Ubuntu QA 9.10 Roadmap
Specialization Within bug-control
Encouraging specialisation and mentoring in bug-control. High (i) PedroVillavicencio
Create a native Ubuntu package and/or a team PPA. - Medium BrianMurray
Tracking & Fixing
A session with engineering teams on processing bugs with patches attached. High (i) BrianMurray
Put in place procedures to discover major upstream infrastructure changes early and chart the regression potential inherent in these for our users. Use this information at around Feature Freeze to decide whether to push out the new changes or roll back. High (i) DaveMurphy
Adjust documentation and Launchpad functionality to steer more people towards using apport. Push back on various groups in turn to file correctly. Essential BrianMurray
The QA team will drive an effort to extend coverage of apport hooks to all core Ubuntu components. Medium (i) BrianMurray
Discussion with server team about including apport by default as well as increasing Apport coverage for server packages. Medium SteveBeattie
Test coverage
What tests do we need to include, and how to test them e.g. Webcam, Audio, Printing, etc. General spec for tracking extending test coverage. Essential RonaldMcCollam
Extend both manual and automated test cases to test a range of use cases and hardware configurations on a regular basis. High RonaldMcCollam
Add desktop tests to the daily hardware testing schedule on laptops and netbooks. High EitanIsaacson
Automated Mago Ubiquity Testing
Add ubiquity testing to daily automated desktop testing regime. Medium EitanIsaacson
Install & upgrade
Uses Ubiquity pre-seeding. Essential MarcTardif
Setting up regular conflict-checker runs. High RonaldMcCollam
Automated or semi-automated test distribution upgrades (i.e. jaunty -> Karmic). Coordination with Michael Vogt who already does some automated tests. Medium SteveBeattie
Perform install testing of UNR images on all laptop and netbook class devices as part of a regular testing - Incorporate automated desktop UNR tests from the OEM and Mobile teams. Medium RonaldMcCollam
Track the evolution of certain parameters such as boot speed and power usage that may not have a clear pass/fail threshold but for which historical data is desireable. We will extend out infrastructure to collect and display such data. Essential MarcTardif
Use regularly updated KVM instances that can be downloaded with various versions of Ubuntu for testing and debugging. Also consider instances that people can log into remotely. Medium SteveBeattie
A web application similar to the Ubuntu release weather report oriented towards Ubuntu pre-release testers that will display various bits of relevant information on the state of the development branch. Medium MuratGüneş
Various modifications to Checkbox to a) improve the user experience and b) provide required functionality for other Checkbox related blueprints. High DaveMurphy
Further modifications to Checkbox that are low priority or not fully defined. Although they are targeted for Karmic, they will only be tackled if there is time. Low DaveMurphy
Key: |
(i) - Informational |
QATeam/RoadMap (last edited 2009-09-30 22:37:27 by c-24-21-43-9)