
Ubuntu Next New Mexico LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 9 PM MDT (details)



Feel free to update the pages on the wiki.

  • Progress on the Silver Spur Trade Show booth. The first is the weekend of February 13-14, 2010 in Rio Rancho, NM and May 1-2 in Albuquerque, NM. Hours: SAT 9-5, SUN 10-4. Dealer Setup: Fri 12pm-7pm, Sat 8-9am. The table is 8 feet long.

  • Will there be more volunteers to staff the booth?
  • Any volunteers to pay for a banner, table cloth, pamphlet copying?

If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free!

Members Present

12 people in the IRC channel tonight


Meeting started at 8:00

Topics Discussed

20:00 < protonchris> Good evening
20:00 < jimrz> hi protonchris
20:01 < protonchris> I don't think tritium is going to make it tonight.
20:01 < mneptok> yeah, i got my legs waxed first, and he was just strting when i left. :(
20:02 < mneptok> but it's worth it. i'm silky smooth.
20:03 < mneptok> i can't stay for the entire meeting, as i have to go and prepare and eat our dinner.
20:04 < protonchris> What's for dinner?
20:04 < mneptok> but i want to again encourage everyone to help out at the gun show this weekend. as of right now, i'm the only person signed up on the wiki. i'm assuming deinerson1 and kenneth will be there.
20:04 < nick125> I'll be in and out...I'm trying to memorize the first half of the periodic table of elements.
20:04 -!- weazzle [~weazzle@75-161-31-127.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
20:04 < protonchris> nick125: why?
20:04 < mneptok> protonchris: something ivolving ground beef. woowoo will tell me what i'm making when i get downstairs.
20:04 < nick125> mneptok: Bahaha.
20:05 < nick125> protonchris: Chem exam tomorrow.
20:05 < protonchris> nick125: They require you to memorize the periodic table?
20:05 < kenneth> Trade Show Project Page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/trade_show_2010
20:05 < genfool> mneptok,  is this on Saturday?
20:05 < nick125> protonchris: They'll ask questions like "How many neutrons does uranium-235 have?", etc
20:06 < mneptok> genfool: Saturday and Sunday
20:06 < mneptok> nick125: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmwlzwGMMwc
20:07 < jimrz> kenneth: don,t think I can do this weekend will there be a table for the May show? I should be able to do that one.
20:07  * mneptok will have some flyers that promote Linux
20:07 < kenneth> ok
20:07 [Users #ubuntu-us-nm]
20:07 [@ChanServ  ] [ kenneth  ] [ protonchris ] [ ubot3  ] 
20:07 [ deinerson1] [ locobot_4] [ protonchris_] [ weazzle] 
20:07 [ genfool   ] [ mneptok  ] [ smooge      ] [ woowoo ] 
20:07 [ jimrz     ] [ nick125  ] [ tritium     ] [ |mando|] 
20:07 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu-us-nm: Total of 16 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 15 normal]
20:07  * mneptok goes to update the wiki
20:08 < genfool> I can show up for Saturday
20:08 < protonchris> I can help out on Saturday as well.
20:08 < protonchris> I'll add my name to the wiki.
20:08 < mneptok> does anyone want to volunteer to print a banner?
20:09 < deinerson1> I will not be able to be there for this one, but should for the May show
20:10 < mneptok> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=team-banner.svg  <--- use the available Ubuntu font to fill in the NM LoCo team. anyone?
20:10 -!- weazzle [~weazzle@75-161-31-127.albq.qwest.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
20:10 < protonchris> tritium said that he was going to try to help on Saturday as well.
20:10 < mneptok> protonchris: last night he seemed unsure
20:10 < mneptok> 22:29 < tritium> mneptok: I know.  I still don't know if I can make it.
20:10 -!- weazzle [~weazzle@75-161-31-127.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
20:13 < genfool> I missed a wedding anniversary last month, certain I will not be available on Sunday  o_0
20:13 < mneptok> kenneth: i assume as exhibitors we will not need to pay an entrance fee?
20:13 < protonchris> mneptok: Yeah that is why I said "try".  When I talked with him earlier today, he wasn't sure yet.
20:14 < kenneth> should not
20:14 < mneptok> kenneth: how do we coordinate that? when someone arrives to work the table, how do they get in as exhibitors?
20:15 < mneptok> kenneth: will you provide a list of names to the show staff, or .... ?
20:15 -!- weazzle [~weazzle@75-161-31-127.albq.qwest.net] has quit [Client Quit]
20:17 < kenneth> I'll talk to the show organizers
20:17 < mneptok> OK
20:18 < mneptok> kenneth: can you e-mail the list with the necessary information about gaining entrance?
20:18 < kenneth> ok
20:18 < mneptok> poifekt.
20:18 < protonchris> kenneth: thanks
20:19 < mneptok> banner? tablecloth? anyone?
20:20 < mneptok> if someone that isn't attending wants to provide either of those things, i'll drive to your home to collect them ...
20:21 < genfool> mneptok,  I do not have, what size of table are we talking about?
20:21 < mneptok> genfool: 8 feet
20:22 < mneptok> genfool: i imagine the dollar store might have a paper table runner of some kind
20:24 < genfool> I could go for that, need the info for when, where, how. to get in and set up. I do not expect to get in free, do need to be early if I bring the table cloth.
20:25 < mneptok> genfool: all that info is on the wiki page
20:25 < mneptok> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/trade_show_2010
20:25 < mneptok> OK, i have to go and start dinner.
20:25 < jimrz> mneptok....enjoy
20:26 < genfool> mneptok,  see you there
20:26 < mneptok> if anyone volunteers to print a banner, /msg me on how i can pick that up if you can't bring it to the show.
20:26 < mneptok> i'll be back in a few hours. i have a weekly confcapp at midnight
20:26 < mneptok> *confcall
20:26 < mneptok> *poof*
20:30 < kenneth> just to let you know, I have to work on saturday , I'll be there for setup on friday and on Sunday
20:33 < jimrz> ugh...work calls .... good night everyone
20:33 -!- jimrz [~jriordan@c-76-18-79-239.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-us-nm []
20:33 < genfool> kenneth,  how should this work, I can be there Sat morning to help, not Fri. ???
20:35 < kenneth> friday is just dealer setup time
20:37 < genfool> kenneth,  8:00 am Sat good?
20:38 < kenneth> ok
20:39 < genfool> cool  :)
20:42 < kenneth> needed some coverage on saturday morning
20:44 < genfool> That will be fine for me, see if I can pull in some backup,
20:44 < genfool> I promise not to push gentoo on noobs  :)
20:56 -!- smooge [~smooge@int.smoogespace.com] has quit [Quit: -ENOBRAIN]
20:56 -!- smooge [~smooge@int.smoogespace.com] has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
20:58 < protonchris> I am going to take off.  Have a good night.

NewMexicoTeam/February_9_2010 (last edited 2010-02-10 04:02:57 by c-76-18-65-160)