Ubuntu Portugal

Welcome to the Ubuntu Portugal LoCo Team Application Re-validation!

Key details

Team Contact:

Tiago Carrondo


Official site


Ubuntu Portugal

IRC Channel:


Mailing List:

Team Mailing List


Team Wiki


Telegram Ubuntu Portugal Geral

Facebook Page:

Facebook Page

Facebook Group:

Facebook Group



Geographic Information

Zona horaria Portugal/Lisbon


Structure and Governance

The Ubuntu Portugal project was born in 2005, with the goal of spreading the word about Ubuntu and free software in Portugal. We have a small structure to help us organise our venues and events, and also to manage members and their contributions. Currently, we have a Community Board of 5 elements and these take crucial decisions regarding the Community's evolution.

In late 2017 the Ubuntu Portugal community suffered a slight restructure to increase Portuguese contributions in Launchpad, either by translating applications or to just provide an healthy, welcoming and inviting environment to people that love open and free software, as much as we do.

Currently, these are our project leads, providing help unravelling local projects:

Team Leaders/Contacts

Ana Figueiras

Flávio Martins

Jaime Pereira

Miguel Gomes

Tiago Carrondo

Members with a significant and sustained contribution to the community are awarded official membership.


Regular Events

Local, National and International

Encontro Ubuntu-pt @ Sintra

Ubuntu Hour Lisbon

Encontro Online Ubuntu-PT

Ubucon Europe

Ubucon Europe 2016

Ubucon Europe 2017



Organized by the LoCo

Here follows a list of archived events in the previous years. We apologise for some empty entries as we sometimes forgot to add events in the calendar.

Events where we particpated



Event Name



Aula sobre Ubuntu e a Comunidade Ubuntu Portugal



Ubuntu v17



Microsoft Open Source Camp



Encontro Ubuntu

Associação Olho Vivo



Event Name






Encontro OpenSource Portugal



Smart Event




Event Name



É a Vida Alvim

Canal Q


III Install Party

Associação de Informática de Castelo Branco

Ubuntu Members

The Ubuntu Members are recognised for the great work they have done and are doing for the Ubuntu project. The following are subject to a very thorough inspection by the Ubuntu Community Council.

Our pride

This community was born with the sole interest in Ubuntu and Free and Open Source Software. Our compromise and goal is to help spreading the word about Software Freedom, and Ubuntu, because it allows all to enjoy the benefits of technological advances. Moreover, we want to establish a national representation of Ubuntu in Portuguese, in branding, images and events.

Throughout the years, the community has suffered its ups and downs. Not always we have been the most connected LoCo to the Ubuntuverse. However, we lately experienced the need to shift priorities and we recognise how much we benefit from being a part of the Ubuntu Universe and Community.

This re-validation of our membership would mean we are back on the right tracks and also a cheerful recognition of all the community's efforts.

Other treasures

Ubuntu Touch

We're a small community, but like all Portuguese we get very excited about innovation. That's why we got very excited and engaged with the vision of convergence that Canonical proposed and lead for several years. One of our more active members, Tiago Carrondo, was an insider and not only flew to London to get to know the first phone sold with Ubuntu pre-installed, but he also brought those exciting news to our community, and showed us the device both on our meetup events, and also on an online event.

Several of our most engaged members acquired multiple devices to run Ubuntu Touch, and although we miss Canonical leadership in this, we're also very happy with the Ubports community to take over the facet of Ubuntu, and we continue engaged and participating on this effort. We keep using Ubuntu Touch, we have a Telegram group language/regional group dedicated to Ubports, and we have an Ubports First Responder Team member and language Captain (Diogo Constantino).

Podcast Ubuntu Portugal

Two of our members have created a podcast with their view about Ubuntuverse dedicated to our community and all Portuguese speakers that love Ubuntu, it's the Podcat Ubuntu Portugal, inspired by other podcasts such as the Ubuntu Podcast.

This podcast is the latest effort for reaching out to Portuguese speakers and to divulge more information about Ubuntu.

PortugalTeam/Re-validationApplication2017 (last edited 2017-12-12 09:31:20 by gsilvapt)