Meeting opened by pedro_ at 19:00
<pedro_> Hello everybody and welcome to our weekly meeting!
<sense> Ah, winter time!
<sense> hello everybody
<pedro_> As usual agenda for today can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings
<pedro_> [TOPIC] Agenda
<pedro_> # review previous action items (all)
<pedro_> # Bugday -- pedro_
<pedro_> # UDS Feedback -- all
<pedro_> # Selection of new chair -- pedro_
<pedro_> i don't see the SRU report there, is that ok jibel ?
<jibel> no that's not ok
<pedro_> ok let's fix that then
<jibel> there IS an sru report today, as usual
<pedro_> thanks jibel
<pedro_> ok let's go for the first item and then jibel can give us the SRU report
<pedro_> [TOPIC] review previous action items
review previous action items
<pedro_> according to the log : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings/20101103
<pedro_> there's only 1 action item for this meeting
<pedro_> which is: pedro_ to reset Google calendar for QA meetings
<pedro_> and that's already done
charlie-tca raises hand
<pedro_> but looks like Google calendar went crazy
<pedro_> and it's showing all the meetings 1 hour later
charlie-tca lowers hand again
<pedro_> is that due to the DST ?
<pedro_> charlie-tca, go ahead please
<charlie-tca> you said it already
<pedro_> ah ok, so i guess we need to adjust the calendar again?
<charlie-tca> or wait to see if it fixes itself soon
<pedro_> ok let's wait till the end of the week otherwise i'll contact the fridge folks again
<pedro_> [TOPIC] SRU Testing
SRU Testing
<pedro_> jibel, the stage is all yours
<jibel> Hello all
<jibel> Over the past weeks 68 packages have been published to stable releases
<jibel> The list is available at
<jibel> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/SRUReports/2010-11-10
<jibel> * A total of 37 packages have been published to maverick
<jibel> * 9 packages published to maverick-updates: chromium-browser, gdb, hplip, kde4libs, linux-linaro, linux-meta-linaro, linux-ti-omap4, system-config-printer, sysvinit
<jibel> * 4 packages published to maverick-security: cups, flashplugin-nonfree, freetype, pidgin
<jibel> * 24 packages published to maverick-proposed: apparmor, apport, armel-cross-toolchain-base, bzr-builddeb, cairo, chromium-browser, eclipse-cdt, eglibc, evolution, gnome-keyring, humanity-icon-theme, light-themes, linux, linux-ti-omap4, nautilus, nautilus-share, openldap, pianobar, plymouth, rhythmbox, software-center, vino, x-loader, xserver-xorg-video-intel
<jibel> * A total of 16 packages have been published to lucid
<jibel> * 4 packages published to lucid-updates: chromium-browser, docky, redhat-cluster, udev
<jibel> * 5 packages published to lucid-security: cups, flashplugin-nonfree, freetype, libvirt, pidgin
<jibel> * 7 packages published to lucid-proposed: chromium-browser, debian-installer, dnspython, evolution, glusterfs, linux-meta, plymouth
<jibel> * A total of 9 packages have been published to karmic
<jibel> * 3 packages published to karmic-updates: linux, linux-mvl-dove, xserver-xorg-video-intel
<jibel> * 4 packages published to karmic-security: cups, flashplugin-nonfree, freetype, pidgin
<jibel> * 2 packages published to karmic-proposed: mesa, tomboy
<jibel> * 4 packages published to hardy-security: cupsys, flashplugin-nonfree, freetype, pidgin
<jibel> * 2 packages published to dapper-security: cupsys, freetype
<jibel> Thanks to Evan Broder (ebroder), DLCBurggraaff, Claudio Veschetti, D Tangman, dicairo, eballetbo, Gary M (game2), Irihapeti, John Rigby, Daniel Kulesz, Louis-Dominique Dubeau, Torez Smith, Martijn, mypc, NTolerance, Riccardo Murri, Rohan Garg (evilshadeslayer), madbiologist, Sebastien JAN (sebjan), Scott Howard (showard), The Loeki and Wolfgang Kufner for testing packages in -proposed.
<jibel> As always, you can see the current set of packages needing testing in the -proposed queue at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html . Your assistance in testing is always appreciated!
<pedro_> indeed thanks a lot to all the contributors
<jibel> any comment/question ?
<pedro_> any questions for jibel?
<pedro_> heh
<jibel> ok then, one more thing.
<jibel> Last week we talked about adding update testing as opportunities in Harvest.
<jibel> Its done, congrats to bdmurray !
<pedro_> awesome news!
bdmurray waves
<pedro_> thanks bdmurray!
<jibel> To see it live, go to http://harvest.ubuntu.com/opportunities/, in the opportunities list on the left, you'll find update-testing-RELEASE
<jibel> Checking these items will display the current SRUs (uncheck the limit on packages)
<pedro_> nice nice
<pedro_> anything else jibel ?
<jibel> no, that's all for today
<pedro_> jibel, ok, thank you!
<pedro_> [TOPIC] Bugdays
<pedro_> ok long time without having a bug day
<pedro_> for tomorrow we organized one for the Bugs without a package: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20101111
<pedro_> as you can see there, the vast majority of the bugs were already triaged!
<pedro_> so we might need to add some more bugs to that list
<bdmurray> heh, awesome
<pedro_> thanks to our rocking contributors : komputes, kamus, mistrynitesh and yofel for their amazing work
<charlie-tca> Great!
<komputes> pedro_: and the bugday didn't even start yet
<pedro_> let's add another 100 for tomorrow
<komputes> pedro_: lets
<pedro_> komputes, that makes you even more amazing
<komputes> hehe
<jibel> pedro_, don't be shy. add the remaining 513 bugs without a package and see how low we can go.
<pedro_> as always if you have an idea please add it to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Planning
<pedro_> jibel, heh only if you help us too
<pedro_> ok lets roll
<jibel> ok, I need some karma
kamusin jibel, yes! we can do it
<pedro_> [TOPIC] UDS Feedback
UDS Feedback
<pedro_> i see that item also included on the previous meeting agenda
<pedro_> is there anything else to discuss or that was added/leaved there for mistake?
<pedro_> marjo, ^
<charlie-tca> I think pedro_ wasn't here to discuss his stuff, maybe?
<marjo> pedro_ left there by mistake
<pedro_> charlie-tca, we discussed our items at the bugsquad meeting anyways
<pedro_> ok next item on the agenda is
<pedro_> [TOPIC] AOB
<pedro_> anything else to raise, discuss, announce, etc?
<marjo> pedro: yes
<pedro_> please go ahead marjo
<marjo> blueprints reminder: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu?searchtext=qa-n
pedro_ pass the mic to marjo
<marjo> please review and update the blueprints assigned to you, so we can finalize all blueprints by end of this week
<marjo> thx
<marjo> that's it from me, pedro_
<pedro_> thank you marjo
<pedro_> anything else guys?
<jibel> o/
<pedro_> go for it jibel
<jibel> with DST this meeting time is not really convenient can we move it by 1 hour ?
<jibel> in europe it 2000
<jibel> or 8:00PM
<pedro_> eek...
<marjo> ditto
<pedro_> same to ara then
<pedro_> so 1 hour backwards, 1800 UTC ?
<jibel> same to all the community members in europe
<jibel> excepted UK.
<pedro_> 1800 UTC sounds good to everybody ?
<jibel> lets vote
<marjo> jibel: we chose 1700 and 1900 a few months ago, so that we can accommodate as many time zones as possible (independent of DST)
<jibel> +1
<mainerror> +1
<pedro_> wait wait wait
<hggdh> +1
<charlie-tca> wait
<kamusin> +1
<pedro_> [VOTE]
Motion: |
hggdh waits
<pedro_> now you can vote
<hggdh> +1
<mainerror> +1
<jibel> +1
<kamusin> +1
<charlie-tca> Keep in mind, every other week we meet two hours earlier
<pedro_> +1
<marjo> folks: please see my note above!
<marjo> jibel: we chose 1700 and 1900 a few months ago, so that we can accommodate as many time zones as possible (independent of DST)
<hggdh> hum
<marjo> remember?!
<pedro_> but is not good now since the application of DST
<hggdh> perhaps 1600 and 1800?
<charlie-tca> That seems wrong. Wasn't 20:00 UTC the most popular hour?
<jibel> marjo, yes, I remember.
<marjo> charlie-tca: the compromise we reached was to flip every other week
<marjo> that's how we ended up with these two times; do we want to reconsider based on jibel's request?
<charlie-tca> but this is going the wrong way, and when time changes again, we move them again?
<marjo> charlie-tca: yes, we would have to flip at every DT/non-DT change
<marjo> that's the beauty of UTC!
<hggdh> and the bane...
<pedro_> so what would be?
<charlie-tca> yeah. that puts me at 8 am for the earlier meeting.
<hggdh> bdmurray: what about you?
<bdmurray> charlie and I are in the same tz
<marjo> can we defer vote until next week (to include ara in discussion)?
<hggdh> yes.
<pedro_> sure
<hggdh> pedro_: voting is still open
<marjo> pedro_ thx much
<pedro_> [ENDVOTE]
Results: 5 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstained. |
Overall: 5 |
Motion Carried: |
Motion Denied: |
Deadlock. If someone has a casting vote now is the time to use it |
<pedro_> [ACTION] Discuss meeting times
Discuss meeting times |
<pedro_> so we don't forget about it
<pedro_> anything else?
<charlie-tca> Might be good to see what else we are conflicting with moving these meetings
<pedro_> 3
<pedro_> yup, lets review it and share it next week
<pedro_> ok if there is nothing else:
<pedro_> [TOPIC] Selection of new chair
Selection of new chair
<pedro_> any volunteer ?
hggdh hides
<marjo> pedro: i've updated the next meeting agenda for that topic and assigned it to jibel
<pedro_> thank you marjo
<hggdh> oh, jibel is the volunteer?
<pedro_> didn't i heard jibel?
<marjo> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings
<jibel> yes
<hggdh> \o/
<pedro_> [ACTION] jibel to chair next meeting
jibel to chair next meeting |
<jibel> is that all, I was expecting a general ovation
<pedro_> last call, anything else to raise, discuss, etc?
<hggdh> I did
<pedro_> 3
<pedro_> 2
<pedro_> 1
<pedro_> #endmeeting
Meeting closed at 19:36
People Present
- kamusin
- pedro_
- sense
- jibel
- charlie-tca
- bdmurray
- komputes
- marjo
- mainerror
- hggdh
Actions Recorded
- Discuss meeting times
- jibel to chair next meeting
QATeam/Meetings/20101110 (last edited 2010-11-10 19:40:03 by pc-134-14-161-190)