, especially for server-related software.

Ubuntu Contributions

Community Contributions

  • I'm very active in the Ubuntu-QC team. There are lots of challenges (people geographically dispersed, not always willing to travel...), but also a lot of interest.
    • Organized, with komputes, the Ubuntu Global Jam in Montreal.

      • Many thanks to ETS (Ecole de Technologie Superieure), as well as Clod Patry and Guillaume Grasset for help and booking the rooms in 2009 and March 2010.
      • Many thanks to SupInfo and Aurelien Fernandes for help and booking the rooms in August 2010.

    • Organized the Montreal Karmic, Lucid release party. See QuebecTeam/KarmicParty, QuebecTeam/LucidParty.

    • Ubuntu Hour - Longueuil



  • I try to stay involved in bug triaging, fixing some bugs, and packaging software.
    • I'm paying a close attention to bugs related to network-manager and its vpn plugins.
  • Packaging multiple new or updated software:
    • Concordance - a library and command-line tools for configuring Logitech Harmony remotes.
    • Congruity - GUI program to configure Logitech Harmony remotes.
    • Acct - GNU Process and System Accounting utilities
    • Emerillon - map viewer for GNOME
      • In progress.
    • Network-manager-openconnect - VPN client plugin for NetworkManager, to connect to Cisco AnyConnect VPN systems.

  • Working with the ~network-manager team on various NM-related tasks.

  • Trying to fix LP#284596

Future Plans

  • (medium term) Eventually become a Debian Developer.
  • (long term) Becoming Ubuntu core-dev.

Views about Ubuntu

Well, Ubuntu should be for everyone. We can no longer say that only Windows is appropriate for the grandparents, uncle, auntie, or whomever in the family, because Ubuntu should be what we all go forward to as a community. Not just because it's free, but also because, if nothing else, it is built in part by us. If we decide to buy food (and other domestic) products locally out of concern for the community, local producers and all of that, we should do the same for software, and encourage the incredible skill and talent from our community.

On the short term, I hope for my workplace to adopt Ubuntu as a replacement for developer's desktop environments. It's already in the works, there just needs to be more forward momentum. Not just allowing it as a R&D platform...

I think that globally, Ubuntu needs more users on the short term. Marketing needs to be improved. In North America, or at the very least in Canada, I am doubtful that there are any TV ads about Linux. Ubuntu could be a first. Lots of people know an alternative exists, but perhaps not enough.

* The shrink-wrap factor may also be in play -- I don't recall seeing boxed versions of Ubuntu in computer stores in Quebec or Canada -- grandparents and the computer illiterate may be more inclined to try and stick with an OS if it is shrinkwrapped, and low enough in price as an alternative to other operating systems.

* There needs to be more interaction with ISV and OEMS and whatnot. For example, there is still officially no support from Oracle for installing their database on Ubuntu -- this needs to change. We can help this by making sure the server platform is as stable as it could be (pretty sure it is!), and confirming to their concerns or requirements. Oracle, as an example, needs to be serious approached and bugged about supporting installations on Ubuntu.

On the long term, I hope for my province's (Quebec) government to adopt Ubuntu as a viable alternative to other operating systems. Agreed, this has not happened yet and will take time, but things should at least start with a commitment, especially at the government level, to using open standards. Everyone can, we only need to be shown why it is the sensible choice. There are numerous groups trying to get governments to adopt FOSS, Ubuntu seems like an ideal platform for gov't workstations and desktops.


I strongly believe some thanks are in order for people who I haven't necessarily met, but who do some really awesome work in the Ubuntu Community, and who I have had the pleasure of working with: Jorge Castro, Alexander Sack, Fabian Rodriguez and komputes, to name a few.

Testimonials for Membership Application

  • I'm glad Mathieu has finally applied for membership! I met Mathieu through a mutual friend and he's helped me out when I needed to find people to help with Ubuntu EC2 testing as well as being a great "sysadmin who can test/verify/fix bugs" for a bunch of random bugs I needed help with over the past few cycles. Matthieu knows not only how to work with existing ubuntu developers but also upstreams and Debian. I think membership will be a good first step and encourage him to keep going and become an Ubuntu developer! -- jorge 2009-10-22 21:30:46

  • What can I say, Mathieu is a fantastic member of the community ! He's quite active on Quebec's IRC channel and other Ubuntu channels, the mailing list and in events. He helped a lot in our two last major events (Global Jam and Release Party) and he keeps showing up in some annoying bugs Smile :) He's great at showing off Ubuntu to new users and answering questions too. So, a big YEAH for me regarding membership -- -- magicfab 2009-11-11 16:21:09

This section is open to anyone who would like to comment on my contribution to the Ubuntu community