
Warning /!\ Ubuntu Touch is no longer maintained as a core product by Canonical. However, the Ubports community are continuing development.


Weather App design process (pdf)

Visual Exploration

Mockup from Andrea Del Sarto


Full size (svg)

Proposals from Michel Renon


Full size

Notes about proposal 2 & 3


Full size


Full size

Proposals from Lucas Romero Di Benedetto









Weather Spec

Note: we are tracking some of the design proposals before becoming final and placed in this spec in this document.

User story #1 Current Location

As a user I want to find out the weather for my current location so that I can view the weather on demand

Functional definition

  • Method for discovering user location
  • Method for looking up and storing weather data for coming days


  • Current location lookup (phone)


  • Current location lookup (tablet)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design tablet.png

  • Current location lookup (desktop)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design desktop.png

User story #2 Another Location

As a user I want to look up the weather for another location so I know what to take with me when I go there

Functional Definition

  • Method for searching for locations from a database


  • Location search (phone)


  • Location search (tablet)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design tablet.png

  • Location search (desktop)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design desktop.png

User story #3 Units

As a user I want to change the units used when displaying weather data so that I can correlate with other data sources such as TV weather reports

Functional Definition

  • Method to switch between metric and imperial


  • Settings page (phone)


  • Settings page (tablet)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design tablet.png

  • Settings page (desktop)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design desktop.png

User story #4 Upcoming

As a user I want to view the weather forecast for the upcoming hour in the currently selected location so I know which coat to wear today

Functional Definition

  • Method to obtain the latest weather data for the currently selected location
  • Data should already be cached to allow offline viewing


  • Current and upcoming weather (phone)


  • Current and upcoming weather (tablet)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design tablet.png

  • Current and upcoming weather (desktop)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design desktop.png

User story #5 Locations

As a user I want to quickly and easily look at the forecast in various locations so I can compare the weather where I am and where my friends are

Functional Definition

  • Method for storing forecasts for multiple locations
  • Method for refreshing all forecast data for all locations
  • Optional: Show multiple locations on screen simultaneously


  • Switching between locations (phone)


  • Switching between locations (tablet)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design tablet.png

  • Switching between locations (desktop)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design desktop.png

  • Showing multiple forecast locations simultaneously (phone)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design phone.png

  • Showing multiple forecast locations simultaneously (tablet)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design tablet.png

  • Showing multiple forecast locations simultaneously (desktop)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design desktop.png

User story #6 Forecast

As a user I want to see longer range weather forecasts so I can plan my weekend activities

Functional Definition

  • Method for storing multi-day weather forecast data


  • Multi-day forecast view (phone)


  • Multi-day forecast view (tablet)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design tablet.png

  • Multi-day forecast view (desktop)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design desktop.png

User story #7 Switch Provider

As a user I want to choose the best weather data provider for my location

Functional definition

  • Pluggable system for adding multiple weather data providers
  • Method for switching between data providers


  • Settings page for switching provider (phone)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design phone.png

  • Settings page for switching provider (tablet)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design tablet.png

  • Settings page for switching provider (desktop)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design desktop.png

User story #8 External Link

As a user I want to get more detail about the upcoming weather than the application shows because there are adverse weather patterns forecast

Functional Definition

  • Store custom generated links for each data provider, for each location
  • Method to launch browser directly from any screen taking user to details page from provider


  • Presentation of links to data provider website (phone)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design phone.png

  • Presentation of links to data provider website (tablet)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design tablet.png

  • Presentation of links to data provider website (desktop)

AppSpecTemplate/Needs design desktop.png

Touch/CoreApps/Weather/Design (last edited 2014-02-28 13:37:41 by popey)