
Revision 45 as of 2013-05-21 20:57:18

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Classroom Sessions

This area holds previous classroom sessions, current ones and planned ones. If you would like to help by giving a classroom session please get in touch. Also, if there is an area where you feel a new classroom session would be of help... do please let us know!

Each new set of classroom sessions is held on the subjects of that release. However, if you are awaiting a classroom session for the current cycle, please do have a read of the sessions held for the previous one. Whilst some of the information may be out of date, the general idea is not. If after reading a previous release classroom session you still have questions.... Ask us, as it will help improve the next one!

Raring Cycle

Classroom Sessions held for Raring

Saucy Cycle

Introduction to Ubuntu Quality Team

Classroom Sessions held for Saucy