March 2014 Team Reports
If your team is not making team reports, see these guidelines for how to do so.
Ubuntu Governance
Community Council
- 2014-03-06 meeting:
- Check-in with Technical Board
Meeting log:
- 2014-03-20 meeting:
Check-in with LoCo Council
Meeting log:
Developer Membership Board
- #ubuntu-meeting: DMB, 10 Mar at 15:00 UTC
Full logs at
Meeting summary
- Chair: Stéphane Graber
- Present: Iain Lane, Stefano Rivera, Barry Warsaw, Micah Gersten
Review of previous action items
All items have been done at this time.
Confirm election results (Laney)
The discussion about "Confirm election results (Laney)" started at 15:05.
Vote: Confirm the nominations of micahg, xnox and bdmurray to the DMB (Carried with 5/0/0)
ACTION: stgraber to add the new DMB members, update the IRC bot, wiki, mailing-list subscriptions, IRC ACLs, ...
Ubuntu Core dev application: Adam Stokes
Adam didn't make it to the meeting.
Ubuntu Core dev application: Serge Hallyn
The discussion about "Ubuntu Core dev application: Serge Hallyn" started at 15:12.
Vote: Serge Hallyn for Ubuntu Coredev (Carried with 5/0/0)
Forum Council
An update from the Forums Council for March 2014
The forum gave an update on a new democratic way to nominate forum members for moderator positions. The council are quick to state it is only a draft currently but can be viewed here - . Feedback is welcome, please create a thread in the Ubuntu Forums Members area.
Caboose885 gave an update on the new unanswered posts team. Currently it has 9 members but is growing slowly. If you are interested in joining the team please get in contact with caboose885
IRC Council
LoCo Council
Membership Boards
Technical Board
Meeting 2014-03-17:
- Chair: Marc Deslaurers
- Attendees: Adam Conrad, Stéphane Graber, Steve Langasek
- Apologies: Kees Cook, Martin Pitt
- Review our current "provisional" Micro Release Exceptions
- Still pending
- LTS status for Ubuntu flavours
- Edubuntu, Kubuntu, Kylin will be supported for 5 years
- GNOME, Xubuntu, Mythbuntu, Studio and Lubuntu will be supported for 3 years
- [ACTION] infinity to mark 14.04 LTS flavor support in Launchpad
- Chair for next meeting: Martin Pitt
Meeting 2014-03-31:
- Chair: Martin Pitt
Ubuntu Development Teams
Reviewers Team
Xubuntu Team
- Team Meetings
- Team Updates
knome worked on the flyer, see for progress
got a few more translations of the startubuntu flyer
DONE: knome merged documentation and slideshow stuff
DONE: knome fixed docs translation validation issues
- elfy not much to report in qa - only planned calls for testing left are beta and rc
DONE: knome pushed a new start page for docs
- xubuntu-qa to get menulibre testcase up within the next week
DONE: knome and pleia2 worked on the flyer, almost ready
- elfy images got tested ~50 times
- elfy no upgrade testing done
- elfy ibus keyboard issue this has been picked up by someone from Canoncial Desktop Team
ACTION: xubuntu-qa Push upgrade testing, slow down on daily testing
- many bugs were looked at and some have patches queued
if there is any bug at you are working on, but is not assigned to you, please do that ASAP
- knome did things that are marked as "done" in the blueprints
- knome updated the website content + some page looks
- pleia2 completed website-related updates on /Xubuntu/Processes
- knome and pleia2 worked to get the G+ group owner issue resolved
- knome and ochosi worked on the wallpaper during the last two weeks, producing many blue variants
knome and pleia2 updated system requirements and added a new page at
Ubuntu Studio
Ubuntu LoCo Teams
Argentina Team
Asturian Team
Australian Team
Belgian Team
Cameroonian Team
Canadian Team
17 March 2014 - O'buntu Hour Kitchener-Waterloo
27 March 2014 - IRC/Video Chat meeting for Ubuntu-ca (Minutes and Agenda, Google+ Hangout)
Catalan Team
March 1st: Jornada Ubuntu Touch (App Dev School) in Barcelona with Canonical developer DavidPlanella.
- March 1st: irc meeting about where to do the next UGJ.
March 16th: irc meeting about activities on next Catalan part on UGJ.
China Team
Chilean Team
Ubuntu Colombia
Czech Team
first classroom training for new Ubuntu users (all details are available on official Czech site)
- preparations for 14.04 Ubuntu Release Party
Danish Team
Dutch Team
Ecuador Team
French Team
German Kubuntu Team
Greek Team
Honduras Team
Hungarian Team
Indian Team
Ubuntu Ireland
Ubuntu Israel
Japanese Team
- Event
- We attended Open Source Conference 2014 Tokyo Spring as exhibitor and speaker.
- Writings
- Software Design
- Ubuntu Weekly Topcis
- Ubuntu Weekly Recipe
Korean Team
Montenegro Team
Nicaraguan Team
Norwegian team
Philippine Team
Quebec Team
Romanian Team
Russian Team
Serbian Team
* Ubuntu hour - lectures for beginners were held in Belgrade haklab, every Tuesday.
* On Wednesday 12th, Ubuntu How-To day was held in Belgrade haklab.
* On Saturday 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th March, Administration team meeting was held.
South African Ubuntu team
Tue, 25 March: Monthly IRC Meet -- Minutes
Swedish Team
Swiss Team
Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team
Ubuntu United Kingdom LoCo Team
United States Teams
US Teams Project
Ubuntu California
Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team
District of Columbia Team
Florida LoCo Team
Iowa Team
New York State Team
Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team
Ohio Team
Oregon Team
Pennsylvania Team
Virginia Team
Washington Team
Wisconsin Team
Ubuntu Venezuela Team
Zimbabwe Team
Additional Ubuntu Teams
Ubuntu Accessibility Team
Ubuntu Classroom Team
- Hosted Ubuntu Documentation Day
- Put out call for instructors for Ubuntu Open Week
Ubuntu NGO Team
Ubuntu Women Team
Team Meeting March 11th