Team Structure

History of U+1
Team FAQ
Contact U+1
Join U+1

Team WorkIconsPage/picto_engineering_48.png


Docs & ToolsIconsPage/picto_articles_48.png

Testers FAQ
Testers Wiki
Ubuntu Forums

Ideas & ProjectsIconsPage/picto_education_48.png

Instructional Development

The U+1 Team is looking for new members. Only basic skills are needed for most tasks. This is an opportunity to join a friendly and talented community, learn fast and be an active part in Ubuntu future. Click here to know more.


The goal of this section is to collaboratively draft ideas that can enhance U+1 performance as a team. Our main goals are:

Mostly any coherent idea fits one of these goals. Idealy, as ideas are added to this section, other users can edit and improve them, turning thoughts and ambitions into mature projects.

Please add @SIG@ after your comment, so we can keep track of contributors. When the page is saved, this macro expands to your login and timestamp.


Short-Term (up to '''QQ''' Alpha 1)

U+1 Andnux

Communicate immediate testing needs and opportunities

Make testers wiki easy

U+1 Tools

Teaming / Mentoring

Recruitment Manager (Headhunter)

You+1 Initiative

Inverting the game

Develop alliances with other testing teams

Medium-Term (up to '''QQ''' Beta 1)

New Role - Marketing and Communication Manager

Invite developers to talk about what they like to see in bug reports, how we can help them better

Sikuli Automation

Long-Term (likely '''RR''' cycle)

Open / publicize this wiki area ("ideas") also for non-members and the larger Ubuntu community

Hardware Samples / donation, Lending. Hardware testing, certification

Sudo Code Quick Grabber

Testers Wiki Interactive Ebook

Suggestions for tutorials

Please add any suggestions you have for tutorials. We need to explain testing the development branch from all perspectives. These are some that I have thought of out of my limited experience. Share your experience through a tutorial.

Wiki Collaboration

Enter Idea Name Here #2

Enter Idea Name Here #3

U+1/Brainstorming (last edited 2020-02-29 11:46:42 by rs2009)