Kuban community of Ubuntu (Kuban Ubuntu LoCo Team) - a voluntary community of users distribution Ubuntu GNU/Linux, living in Krasnodar Territory (Kuban Krasnodar), speaking in Russian, and united to promote the Ubuntu distribution among the inhabitants of Kuban. Kuban Ubuntu LoCo Team is a part of Russian LoCo Team.

Primary Goals in Krasnodar and in Kuban region

  • Promotion of Ubuntu GNU/Linux in all areas of human activity on the territory of Krasnodar Region
  • Support for Ubuntu users in the Krasnodar Territory
  • Increasing media literacy inhabitants of Kuban
  • Participation in development processes of civil society in Russia and the Kuban

The objectives of the Kuban community

  • Development of training materials for the users distribution Ubuntu GNU/Linux
  • Establishment the group of experts (high level) for solving various automatized information-processes using software included in the repository Ubuntu GNU/Linux
  • Creation, dissemination and implementation of applicant solutions based on the distributions of Ubuntu and other free software
  • Exchange of experiences and resources with like-minded
  • Assistance in creating LoCo Team in the regions of Krasnodar Region

  • Distribution Ubuntu GNU/Linux on physical media
  • Participation in the translation of documents into Russian
  • Participation in the localization of software in the distribution

Participation in team

Despite the fact that the group brings together users distribution Ubuntu GNU/Linux living in Krasnodar Territory, to join the group, can any Ubuntu user who considering and supporting the goals and objectives of the community.


See: http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ru-loco-kda/+members

Resources (in Russian)

The Report

Kuban Team

  • We are continuing to spread distributions Ubuntu 9.10 and Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS.

  • We also pass out topical monthly snap-shot Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS repositories.
  • The preparations for the implementation to create a typical automated information management system for business (SMB) based on Ubuntu LTS distributions, are at the finish line. The official start of the project is scheduled for April 13, 2010, the first anniversary of the Kuban community.

  • We have started activities to prepare for the first anniversary of the Kuban LoCo, including:

    • To ensure the coordination and action to spread distribution and customer support designed jabber conference kuban-ubuntu on the conference.jabber.ru server;

    • Work on the creation of "cloud" service based on the UEC for the participants of Kuban Ubuntu community has begun. Tentative start trial operation of service: 13/04/2010;

    • The group have started the preparations for the adoption of the Kuban Ubuntu community in the real (officially approved) Ubuntu Local Community (LoCo);

    • We have started discussions on proposals for events associated with the anniversary of the Kuban community and the Ubuntu 10.04 release on a community forum.


Previous Reports

As a part of Russian Team



RussianTeam/KDA (last edited 2010-04-21 08:27:51 by 95)