
Differences between revisions 46 and 67 (spanning 21 versions)
Revision 46 as of 2010-08-15 07:56:52
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Revision 67 as of 2013-07-16 19:44:11
Size: 10852
Editor: 197
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## page was renamed from TunisianTeam/ApprovalApplicationDraft
## Le brouillon pour notre approval en Juillet 2009
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 * '''Date''' - xx/xx/2010
 * '''First Approval Date''' - 22/07/2008
 * '''Team Contact''' - Nizar Kerkeni <nizarus AT ubuntu DOT com>
 * '''Date''' - 28/06/2013
 * '''Previews Approvals''' - 2008 ([[|first approval application]]); 2010 ([[|ReApprovalApplication]])
 * '''Team Contact''' - [[AhmedSghaier|Ahmed Sghaier]] <ahmed dot sghaier at ubuntu dot com>
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   * 156 Active Members on Launchpad as of 02 August 2009 (was 63on July 2008)
   * 376 people subscribed to the mailing list as of 13 July 2009 (was '''108''' in July 2008)
   * '''ubuntu members''' - '''4 new ubuntu members''' since our last approval :)
   * 126 Active Members on Launchpad as of 28 June 2013
   * 776 people subscribed to the mailing list as of 28 June 2013 (twice the number during last reapproval)
   * '''6 Ubuntu Members''' - New members are preparing Ubuntu membership applications before fall 2013.
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 * '''Facebook page''' - [[|Ubuntu Tunisia group]] with '''774 members''' as of 31 July 2010.
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## * '''Team Karma''' -
 * '''Best of Photos Album (2009)''' -

=== Events & Presentations ===
During the last two years, we focused our efforts on the presentation and promotion of ubuntu in schools and universities. Our LoCo visited different Tunisian cities to present and to talk about ubuntu and free software in general. At each visit we did some presentations, we distribute CD and we animate an install party for participants. One of our pilot project was '''the migration of the computing center of the ENIS''' (National Engineering School of Sfax), where we have installed ubuntu on '''150 PC''' ('''10 class rooms'''). Thus the majority of practical work will be done with ubuntu and with free software equivalent to proprietary software used before this migration.

'''30 event''' was held in '''9 towns''', '''18 high schools''', '''2 international event''', '''etc'''... All our events with reports, usually in French and in English (the complete report or an abstract), are grouped here : ''''''.

Presentations, manly in French some of them are translated in english, given by our LoCo members are grouped here : ''''''.
There is more then '''25 presentations''' given by '''13''' ubuntu-tn members where 4 of them are ubuntu members.

=== Team Reporting & UWN ===

As approved LoCo we tried as possible to write our monthly team report to be published with LoCo teams reports. Our abstracts are grouped here : ''''''. <<BR>>
Our reports are grouped here : '''''' , here is some statistics : '''13 French "details" page''' , '''13 English "abstract" ''' , '''11 French "report" page''' , '''9 English "report" page''' and '''2 ''Posters'' '''

To share our activity with the international Ubuntu community, we send many of our LoCo news to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter :

 {*} [[|Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #137]] : Ubuntu day Sidi Bouzid - Tunisia.

 {*} [[ | Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #135]] : Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team Events.

 {*} [[ Team | Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #128]] : Tunisian Team.

 {*} [[ Team Events in December | Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #123]] : Tunisian Team Events in December.

 {*} [[ in Tunisia | Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #115]] : SFD in Tunisia.

 {*} [[ Tunisia 2008 | Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #113]] : SFD Tunisia 2008.

=== Classroom ===
A first classroom session was organised by our LoCo and it was maintained under the name "Introduction to Bazaar". This session was a great success in our LoCo community and in the FOSS Tunisian community. For more information : '''''' and ''''''

=== Artwork ===
The goal of the "Artwork" page is to gather artwork for the community side of Ubuntu-tn and ubuntu.There is about '''26 "artwork" ''' on this page where '''14''' of them were created after the first approval (22/08/2008) : '''''' , take a look and enjoy them :)

=== LoCo Team Meetings ===
A monthly meeting is generally held to discuss LoCo actions and organise our activities. When needed, a non regular meeting can be organised. For each meeting we prepare an agenda and we publish minutes. Since our approval 20 meetings were organised ('''16 regular meetings''', indicated by {*} , and '''4 non regular meetings''', indicated by /!\ ). For a full history of our meetings visit : '''[[| our Meetings page]]'''. Agenda and minutes are in French. You can also see [[|our google agenda]].
 * '''LoCo Directory''' -
 * '''Team Reports''' -
 * '''Best of - Photos Album (2013/2012)''' -
 * '''Facebook page''' - [[|Ubuntu Tunisie]] with '''2,275 members''' as of 28 June 2013. (three times the number during our last reapproval)
 * '''Facebook Community''' - [[|Ubuntu Tunisia]] with '''2,657 members''' as of 28 June 2013. (Four times the number during our last reapproval)
 * '''Google+ Community''' - [[|Ubuntu-TN]] with '''8,152 members''' as of 28 June 2013. (One of the top followed communities on Google+)
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## Here you should provide a list of things you plan on doing. Include links to where these are discussed online and on mailing lists.  * ''Supporting the new team members of FLOSS club FreeMind'' - at the higher institute of computer science and communication techniques of hammam sousse.
 * ''Software Freedom Day''
 * ''Ubuntu Release Party 13.10''
 * ''Ubuntu Global Jam 13.09'' - We are planning more advanced contributions in larger number of participants for next Ubuntu Global Jams as the team members now have more technical experience with packaging and bug triagging activities. Our next challenge is to actually have some involved in each Ubuntu development cycle.
 * ''IRL National Meeting'' - Our community is in need of a new national meeting to reactivate members in most of the cities and increase the number of new active members. This is planned for the next two to three months.
 * ''Ubuntu classrooms'' - organize more classrooms to improve team skills in different field and involve more members in Ubuntu contribution.
 * ''Partnership with some FLOSS NGOs and broaden Ubuntu-TN activity'' - Activites and events for universities and schools will continue. But our next challenge is to reach more the non-academic public.
 * ''Youth events'' - Our new challenge is to offer the alternative to young people at their early age so they have the choice of freedom. We are planning to reach a much younger public.
 * ''Ubuntu-TN T-Shirts'' - produce ubuntu-TN T-Shirts and more ubuntu material such as stickers.
 * ''Increase active FF members'' - FF members are the heart of our team! they are the members who do most of the job and make the community more active and productive. We have been already working on increasing the number of this team members and we are planning to reach at least twice the number of Current FF members before 2014.
 * ''Introduce new types of events'' - such as development events, cooperating with other communities and teams, national and international events. This is not on the roadmap for this year yet. It should be planned for fall 2013 or for 2014.
 * ''Produce the first release of Ubuntu-TN magazine'' - This is planned to be done soon this year, the magazin then will be released quarterly.
 * ''More cooperation with other communities'' - More cooperation with other teams and communities from other countries may be planned for 2014.
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We want to continue our work in improvement of the Linux and ubuntu knowledge in our universities and help the University Club of Free Software to adopt Ubuntu as default Operating System like [[|we did at ENIS (Sfax) events]]. == Experience ==
June 2013
 * ''Ubuntu flash-coffee'' - [[|Some flash caffee photos]]
May 2013
 * ''Ubuntu and free software day'' - at Monastir Sciences Palace PSM 13.05 [[|Photo album]]
 * ''Ubuntu flash-coffee''
April 2013
 * ''Ubuntu flash-coffee''
March 2013
 * ''Ubuntu global Jam 13.03'' - at "Science Faculty of Monastir" [[|Photo album]]
 * ''Ubuntu flash-coffee''
February 2013
 * ''Ubuntu flash-coffee''
January 2013
 * ''Ubuntu-flash coffee''
December 2012
 * ''Opening event of the CLLFSM free software club'' - at "The Faculty of Science" Monastir [[|Photo album]]
November 2012
 * ''Release Party of Ubuntu 12.10'' - at the "National School of Engineering", Tunis ; [[|Photo Album]].
October 2012
 * ''Opening event and install party for ISIMUX club'' - Linux and free software club at the "Higher Insistute for Computer Science and Mathematics of Monastir" [[|Photo album]]
 * ''Software Freedom Day 2012'' - in cooperation with "Monastir Science Palace ". [[|Photo album]]
June 2012
 * ''Arabic Mozilla Meetup 2012''
May 2012
 * ''Ubuntu Release Party 12.04''
 * ''GNU/Linux Distributions Day'' - at "National Engineering School" Sousse [[|Photo album]]
 * ''Richard Stallman conference'' - at Monastir Science Palace [[|Photo album]]
April 2012
 * ''Richard Mathew Stallman conference'' - at The "National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology" Tunis [[|Photo album]]
March 2012
 * ''Ubuntu global Jam 12.03''
 * ''Participation in the first TEDx Sousse 12.03''
February 2012
 * ''Ubuntu flash coffee''
January 2012
 * ''IRL national meeting 12.01'' - at hackerspace
 * ''Ubuntu flash coffee''
 * ''open source communities meeting''
December 2011
 * ''Ubuntu Day'' - at "The Tunisia Private University"
 * ''the Free Software Day'' - at "Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Kairouan" [[|Photo album]]
November 2011
 * ''ubuntu and Free Software Day'' - at the "National Engineering School of Gabes" [[|Photo album]]
September 2011
 * ''Ubuntu Global Jam 11.09'' - at "private university of Sousse" [[|Photo album]]
 * ''Software Freedom Day 2011'' - at "The hotel Oliviers Palace of Sfax" [[|Photo album]]
 * ''Ubuntu Flash Coffee'' - [[|Photo album]]
July 2011
 * ''IRL national meeting 11.07'' - at "Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Sousse" [[|Photo album]]
May 2011
 * ''the Free Software Day'' - at "Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Kairouan" [[|Photo album]]
 * ''InstallParty Ubuntu 11.04'' - at "the association Youth and Science of Tunis"
April 2011
 * ''ubuntu and Free Software Day'' - at the "Higher Institute of Computer and Communication Techniques of sousse" [[ |Photo album]]
 * ''ubuntu and Free Software Day'' - at the "Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Sousse" [[|Photo album]]
March 2011
 * ''I choose freedom! I choose ubuntu!'' - Compain organization
 * ''Free Software Tunisian clubs'' - Participation in the Workshop
January 2011
 * ''Ubuntu User Days classroom''
December 2010
 * ''Ubuntu Day'' - at the Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics of Monastir [[|Photo album]]
 * ''National Conference for Free Software'' - Ubuntu Opening Keynote of Mark Shuttleworth ([[|Photo album]] - [[|Blog]])
November 2013
 * ''SIB 2010'' - Yearly national computer expo of Tunis
 * ''ENSI 10.11'' - [[|Photo]]
September 2010
 * ''ISET Charguia'' - Higher Institute for Technological Studies of Charguia
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'''More activities:''' most of our activities are events. We will try to get involved in more activities like translation and bug declaration/test. == Achivements ==
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'''Finish our website:''' actually we have only the wiki. The wiki is good for team work but can not replace a CMS and it's difficult to understand for a simple person. Our team have been able to achive all the goals of our last roadmap and even more then expected.
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ici expliqué notre structuration: groupe FF, MC, election

ici parler de la restructuration future (We need to keep things running, which is not easy with 14 members in the MC):
We have 7 work groups, each one has its planning:

 1. '''Secretary'''
  * Better preparation to our irc regular meeting: prepare the Agenda, fix the hour of the meeting using polls ([[|see an example]])
  * Writing the meeting minutes
  * Find a better process to voting new FF Group candidates: FF Group is the Freedom Fighters Group, members of this group have the right to vote in our public meeting and vote the annual candidates to our [[| Management Committee]]. [[|Here a better description of the group]] (French) and [[|here the launchpad group]].

 1. '''Relationships'''

  * Ensure and keep contact with the LoCoCouncil, the CommunityCouncil and other LoCo Teams.

  * Arranging irc-meeting between ubuntu-tn LoCo Team members and other ubuntu members from various Team like : ubuntuone, ubuntu-server, uwn to see how they work and also to have some nice "community" talk.

  * Contact famous FLOSS community members from ubuntu, debian, Sun ... to invite them to SFD or another Tunisian FLOSS event.

  * Encourage students and professionals to get involved in the ubuntu project and joined international teams or projects on LP.

 1. '''Events'''

  * Planning and organizing events and training workshops on Ubuntu.

  * Achieving the Ubuntu install-party.

  * Ensure the proper functioning of the group's activities and conduct demonstrations in good conditions. (Ensure the printing of posters, ensure the availability of material requested, ...).

  * Innovate the content of each event.

 1. '''Web&Tech'''

  * Creating and maintaining our site.

  * Setting up and management of local mirrors.

  * Animation and moderation of forums and IRC channel.

  * collaborate with other groups who wish to publish articles on the site.

 1. '''[[|Redaction]]''' <<BR>><<BR>>

  * FAQ's

  * How To's

  * Newbie documentation

  * Translation import into LP

  * Important documents translation

  * Well-indexed wiki pages (update/clean up)

  * Forum moderation and maintenance when needed

  * Three languages pack (en/fr/ar) translation for wikis

  * Reports review and validation accordingly to the approved template

  * Efficient usability of LP features for work collaboration and info sharing

  * New classroom sessions' (pre/post)arrangement on ''#ubuntu-tn-classroom'' <<BR>><<BR>>

 {i} This is an "in progress" roadmap for Redaction team: Note that mention of a [[|featured idea]] or the above todo list does not guarantee that it will be fulfilled, these are goals, not promises :-)

 * ''Activity diversity'' - The team was able to introduce new types of activities such as release parties, Flash caffee, Ubuntu Global Jam and new National and International events.
 * ''Supporting other FLOSS clubs and communities'' - During last years we have supported the launch of many new FLOSS club around the country and worked and collaborated with other clubs and communities.
 * ''Team skills improvement'' - not only we have planned Ubuntu Global Jam, actually we started teaching new skills such as packaging and bug triagging in Tunisia, now we have many members who are familiar with different activities of Global Jam and can do more advanced contribution. Members also benefit from the days spent together to share experience, build more relationship and join new members to the team. We are expecting to be able to share a good experience with other teams soon.
 * ''New LoCo structure'' - The new coordination team and new active members have been able to keep the community up an running with the appropriate new community structure. Even though this structure worked well, it is still not perfect yet, so new improvements will be coming as needed.
 * ''Ubuntu-TN website'' - The community managed to finish Ubuntu-TN website and managed to sponsor the domain name and webhost. Yet the website is still in beta testing and new improvements would be expected.

Key Details


  • Supporting the new team members of FLOSS club FreeMind - at the higher institute of computer science and communication techniques of hammam sousse.

  • Software Freedom Day

  • Ubuntu Release Party 13.10

  • Ubuntu Global Jam 13.09 - We are planning more advanced contributions in larger number of participants for next Ubuntu Global Jams as the team members now have more technical experience with packaging and bug triagging activities. Our next challenge is to actually have some involved in each Ubuntu development cycle.

  • IRL National Meeting - Our community is in need of a new national meeting to reactivate members in most of the cities and increase the number of new active members. This is planned for the next two to three months.

  • Ubuntu classrooms - organize more classrooms to improve team skills in different field and involve more members in Ubuntu contribution.

  • Partnership with some FLOSS NGOs and broaden Ubuntu-TN activity - Activites and events for universities and schools will continue. But our next challenge is to reach more the non-academic public.

  • Youth events - Our new challenge is to offer the alternative to young people at their early age so they have the choice of freedom. We are planning to reach a much younger public.

  • Ubuntu-TN T-Shirts - produce ubuntu-TN T-Shirts and more ubuntu material such as stickers.

  • Increase active FF members - FF members are the heart of our team! they are the members who do most of the job and make the community more active and productive. We have been already working on increasing the number of this team members and we are planning to reach at least twice the number of Current FF members before 2014.

  • Introduce new types of events - such as development events, cooperating with other communities and teams, national and international events. This is not on the roadmap for this year yet. It should be planned for fall 2013 or for 2014.

  • Produce the first release of Ubuntu-TN magazine - This is planned to be done soon this year, the magazin then will be released quarterly.

  • More cooperation with other communities - More cooperation with other teams and communities from other countries may be planned for 2014.


June 2013

May 2013

  • Ubuntu and free software day - at Monastir Sciences Palace PSM 13.05 Photo album

  • Ubuntu flash-coffee

April 2013

  • Ubuntu flash-coffee

March 2013

  • Ubuntu global Jam 13.03 - at "Science Faculty of Monastir" Photo album

  • Ubuntu flash-coffee

February 2013

  • Ubuntu flash-coffee

January 2013

  • Ubuntu-flash coffee

December 2012

  • Opening event of the CLLFSM free software club - at "The Faculty of Science" Monastir Photo album

November 2012

  • Release Party of Ubuntu 12.10 - at the "National School of Engineering", Tunis ; Photo Album.

October 2012

  • Opening event and install party for ISIMUX club - Linux and free software club at the "Higher Insistute for Computer Science and Mathematics of Monastir" Photo album

  • Software Freedom Day 2012 - in cooperation with "Monastir Science Palace ". Photo album

June 2012

  • Arabic Mozilla Meetup 2012

May 2012

  • Ubuntu Release Party 12.04

  • GNU/Linux Distributions Day - at "National Engineering School" Sousse Photo album

  • Richard Stallman conference - at Monastir Science Palace Photo album

April 2012

  • Richard Mathew Stallman conference - at The "National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology" Tunis Photo album

March 2012

  • Ubuntu global Jam 12.03

  • Participation in the first TEDx Sousse 12.03

February 2012

  • Ubuntu flash coffee

January 2012

  • IRL national meeting 12.01 - at hackerspace

  • Ubuntu flash coffee

  • open source communities meeting

December 2011

  • Ubuntu Day - at "The Tunisia Private University"

  • the Free Software Day - at "Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Kairouan" Photo album

November 2011

  • ubuntu and Free Software Day - at the "National Engineering School of Gabes" Photo album

September 2011

  • Ubuntu Global Jam 11.09 - at "private university of Sousse" Photo album

  • Software Freedom Day 2011 - at "The hotel Oliviers Palace of Sfax" Photo album

  • Ubuntu Flash Coffee - Photo album

July 2011

  • IRL national meeting 11.07 - at "Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Sousse" Photo album

May 2011

  • the Free Software Day - at "Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Kairouan" Photo album

  • InstallParty Ubuntu 11.04 - at "the association Youth and Science of Tunis"

April 2011

  • ubuntu and Free Software Day - at the "Higher Institute of Computer and Communication Techniques of sousse" Photo album

  • ubuntu and Free Software Day - at the "Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Sousse" Photo album

March 2011

  • I choose freedom! I choose ubuntu! - Compain organization

  • Free Software Tunisian clubs - Participation in the Workshop

January 2011

  • Ubuntu User Days classroom

December 2010

  • Ubuntu Day - at the Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics of Monastir Photo album

  • National Conference for Free Software - Ubuntu Opening Keynote of Mark Shuttleworth (Photo album - Blog)

November 2013

  • SIB 2010 - Yearly national computer expo of Tunis

  • ENSI 10.11 - Photo

September 2010

  • ISET Charguia - Higher Institute for Technological Studies of Charguia


Our team have been able to achive all the goals of our last roadmap and even more then expected.

  • Activity diversity - The team was able to introduce new types of activities such as release parties, Flash caffee, Ubuntu Global Jam and new National and International events.

  • Supporting other FLOSS clubs and communities - During last years we have supported the launch of many new FLOSS club around the country and worked and collaborated with other clubs and communities.

  • Team skills improvement - not only we have planned Ubuntu Global Jam, actually we started teaching new skills such as packaging and bug triagging in Tunisia, now we have many members who are familiar with different activities of Global Jam and can do more advanced contribution. Members also benefit from the days spent together to share experience, build more relationship and join new members to the team. We are expecting to be able to share a good experience with other teams soon.

  • New LoCo structure - The new coordination team and new active members have been able to keep the community up an running with the appropriate new community structure. Even though this structure worked well, it is still not perfect yet, so new improvements will be coming as needed.

  • Ubuntu-TN website - The community managed to finish Ubuntu-TN website and managed to sponsor the domain name and webhost. Yet the website is still in beta testing and new improvements would be expected.


TunisianTeam/ReApprovalApplication2013 (last edited 2013-07-16 19:44:11 by 197)