Hurray, our first meeting is officially over and in my book, a success.

Meeting Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SouthDakotaTeam/MeetingAgendas/001
Meeting Schedule: http://sdloco.profarius.com/content/irc-meeting-num001


Road Maps

Our road maps were set as achievement goals for 2009.


It was decided that our target goal is to gain active users. We want to have a minimum of 10 active users by the time summer comes. We want to have a minimum of 40 active users by the end of 2009.


We will be attempting to create a flier to advertise our team.


There is currently no intentions of holding any significant activities in 2009. Unless we can reach our active member goal, we feel there will be a disheartening turnout to these events.


Dead Members

We have decided to deactivate all members in the Launchpad group. This includes members that were in the meeting. Users will need to rejoin the team in order to stay members. Since they were only deactivated, their 'Member Since' dates will remain the same.

This was done in order to gain a fresh user base and accurate count of current members. Members will be re-approved without actual consideration.

If the deactivated users do not reactivate their account prior to the end of the next meeting, their membership status will be revoked.

Membership Lifetime

All new or re-approved members will be granted membership for 365 days. Once this limit is reached, they will receive and email requesting that they renew their status. There will be no approval to this, no administrator will be involved in the renewal process.

FAQ Items

We have decided to put these items into our FAQ page at earliest convenience.

  • Become a Member
  • Why Join
  • Why Ubuntu
  • Who Are We
  • What Are We Here For
  • Team Services
  • Installation Support

Mirror Hosting

In a turn of events, we had a member join the meeting right at the tail end. It turns out this member has some affiliation with an ISP and may be able to score us a private mirror.

MTecknology had been hosting this mirror, but it was incapable of the smallest of requests.


All IRC logs are held at http://sdloco.profarius.com/stats/logs/

Meeting lasted from [14-Nov-2008 18:12:59] until [14-Nov-2008 19:13:46]


SouthDakotaTeam/MeetingNotes/001 (last edited 2009-10-20 22:16:28 by 138)