
Revision 11 as of 2009-04-17 00:09:24

Clear message

To be carried out by: Steve Langasek, with support from the Ubuntu release team


  • Produce a comprehensive, thoroughly tested release intended for final publication
  • Execute a complete functional test of the release process in preparation for the final release

RC minus 14 days:

  1. Notify kernel team of KernelFreeze

RC minus 10 days:

  1. Notify developers by mailing ubuntu-devel-announce:

    • Pointer to milestone page
    • Reminder of freeze
    • Target any relevant bugs to the milestone
  2. Review problems and file targeted bugs for those which need resolution for the release candidate:
  3. Merge seeds and update metapackages for all derivatives
  4. Notify Michael Vogt to perform a GnomeAppInstallDesktopDatabaseUpdate

  5. Notify Scott James Remnant to perform a ReadaheadListUpdate

  6. Notify James Troup to remind mirrors to check free disk space
    • Include estimate of disk space requirements for pre-publishing the release candidate
  7. Begin UpgradeTestingProcess

RC minus 7 days:

  1. All CD-related problems should be resolved
  2. Announce the freeze on the #ubuntu-devel topic and ubuntu-devel-announce. There is generally no need to tell people to hold off on uploads, as they will be held automatically by Soyuz once the next task is performed.

  3. Set the distrorelease status to FROZEN in Launchpad

  4. Review problems and file targeted bugs for those which need resolution for the release:
    • Installation bugs
    • Upgrade bugs
    • High-severity bugs
  5. Selectively accept package uploads to resolve targeted bugs

RC minus 3 days:

  1. Stop all live filesystem and cdimage cron jobs
  2. Modify debian-cd/ to set OFFICIAL="Release Candidate"

  3. Go through ReleaseChecklist

  4. Produce a full set of images
  5. Notify Henrik Omma to begin ReleaseValidationProcess

  6. Notify Marc Tardif and ask for re-certification on test hardware
  7. Iteratively test and accept select showstopper fixes
  8. Ask the marketing team ( to prepare a web page about the changes since the last milestone. Please cc and

  9. Notify Matthew Nuzum to ensure that the release notes redirection table on is up to date

RC minus 2 days:

  1. Receive certification test results from Marc Tardif
  2. Prepare the release announcement
    • Notify Jonathan Riddell, Oliver Grawert for Kubuntu and Edubuntu inputs
    • Review -changes mailing list since the last milestone to make sure that all relevant major changes have been documented in the milestone's web page

    • this should refer to the web page prepared by the doc team rather than going into details of changes itself
    • update the page to include any caveats
    • notify loco teams to translate release notes (coordinate with Matthew Nuzum; URLs should be<releasenotepath>/<lang> for all languages)

    • obtain up-to-date list of triggered release mirrors from Canonical sysadmin
    • Notify Matt Zimmerman, to proofread the announcement and suggest changes, CC product owners (Rick Spencer, Rick Clark, David Mandala) and Marketing (Gerry Carr).

  3. Review targeted bugs and take final decisions on what to fix and what to defer
  4. Open -updates and -security

  5. Pre-publish ISOs (for CDs only). This is typically done with:
    • for-project kubuntu publish-release daily 20061019 alternate poolonly rc

  6. If requested by the sysadmin team, ask Colin Watson to remove the beta release from and, by moving all *-beta-* in .pool directories under /srv/ to directories under ~cjwatson/old-images/, removing the symlinks from other directories under /srv/, editing corresponding MD5SUMS files, and removing all *-beta-* from directories under /srv/ Note that this will leave without any visible images for this release for a short while.

RC minus 15 minutes:

  1. Publish the CD images. This usually requires mangling the .htaccess in the directory where the images are stored, and the top-level HEADER.html file, to say "Release Candidate" instead of "Beta", since publish-release isn't smart enough to do the right thing there

  2. Remove any not-yet-official warnings from the announcement and release notes
  3. Verify that all mirrors listed in the announcement or release notes have images, and remove faulty mirrors
  4. Check torrents for proper functionality

RC release:

  1. Update the topic on #ubuntu-devel

  2. Notify Matthew Nuzum to put the announcement on the website
    • News sidebar
    • /testing

  3. Send the release announcement to ubuntu-announce

  4. Post announcement to News & Announcements section (Matt Zimmerman and forum admins have posting rights)

RC plus 1 day:

  1. Continue on ReleaseProcess

  2. If any changes were made to this document in this run, check whether the changes also apply to MilestoneProcess, BetaProcess or ReleaseProcess.