Ubuntu Membership
Charles Davis
I have worked with Paul extensively since I joined the Ubuntu Forums BT. Paul is a helpful and friendly guy that goes out of his way to contribute in a positive manner. His contributions to Ubuntu (Sabre and Qube), combined with his positive approach to helping people make him an ideal candidate for Ubuntu Membership. Please consider his application favorably.
Joe Barker
- I worked with Paul on both the Beginners Team, and on the development of Sabre (in fact I believe I pushed him to take it further ;)) His contributions to the community are no less than great, and I sincerely hope you approve him for Ubuntu Membership.
Connor Imes
- Paul was one of the first team members I got to know after joining the Beginners Team, and he certainly has been fun to work with. The Education focus group for the BT has a lot of potential, and Paul is working with that to help spread knowledge within the team and community. Much of his work has been done "behind the scenes" through involvement with programming (like Sabre) and other LP activities that don't typically rack up much karma. I definitely support his application for Ubuntu Membership.
LoCo Council Membership
I have known Paultag through his activities with UBT, mainly through our leadership of the IRC focus group but also through development of The Whube Project. Outside of his work for UBT he is always doing something to enhance Ubuntu, with his latest project organising the Global Bug Jam in his local area. He also doesn't stop giving help and advice to any who need it. Paultag is very friendly and considerate but still retains an air of authority. These are qualities that make a potent mix and a great leader and even more so a great friend. I wish Paultag every success in all his endeavours and support his application to be a part of the LoCo Council.
mmm - paultag - I have know him since I cast myself up on the shores of the UBT and have found him to be one of the most helpful people in that team. Lately I have come to know and rely on his positive attitude and leadership skills in some of the focus groups we are both members in - he would be ideally suited to a council type role, methodical when it is required is a most important trait. I believe that he will make a fantastic addition to the LoCo council for thes reasons. I am honoured to be able to call him a colleague and wish him all the best with his application for a position on the LoCo council. To summarise I am able to strongly support Paul's application without any reservations whatsoever.
David Rubin ( drubin )
- Paul was one of the first people I interacted with when starting out with Ubuntu for the first time just under 2 years ago. Even so early into my Linux journey his leadership and inspirational qualities were clear dispite his studies and lack of internet he always maintained strong sense of identify with the ubuntu-beginners-* teams. Very few things have stopped the tag from keeping up with the his teams he is apart of this is something to be admired by every one. Paul was and is the driving force behind Ubuntu-Beginners-Dev a sub team of Ubuntu-Beginners. He is a natural born leader his charisma and orator skills make him an excellent leader for any community project. I wish him every success with what ever he chooses to do.
Elizabeth Krumbach
Paul has been a pleasure to work with in UBT and has enthusiastically invited the PennsylvaniaTeam to several of the OhioTeam events over the past few months. He has also spent time with our team in #ubuntu-us-pa taking part in discussions and collaborating with the Western part of the team. This cross-team work is great to see
Nathan Handler ( nhandler )
I also met Paul through the Ubuntu Beginners Team. Since then, his ideas and suggestions have played a big role in shaping the team. He has also helped the Ubuntu Beginners Team Council resolve issues on several occasions. From the conversations I have had with him, and the blog posts I have seen on the planet, it also looks like he is doing an excellent job leading the North East Ohio LoCo. I believe that Paul possesses all of the necessary characteristics needed by members of the LoCo Council. He has my full support. -- 2009-10-03 02:38:47
Andrew Mathay ( mathay )
I met Paul through a chance occurrence two years ago. A girl I did not know some how caught wind of how there was a new-Linux user who lived across the hall from Paul. She made him aware of this and Paul wasted no time in introducing himself to me. In spirit of the principles of the free software movement, Paul not only opened up the world of Ubuntu and Linux to me but also opened up his mind and time to a complete stranger. Paul is a fantastic individual who sees his own role in the community as something greater than himself. Without the help, of at first a complete stranger, I would not only have probably broken my machine but I'd be without one of my best friends. Drawing from all of this, it is but an example of the exemplary character of Paul. The LoCo Council would not only benefit from his character but also his enthusiasm toward the community.
Around August, 2008, I wandered into ##ubuntuforums-beginners-dev in hopes of finding a room of people knowledgeable with coding and linux (Ubuntu). The first person in that room that I started talking to was <paultag> [Paul Tagliamonte]. I came into the picture relatively new to using Linux as my main o/s, but Paul has such an encouraging and motivating aura about him, that jumping off the cliff of what-used-to-be and free-falling into a realm of unlimited possibility was as seemless as an eagle soaring through the sky. I've had the pleasure of working with Paul in the Development FG of the Beginners-Team over the past year+, and his passion and his drive haven't ceased to amaze me. And to motivate me. I've also had the pleasure of working with Paul during the Global Bug-Jam for Karmic, which Paul worked diligently to organize and facilitate the first ever North-East Ohio loco/bug-jam gathering at John Carroll University. It was there that just confirmed my previous assessments of his due-diligence and his devotion. Paul's passion, knowledge and dedication for Ubuntu, the Ubuntu Community, and especially the Local Ubuntu Community are - in my opinion - absolutely indispensable. I feel that he will do whatever it takes to see any project he starts or any endeavor he embarks on through to completion.
Iain Buclaw ( ibuclaw )
- For the 2 years I have known Paul, if I were to describe him as a book, he would be one deeply intelligent, provocative book. Working with people, he is a natural, bouncy, and exhilarating guide for people to follow, and he has that exceptional touch to encourage people to work and learn. I feel that I have taken in a lot from studying him, talking with him, and joking about over Voip. And as of that, he definitely is one of the key figures in my time that have influenced me into taking on the Ownership roles within the support groups, aspiring towards Team Leader roles within the Beginners Team. Paul leaps like some superhero of the mind. He is funny, quirky and motivational, and he confirms his status as a guru for every would-be aspirant despot. When the time comes that we split to our own separate endeavours, I will always wish him the best success on his career, and never forget the times collaborating together. Along with his brash, stubborn and opinionated attitude with his curious, cajoling and entertaining mind - somehow, words aren't really enough to encapsulate this electric young man to whom I support and stand by his word.
Bodhi Zazen
**Warning** Paul is a hacker. Never satisfied with the status quo always trying to improve things. The testimonials on this page merely restate the obvious, paultag is a natural leader and has earned the respect of the community well beyond the BT. He has contributed to the BT in many ways, from guiding new members to education to facilitating entry into development. Paultag has my full support and would be a strong asset for the LoCo Council.
Diego Turcios
I met paultag in the Ubuntu Beginners Team he is a great guy,who has and is making a great job in the Ubuntu Comunnity. Taking lead of the Development Focus Group in which he gladful to help and guide new users (you haven't help me just joking I really haven't want it) He will be a great person on the LoCo Council he was great enthusiasm
Matthew Lye
To avoid saying 'me too' to everything already stated ill say this: Paultag has an unmatched commitment to motivate and encourage people to become actively engaged in all levels of the community. The depths to which he will go to help 'problem children' in the community to motivate them and keep then productively involved is a testament to his character, and his love for this community. I support Paultags application to the LoCo council with a simple warning; he will not quit trying to improve the way that LoCos' are run and supported, and he will change and improve things in unexpected ways with supprising results before his term is up.
Jacob Peddicord
Paul is a crazy awesome guy. I've known him for a while, but had the chance to meet him in person last year at Ohio LinuxFest. From the time that he took the helm of the Ohio LoCo, he got the team running and active again extremely quickly, with things such as ReLoCos, Ubuntu Hour meetups, and more recently participation in the Global Jam. He's very enthusiastic to get things done and isn't afraid to try something new. I completely support his application for the LoCo Council.
Doug Stanley
Wow, I'm late to the game here, so many people have already sung the praises of Paul. So let me just add that I full agree with the above statements that Paul is an excellent leader and one of the most friendly and helpful people I have met (and not just in the ubuntu community, but anywhere). I believe he would bring great insight as well as a creative spark, no not a spark, a flame thrower of creativity, to the LoCo council. In closing, I to fully support his application for LoCo Council.
Paultag/Plugs (last edited 2011-06-15 22:13:40 by c-65-96-24-129)