Contact Information Name

Jackson Doak Email Launchpad Profile

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Noskcaj on My blog (unused)

About Me

I'm Jackson, I'm 17 years old and live in Australia. I started using Ubuntu during 10.10. I have been an active member of the ubuntu team since 12.10 alpha 3 and debian since mid-2013.

This page is usually outdated and is mostly for applying for different things.

My history in FOSS and Ubuntu

The Ubuntu family is main project contribute to. I joined the Ubuntu Quality team (and as a result the Ubuntu community in general) just after the release of alpha 3 in 12.10. I have since found many bugs, made manual ISO testcases and run an Ubuntu-classroom session on the program testdrive. I helped start the modernisation of Ubuntu's testcases which now includes over 200 testcases.

In February 2013 i was given a trial as head of testing for Xubuntu because I was the only person who put their hand up for the position, since then elfy has returned and taken over again. I first applied for ubuntu membership in april 2013 and was given membership in may. I have run over 300 ISO testcases for Ubuntu.

I started packaging in mid-2013, initially working on things related to xubuntu and the ubuntu qa team. Since then i have done a large amount of MOTU work, been on of the main xfce maintainers in debian and ubuntu, helped with the tanglu project, and i have worked with the ubuntu-gnome project frequently (including running transitions and PPA management).

Future Goals

My main goals within the FOSS community are: learn python and C, and become a better developer for Ubuntu (Xubuntu specifically). Outside of the FOSS community my main goal is to finish high school and get a job in the I.T. industry.


I am part of a number of packaging teams for debian, as well as some minor packages i personally maintain. Most of these are related to xubuntu and ubuntu-gnome.

The Ubuntu PC

In May 2013 i had the idea of making an Ubuntu themed PC case mod. I put the progress on my blog, and have a working PC from it. But the project was a failure, mostly due to the fact i don't have a good enough internet connection to actually make use of the system.


If you know me and have something nice to say, please leave a comment here.


I've had the pleasure of meeting and becoming friends with Jackson, as we are both contributors of the QA / Testing team. He is certainly hard-working and committed on his helping of this team. Jackson is a great contributor and person. As examples, he has held a classroom session and also chased up a bug in Test Drive along with being a dedicated tester. I believe he is worthy of Ubuntu membership and ask that you look favorably on his application. phill 8th April 2013

I'm fondly surprised that two same-aged teenagers (me and Noskcaj) are joining the Ubuntu QA Team at the same time. Noskcaj is seriously a dedicated tester to Ubuntu, for example writing testcases for Xubuntu, catching up with Testdrive and doing classroom sessions. I received membership earlier than him, but I seriously think that he is better at me for getting membership if you only count QA contributions. I highly recommend him for Ubuntu membership. smartboyhw -- smartboyhw 2013-04-10 13:43:43

It's been wonderful watching Jackson learn about ubuntu and grow as a contributor and member of the ubuntu quality team. Since learning how to test an iso himself, he's gone on to help the team by instructing others and encouraging new folks via IRC and the mailing list to do the same. To this end, he has helped to ensure the Testdrive testing tool has remained an option for new folks -- helping to drive bugs and keep the tool up to date with each release. He's helped to ensure some of the lesser tested images are kept up to date with proper tests and test results. His attitude and skills are all wonderful representations of ubuntu. I look forward to seeing more good things from him. I would ask you to look favorably upon his application and welcome him into ubuntu as a full member. nskaggs 11th April 2013

I testified! Jackson will be an amazing ubuntu member, I had the chance to work with him doing testing and with the TestDrive project, where we work with bugs and code Smile :) Besides he is a community guy, helping with sessions for our Ubuntu Classroom activities. SergioMeneses 29th April 2013

Mr. Doak is learning from the School of Hard Knocks about teamwork as well as working with others from diverse cultures. As the testing lead for Xubuntu he had a difficult task to push for testing of images during the Raring Ringtail cycle. He accomplished that task while facing many challenges. As leader of Ubuntu Ohio I would gladly import him from Australia to help spur activity within my LoCo if I could. I recommend him to become a peer in Ubuntu membership at this time. skellat -- skellat 2013-05-02 21:49:00


Joining the MOTU team is something i have been working towards for over a year now. I believe i have shown enough responsibility with my uploads (to ubuntu, debian, and flavour-supported PPAs) to warrant this level of archive access. I have made many hundreds of uploads to the universe repository, so having upload rights would speed up my workflow significantly, and hopefully increase the amount of time i have to improve the packages in universe.

Daniel Holbach (dholbach)

General feedback

Jackson did a lot of great work in the UbuntuDevelopment team. It's great to work with him, he's quick to fix issues and I'd totally trust him with MOTU upload rights.

Update 2014-03-24: I sponsored around 100 uploads for Jackson and I'm still quite happy with his work. His work around XFCE packages is a cornerstone of the Xubuntu project.

Specific Experiences of working together

Just a few. Feel free to add more:

Martin Pitt (pitti)

I sponsored several syncs (6) and merges (7) from Jackson, and one packaging modernization. He is highly motivated and learning, and most of the things I sponsored for him went in rather quickly after just a bit of cleanup. He still needs to get a bit better with self-verifying his requests (e. g. several syncs don't build or need nonexisting dependencies, or would drop relevant delta, etc.).

Thanks Jackson!

Update from 2014-03-14: In the last two weeks I've sponsored about a dozen syncs and several merges from Jackson which were all fine. +1 from me now for MOTU. Thanks Jackson!

Michael Terry (mterry)

I sponsored ten syncs and two merges from Jackson. By and large they are good. I agree with Martin that Jackson could be slightly more cautious sometimes (in my case, it was missing a build dependency needed for arm or missing a change in Debian that Ubuntu wouldn't want and thus should be dropped from the merge).

But the majority of his work has been great, and he's been a pleasure to work with!

Marc Deslauriers (mdeslaur)

I have sponsored a few things for Jackson, and they were uneventful. I don't have much experience working with him, but the few things I did sponsor went well.

Dmitry Shachnev (mitya57)

General feedback

I have sponsored a few packages for Jackson and all they mostly were in great shape.

I appreciate that Jackson tries to forward Ubuntu changes back to Debian and gets involved in many Debian teams.

Specific Experiences of working together



























Vincent Cheng

I've had the pleasure of collaborating with Jackson, reviewing and sponsoring a number of his packages in Debian (within the Python-related packaging teams for the most part). He is very enthusiastic and is a quick learner; he is also very active and quick to fix any issues that I've found when reviewing his packages. I'm not an Ubuntu member nor do I have any sort of formal position in Ubuntu (I'm a Debian Developer), but if I were, I'd advocate Jackson for MOTU membership.

Matthias Klumpp

I am working together with Jackson on the Tanglu Debian derivative. His packaging work is of high quality, and we trust him with full archive upload permissions. At time at Tanglu, he is also mastering reading Britney output to get packages migrated. He is learning new things quickly and has a very good understanding on how we put together a distribution. It is a pleasure to work with him, and I hope to continue to do that in future. I am also not an Ubuntu developer (I'm a Debian Developer like Vincent), but I think having Jackson as MOTU would be a great win for the team.

Xubuntu PackageSet

I plan to apply for Xubuntu PackageSet rights mid 2015, if you have seen my work, please leave a comment.

Simon Steinbeiß (ochosi)

General feedback

I second Jackson's application for the Xubuntu PackageSet. While I cannot judge the technicalities on packaging and the like, I can tell that Jackson is very responsive and it's really easy and nice to work with him. He has contributed quite a lot to Xubuntu and I hope he gets the upload rights. Keep up the good work, Jackson!


I'm not able to say anything with regard to Jackson's overall suitability for MOTU. All I can do is put across how willing and helpful he has been within the Xubuntu ecosphere while I have been involved with them. I'd have been happy to give him a +1 for general membership if I had as much to do with him then as I have since then. Given the +1 from my 'confederate' on the Community Council (Daniel Holbach) then I see no reason why I'd not be able to give him my support.

Sean Davis (bluesabre)

I am greatly in favor of Noskcaj obtaining upload rights for the Xubuntu PackageSet. He has been taken responsibility of maintaining some packages in Debian and has been influential in creating new packages and updating existing packages to meet a higher standard.

As a developer of several of the packages Noskcaj would actually be maintaining (catfish, parole, lightdm-gtk-greeter, xfce4-settings, menulibre, mugshot), please consider this as my +1 (or more) for his packageset uploader rights. -- Sean Davis, Xubuntu Technical Lead


I would like to be part of the desktop-extra team as it maintains many of the gnome packages which i have been working with that are in main. I am already part of the gnome3-team and maintain many of these packages in the PPAs there, as well as filing multiple MIRs to continue main support for some of these packages.

Tim Lunn (darkxst)

Jackson has been an a very active member of the Ubuntu GNOME team for the last 6-12 months. During this time he has been very entusiastic and done quite a lot of packaging work for us.

I have sponsored 8 uploads for Jackson, most being merges from Debian. However I have also reviewed quite a few more packages either from the gnome3 ppa's or gnome uploads I don't have rights for. Generally his work is high quality however there have been times, that a lack of testing has come back to bite, however this does seem to have improved somewhat in the last months.

While I do support Jackson's Ubuntu GNOME packageset application , I also think desktop-extra packageset + upload rights to gnome3-team ppa would be a good stepping stone to get there, and perhaps apply for ubuntu-gnome packageset in a few months time. ubuntu-gnome packageset is fairly small, however most things are very core to our flavour, so the impact of breakage is quite high.

Noskcaj (last edited 2016-04-24 23:44:47 by localhost)