
Differences between revisions 108 and 110 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 108 as of 2011-01-24 14:36:20
Size: 14214
Editor: c-71-229-105-206
Revision 110 as of 2011-04-08 08:06:10
Size: 14347
Editor: host86-169-60-44
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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The current development version of the Ubuntu Server Guide is located in [[|a bazaar branch]] (lp:ubuntu-doc) hosted on Launchpad. There is also [[|an html version]] available online. The current development version of the Ubuntu Server Guide is located in [[|a bazaar branch]] (lp:ubuntu-docs) hosted on Launchpad. There is also [[|an html version]] available online.
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$ bzr init-repo --trees --format=dirstate-with-subtree ubuntu-bzr
$ cd ubuntu-doc/}}}

$ bzr init-repo ubuntu-docs
$ cd ubuntu-docs}
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$ cd ubuntu-doc/}}} $ cd ubuntu-docs
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Alternatively you can attach a diff of your changes to the associated bug report (do this before you commit your changes).
$ bzr diff > doc-change.patch

Here are some ressources to help you get things done.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact other ServerTeam members.

Bug Triager

Goal: Move bugs filed against server related packages to Triaged, Invalid or Won't Fix status.

The Ubuntu Server team participates in the general bug triaging of server related packages. Our resources are primarily focused on the following tasks (from the most important to the less important):

  1. Prioritize new bugs to catch critical bugs.

  2. Triage High priority bugs.

  3. Triage Incomplete bugs with response.

  4. Triage Incomplete bugs without response.

  5. Triage bugs in packages from server related packages.

  6. Triage bugs in packages you have an interest in.

Daily bug triaging

A specific member of the server team is responsible for looking at the bugs in a New state and a Undecided importance on a daily basis in order to set the Importance on each bug. This is expected to take less than 15 minutes per day.

For each bug on the list (search linked above):

  1. the importance must be set

  2. the status should be updated

  3. any missing information should be asked to the bug reporter and the bug status set to INCOMPLETE accordingly.

The default meanings of Importances and Statuses are explained at Bugs/Importance and Bugs/Status. Make sure you have these pages opened when triaging bugs.

Feel free to add your name to the list:






















Additional resources

Triaging bugs in Launchpad is coordinated with the BugSquad team:

Official tags

The following tags are used by the server team to track bugs relevant to various components:

  • uec: bugs related to UEC, the platform.
  • uec-images: bugs related to the images (guests) running on UEC.
  • ec2-images: bugs related to the images (AMIs) running on EC2.
  • eucalyptus: bugs related to eucalyptus the platform and shared with the upstream developers.

Developer/Packager resources

For packaging information, head to the MOTUs, the Master Of The Universe.

We're focusing on server related packages in main and universe.

Ubuntu Server Daily Builds

In order for our users latest testing software of various server software we have the Ubuntu Server Dailies PPA. To get software added one has to do the following:

  1. Add yourself to the Ubuntu Server Edgers Launchpad group here.

  2. If the project that you wish to add is not apart of launchpad, register the project and import the code into a launchpad branch.
  3. Follow the instructions on how to build a daily package here.

  4. Create a PPA in the Ubuntu Server Edgers group, the format for the PPA is the following:
  5. Display Name: <project> Edgers Archive

  6. Description: Fill with relevant informaion
  7. PPA Name: server-edgers-<project>

  8. Create your reciepe
  9. Publish to a blog post that the ppa is available to users.

Stack package names policy

Integration work on specific server stacks (Mail stack, cluster stack, etc...) sometimes result in specific integration binary packages. In order to provide a coherent user experience, those binary packages should follow the following naming rule:


As an example, mail stack packages could be named "mail-stack-delivery", "mail-stack-relay"...

Decision from 20100525 team meeting.

Server support resources

The server team offers support for server-related questions in #ubuntu-server.

  • The ubottu irc bot makes it easy to share an extensive set of factoids to others in an irc channel. E.g. typing !ask | noobie will cause ubottu to tell noobie that folks should just go ahead and ask their questions. Ubottu can also conveniently show the channel information on bugs and packages. See ubottu for more details.

Tester resources

We coordinate our testing plans in the Server testing section of the Testing project.

New test plans should be defined as new pages below Testing/Server. Example: Testing/Server/MyTestPlan.

ISO testing

Ubuntu Server iso testing follows the process described in Testing/ISO. We focus on testing the ubuntu-server isos following the Server installation test cases. The Iso testing tracker is used to track test results.

You can register with the iso testing tracker and subscribe to the ubuntu server testcases so that you'll be notified whenever a new ubuntu-server iso needs to be tested.

Documentor resources

This area is involved with updating and creating new content for the Ubuntu Server Guide and the community help website. We're working with the DocumentationTeam and focus on server related topics.

Ubuntu Server Guide

The current development version of the Ubuntu Server Guide is located in a bazaar branch (lp:ubuntu-docs) hosted on Launchpad. There is also an html version available online.

Here are the steps to modify the Ubuntu Server Guide and ask the DocumentationTeam to review your changes:

  • Create a directory where you'll put your local working version of the Ubuntu Server Guide:

$ bzr init-repo ubuntu-docs
$ cd ubuntu-docs}
  • Get the ubuntu-docs files that have the latest version of the Ubuntu Server Guide:

$ bzr branch lp:ubuntu-docs
$ cd ubuntu-docs

NB: that command can take some time as the whole history of the branch has to be downloaded from Launchpad.

  • Update the Ubuntu Server Guide files using your favorite editor. They can be found in the serverguide/C/ directory.

  • Once your changes are complete, commit them:

$ bzr ci

And send them to the ubuntu-doc mailing lists with the bzr send command:

$ bzr send

Alternatively you can attach a diff of your changes to the associated bug report (do this before you commit your changes).

$ bzr diff > doc-change.patch

Community wiki

  • The WikiGuide has guidelines for contributing to the help website.

  • If help is needed, the ubuntu-doc mailing list and #ubuntu-doc on are good places to ask around.

The Ubuntu Team wiki, at, is focused on documentation for Ubuntu community contributors rather than for end users

Developer resources

The Ubuntu Team wiki is the central location where Ubuntu developers exchange ideas and track their progress.

Team policy


The Membership policy is described in Membership.


The ServerTeam has a section in the monthly report. We try to get status reports on a weekly basis on the day preceding the IRC meeting. The ReportingPage is used to gather the outcome of the tasks done by the ServerTeam members during the week.

The montly report is a subpage under ServerTeam/ReportingPage. It's a summary from the Meeting minutes and the "a Month in the archive" post.

The subpage is automatically included in the monthly team report with a macro as defined in the ServerTeam wiki page.

IRC meeting

We hold IRC meeting regularly to report about current tasks and define new ones. The Meeting page presents the Agenda for the next meeting.

MootBot can be used to record the meeting.

irclogs are available on

Publishing the minutes

Once the meeting is over, minutes are prepared to summarized the outcome of the meeting.

  1. Create a new entry in MeetingLogs/Server/YYYYMMDD with the ServerTeamMeetingLogTemplate.

    1. Move the agenda from ServerTeam/Meeting to agenda section.

    2. Copy the irc logs to the Irc log section.
    3. Update ServerTeam/Header to announce the next meeting date.

    4. Write the minutes.
    5. Update the Agenda for the next meeting at ServerTeam/Meeting

  2. Publish the minutes:

    A script has been written to automate this step.


ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase (last edited 2019-12-10 22:29:10 by powersj)