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If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free!
- Banner Design
- 10.04 Release Party
Upcoming trade show in May 1-2, 2010 in ABQ
Members Present
10 people in the IRC channel tonight
Meeting started at 8:00 by prontochris
Topics Discussed
--- Log opened Tue Apr 13 19:59:21 2010 19:59 -!- Irssi: Log file ~/irclogs/2010-04-13.txt opened 20:00 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> deinerson1: Good evening 20:00 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> I just talked with tritium and he is running about 15 minutes late. 20:01 -!- kenneth_ [~quassel@c-174-50-72-184.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-us-nm 20:01 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> prontochris: good evening 20:02 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Let's give everyone a few minutes. 20:06 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> as an aside: I tried out buck-security .5 today - it is simple and informative 20:06 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> I haven't heard of it. 20:06 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> http://www.buck-security.org/buck-security.html 20:07 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> it found a less than ideal port setting in my sshd_config, which is now corrected 20:07 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/April_13_2010 20:07 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> deinerson1: nice. 20:11 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Ok. Lets get started. 20:11 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Does anyone have any business before we get to our only agenda item? 20:12 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> deinerson1: How about a quick EPC update? 20:12 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> this is my last mtg as a rep for EPC - my last day is 4/15, this thursday 20:13 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Whoa. I didn't realize you were leaving? 20:13 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> yes, looking for work :| 20:13 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Is anyone going to be taking over for you? 20:14 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> no, but janice@endorphinpower.org is the new executive director, though generally Sam is the best to contact 20:14 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> her full name: Janice Mancuso 20:15 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Good to know. 20:15 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Good luck on the job hunt. 20:15 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> I'll be around for these mtgs, just not representining EPC anymore 20:15 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> thx 20:15 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Good. 20:17 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Ok. We have one agenda item. 20:18 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Based on the work done for FocusInk, they are willing to print us a banner free of charge. 20:20 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> So, we need a design. 20:20 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Anyone interested? 20:21 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> We can certainly use the official ubuntu material, but we thought making it unique to our loco would be cool. 20:24 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> IIRC, we had some designs back in the day, but I don't remember who did them and where they went. 20:25 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> not sure who created it, but here's the one used in the meeting agendas: http://myweb.cableone.net/dthomas/images/ub.png 20:25 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> ahh, probably dthomasdigital :) 20:26 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Yeah, I wonder if he has that in svg. I can get in touch with him. 20:27 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Anyone else have an suggestions? 20:28 [Users #ubuntu-us-nm] 20:28 [@ChanServ ] [ kenneth_ ] [ protonchris] 20:28 [ ColonelPanik] [ locobot_4] [ smooge ] 20:28 [ deinerson1 ] [ mneptok ] [ ubot3 ] 20:28 [ gen_fool ] [ nick125 ] [ woowoo ] 20:28 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu-us-nm: Total of 12 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 11 normal] 20:31 -!- tritium [~tritium@ubuntu/member/tritium] has joined #ubuntu-us-nm 20:31 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> tritium: Good evening 20:32 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> Good evening. Sorry I'm late. 20:32 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> So far, we decided that dave probably has the old logo designs and I am supposed to contact him. 20:32 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> OK, sounds good. 20:33 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Also deinerson1 is stepping down as the EPC rep, but still plans on attending our meetings as a private citizen ;) 20:33 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> Oh, really? I'm glad you'll still be attending, deinerson1. 20:34 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> me too, thx :) 20:34 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> :) 20:34 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> That is about it. 20:34 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Did I forget anything? 20:35 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> OK. Even though I've not updated the agenda, we have at least two more items to address: 1) 10.04 Release Party, 2) Upcoming show in May, for which the banner is needed. 20:35 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> Regarding 1), the final release is two weeks from Thursday already. 20:36 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> We should probably pick a venue, and get an announcement out on the mailing list by this Thursday, I'd suggest. 20:36 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> tritium: do you remember when mneptok gets back to town? 20:36 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> Maybe we should aim for the 1st? 20:36 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> I don't recall, specifically, protonchris. 20:36 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> nick125: I like that idea. 20:37 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> The 1st works for me. 20:37 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> I have ordered the LoCo's CDs. This release, they will be sending us 250 Ubuntu CDs, 50 Kubuntu CDs, and 50 Server CDs. 20:37 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> tritium: sounds good. I think kenneth_ ordered some as well. 20:38 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> Since we probably won't have media on the 1st, someone should download all of the ISOs onto their laptop...then bring it, setup an imprompt network so people can download the images on their laptop. 20:38 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> My vote for a location would be EPC this time, unless deinerson1 would advise against it. 20:38 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> EPC sounds good to me. 20:39 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> deinerson1: is everything good at EPC? May I ask why you're stepping down, or would you rather not say? 20:39 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> Have recived 25 ubuntu 9.10 shipit cd so far 20:40 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> 100 9.10 ubuntu on order from the ubuntu shop, no information when they would be shipped yet 20:40 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> it's all good, I would like to say EPC would love to host the get together 20:41 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> Great! Do we need to schedule that with somebody, or verify availability? 20:41 #ubuntu-us-nm: < woowoo> mnep and i get back from vacation on may 4 20:42 #ubuntu-us-nm: * gen_fool wonders if epc needs more boxes 20:42 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> woowoo: oh :( 20:42 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> yes, with either kippuruns@yahoo.com or janice@endorphinpower.org 20:42 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> OK. Thanks, deinerson1. 20:43 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> I suggest verfifying with them, too the week of 20:43 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> strongly^ 20:43 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> a reminder or two 20:43 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> OK, duly noted. Thank you. 20:43 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Maybe we should push the party date so we can include woowoo and mneptok 20:44 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> Kippur is sort of the key contact for this 20:44 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> I like that idea. 20:45 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> I move to adopt protonchris' suggestion. 20:46 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Sound we do weekday or weekend? 20:46 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Sound -> Should 20:48 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> My daughter's 1st birthday party is on 5/1, so moving it out works well for me. 20:50 -!- You have been marked as being away 20:51 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> We could push the date back a week, but that is Mother's day weekend and I don't know if that will be an issue. 20:52 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> Ooh, that's a good point... 20:53 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Well, lets think about it and move on. 20:54 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> Let's plan on deciding at next week's meeting. 20:54 -!- You are no longer marked as being away 20:54 -!- Irssi: No new messages in awaylog 20:54 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Ok. 20:54 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> Are we at least in agreement that it will not be the weekend of the 1st, but rather sometime in the future, either a weekday, or the weekend following? 20:55 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Sounds good to me. 20:55 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> yes 20:55 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> OK. 20:55 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> kenneth_: moving on to 2), are you leading up the next gun show again? 20:59 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> I am going to step away. I'll take a look at the scroll back about the gun show. Have a good night. 20:59 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> I need to do the same. 20:59 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> Any other last business before I step away? 20:59 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> yes 21:00 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> hopefull the disks will arrive 21:00 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> kenneth_: When is the date again? protonchris and I are working on getting a banner, as was stated earlier in the meeting before I arrived (I believe). 21:00 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth_> May 1 and 2 21:01 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/trade_show_2010 21:01 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> Wow, soon. OK, thanks. 21:02 #ubuntu-us-nm: < tritium> OK, I'll be back on later this evening, but I need to step /away for a bit now. Talk to you soon. 21:03 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> tritium: good night 21:03 [Users #ubuntu-us-nm] 21:03 [@ChanServ ] [ locobot_4 ] [ tritium] 21:03 [ ColonelPanik] [ mneptok ] [ ubot3 ] 21:03 [ deinerson1 ] [ nick125 ] [ woowoo ] 21:03 [ gen_fool ] [ protonchris] 21:03 [ kenneth_ ] [ smooge ] 21:03 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu-us-nm: Total of 13 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 12 normal] --- Log closed Tue Apr 13 21:06:34 2010
NewMexicoTeam/April_13_2010 (last edited 2010-04-14 03:08:21 by c-76-18-65-160)