Translations > Knowledge Base > Team coordinator role reassignment

Resigning when it's time

Reassignment of the translation team coordinator role might be needed when the existing coordinator hasn't been responsive for some time, or others think he/she can no longer fulfill the team coordinator responsibilites.

This is a completely normal situation and can happen for a variety of reasons: lack of time or involvement in the project, loss of interest, a long break, etc.

We encourage people in a leader position to resign when they cannot contribute as before, and pass the torch to other contributors wanting to step up as the new coordinator and lead the team. In such situations, please follow the simple procedure outlined in this document.


You are a team coordinator and want to resign

You want to request a change of team coordinator


Translations/KnowledgeBase/RoleReassignmentPolicy (last edited 2010-02-23 07:08:20 by 28)