
Revision 2 as of 2014-02-22 04:06:35

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TODO: document what patches have been applied to what packages, whether those patches have been submitted upstream, and whether they have been accepted upstream


The lightdm package in the PPA contains some patches that make it possible to support multiseat, although at the moment you must configure the seats manually (see the instructions below). Automatic multiseat support has not yet been added (see bug #1190581).


The xorg-server package in the multiseat PPA includes patches and changes for the following issues:


The gdm package in the multiseat PPA includes patches and changes for the following issues:

  • upstream bug #704581: Add patch to fix automatic/timed login in multiseat context

  • upstream bug #711253: Add patch to explicitly set variable XDG_VTNR for seat0 (needed to avoid getting inactive graphical sessions for seat0 in some multiseat setups) Now rely on patched xorg-server package from this PPA.


The PPA contains some packages from saucy that have been backported to raring to complete logind support. The initial list of packages came from the ubuntu-core-dev team's logind PPA. Please contact the Ubuntu Multiseat team if you are aware of any additional packages that need backporting to raring.