Feel free to cut and paste from SwissTeam/OpenExpo/2007-Bern...
See http://openexpo.ch/ (and notice the picture: the SwissTeam stand from March, of course!
List of people who think they can attend:
Emonkey (Carlos Diener) - (maybe both days, but maybe not
ManuelSchmid (only Wednesday afternoon, 14.00-17.00)
Adrianbruederli (only Wednesday, 11.00 - 17.00)
Lily SheGeeks 076 234 13 37 (Wednesday and Thursday)
TormodVolden (Thursday afternoon)
Mich (Thursday afternoon)
Brought back some Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs from Berlin (7.04, for x86 only) and of course some official Ubuntu flyers. Still in my car, will drop them in Zürich the next time I'll be there. MyriamSchweingruber
I too have some CDs (I brought from Sevilla). I can drop them off somewhere beforehand, if you tell me where! I won't be able to attend OpenExpo, since I'll be travelling abroad. You'll need to get in touch with me beforehand, though. I leave on Tuesday September 18th. PhilippSchroeder
I still have a heap of flyers at home from the last openexpo in Bern. I can either give them to someone in the team or someone could meet up with me and I can had them over. Besides that I also have the ubuntu highway to freedom poster. AndrewLiyanage
OpenExpo information
Information about stand and application form: http://www.openexpo.ch/index.php?id=62
Die dritte OpenExpo, die Schweizer Messe- und Vortragsveranstaltung für freie und Open Source Software, findet am MI 19./DO 20. September 2007 in Zürich-Oerlikon statt. Die OpenExpo wird organisiert durch den Verein /ch/open in Zusammenarbeit mit der topsoft Messe für Business Software. Dazu ist auf http://openexpo.ch der Call for Participation lanciert, der zur Anmeldung von freien Projekten, Firmenständen und Referaten über Open Source einlädt. Anmeldeschluss ist FR, 15. Juni 2007 22.00 Uhr.
SwissTeam/OpenExpo/2007-Zurich (last edited 2008-08-06 16:13:31 by localhost)