Ubuntu Translation Statistics

These statistics represent the percentage of translation coverage in all languages for a given Ubuntu version at release time. As such, they provide an indicator of how well translated Ubuntu in a given language and release is. They are not intended to offer any other additional information such as how good font support or input methods for that language are.

The current method for calculating them is based on:

These statistics do not include the following applications:

More technical details can be found in the description of the code.

Important notes

LibreOffice, Firefox and Thunderbird translation statistics not included in the final result for Ubuntu 11.10

Due to LibreOffice, Firefox and Thunderbird not being translatable in Launchpad, their translation statistics data was not included in the final calculation. As both are big applications in terms of the amount of translatable messages, this might have had an impact in the translation coverage of some languages in the statistics.

LibreOffice translation statistics not included in the final result for Ubuntu 11.04

Due to LibreOffice not being translatable in Launchpad, its translation statistics data was not included in the final calculation. As LibreOffice is a big application in terms of the amount of translatable messages, this might have had an impact in the translation coverage of some languages in the statistics.

OpenOffice.org translation statistics not included in the final result for Ubuntu 10.10

Due to OpenOffice.org no longer being translatable in Launchpad, its translation statistics data was not included in the final calculation. As OpenOffice.org is a big application in terms of the amount of translatable messages, this might have had an impact in the translation coverage of some languages in the statistics.


Translations/Stats (last edited 2012-09-21 16:41:00 by dpm)